Billy Gold Teeth?????


Very Active Member
Boilng my Billy skull today...gonna cast some horns so I can use the real ones on the mount and save the skull too.

Anyways, I swear the molars look like they are gold plated in the area that is exposd above the gumline. It is a low luster...but no kidding they look like gold? has anybody seen anything like this...

Also he came from an area in Colorado that had a major gold rush...I am sure it is some kind of mineral in his food...but kind of wierd.

This picture doesnt do it justice and some has come off in the boiling process

We must go to the same dentist! I have a couple beauties just like those. ha
Weird teeth. My wife and I have a couple billys and they don't look at all like that.
Crap I'd be "panning" that water after you got done boiling the skull! Way cool


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?
Be worth testing to see if its real gold. Crazy...

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."
This is what I found out
Early in the 1900's, golden tooth goats were followed to find the mother load.

Science has a way of ruining things....

" IN NATURE of June 9 last (p. 459), recently arrived here, is a communication from Mr. W. J. Lewis Abbott concerning the metallic-looking encrustation occurring on the teeth of sheep. In Proc. Linnean Soc. N.S. Wales (vol. 45, 1920, p. 324), abstracted in NATURE of April 21 last (p. 249) and reprinted in full In the Chemical News (vol. 122, p. 49), I give a detailed report, with analyses, of this and similar deposits on the teeth of a number of other animals, including man. In no case is the deposit of a metallic nature, but consists entirely of a salivary encrustation composed usually mainly of phosphate of lime with organic matter. The metallic appearance is an optical effect due to the refraction of light by the overlapping thin lammell? of the deposit."

The organics included to produce golden teeth likely come plants of the genus Polygonaceae, such as Mountain Knotweed....

Damn that science!!!! I was gonna back track him to the mother load...Eureka!!!!!

But is is going to be a fun fact in the story I am writing...which already has a miner/mining aspect....I was amazed during my hunt sign of mining in high and crazy spots.... on a HUUUUGE mountinan his 1000 foot death tumble was stopped by a two yard gash in the mountian from a miner a 150 years ago...the only way he would have stopped not being a hairy wad of was the only sign of mining for miles...and now he has a Gold grill...

So who am I to belive some geek with a botany book or a series of miricles. That country is deep in snow summer I am going back to that diggings and bring some tailings out and pan them out...
Love to hear the outcome of the gold panning trip, that miner may of found gold then was killed, who knows.
They sure do look golden.

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