Billings, MT Antelope Buck(pic's)


Received these pictures from a friend who lives there and this Buck came into his front yard and drank water out of the bird bath, then just walked away to another yard for feeding.
I am living in the wrong state. If there is something in my front yard, it is looking to steal something.
No Way!! Looks like a pretty residential neighborhood too, I couldn't imagine having an antelope in my front yard. Sweet.
bet if the pic showed the area just outside the subdivision it would be "dry as a popcorn fart" :)

thanks for the pics brian.
I bet you are right about it being dry. I bet the subdivision is near the Billings Sentinel High School. There are alot of speed goats out there.

LAST EDITED ON Aug-21-04 AT 11:24PM (MST)[p]The pictures were taken just east of Governor's Blvd in the residential area. To the west of this Governor's Blvd. is the Billings Airport. I looked for this Sentinel H.S. but the only one listed is in Missoula. There is a West and East H.S. listed but no Sentinel. But that might be old info too.

I got the name wrong I meant Billings Skyview. But near the airport means it is near the rims so that makes sense. The High School is just north of the airport. Sorry for the name confusion.

That's a first for me. Never have seen them that close to a residential area. I bet the neighborhood kid with the bow has him patterned! LOL

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