Billy Brute Bronze


Very Active Member
Posted some pictures and text of my Colorado Billy this year. I squeeeeeze everything I can get out my hunts...just finised the magazine story "The Golden Goat of Orge Valley" look down the page for "Billy Brute" and "Billy Golden Teeth" for some pictures of the actual hunt and animal....

Here is the bronze if did inspired by my Billy and the hunt he gave me. Bronze is a long process (and expensive)...but I love it. The name of the piece is "Cloud Walker" I put him on the end of the rock wanting to make the statement of high and lonely mountian recluse...

Also a shout out to Great Western... after long talks with both of our passionate arty hunting brains going full out he kept bugging me to give it a try. Without his spark I don't think I would have ever tried it...

I like a looser expressive style to try and capture the animals spirt and not just make a straight out copy of them...if you look closer I put ina a bit of wind across his beard and facing side....

It is always hard to capture 3d art in a 2d photo...but I guess you get the idea.....










Something about good art just inspires, but this piece represents the fulfillment of a long awaited dream. Very cool sequence of pictures telling the whole story around your work. That's awesome. Very nice, and thanks for sharing!
Thanks guys....I squeeze everything I can out of these hunts....normally write a re-relish it...alos doing a bronze is another way to relive it and try and tame my art lust. big art lover but nothing like putting you hads on a bronze. Hunters are like that we like to put out hands on things
how many hours...all together...really hard to say...sometimes I go for several hours or sometime something strikes me and I go for 2 minutes...I have to live with a piece for a month or two to really see it in all lights and moods...
I can not express how awesome I think this is! That turned out great. Please tell me you did not break the mold on that. Please PM me (and reply on this thread that a PM was sent) if it might be possible to get a replica. I might not be able to afford it, but regardless I want you to know you did a great job!
Thanks guys for the Kudos I love working on thee pieces. Gznokes nop the mold in intact. I really lvoe huntets to have my pieces because almost all my stuff isn inspired by the animals I hunt...

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Sweet, you're really crankin' right along Ted! Love the composition and the rocks, makes for a very striking silhouette

Keep em coming!

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