Bill Moves Foward


Long Time Member
I was rooting around yesterday & came across this. Surprised it hasn't got any discussion. Is it true the game commission is against this and considers the legislature's action as an 'end run', so to speak?


Archery bill unanimously​

passes Idaho House​

Feb. 14, 2022

BOISE — Legislation giving Idaho archers an opportunity to use lighted nocks and mechanical broadheads passed the House on a unanimous 63-0 vote Friday.

“This is something that sportsmen have been asking for for quite some time,” said Rep. Brandon Mitchell, R-Moscow. “We’re the last state in the nation to allow these items.”

The nock is the portion of an arrow that fits over the bowstring. A lighted nock has an electronic light that makes it easier for hunters to track the flight of the arrow and recover lost arrows.

Mechanical broadheads are arrow points with movable blades that spread upon impact, creating larger wounds.

“They allow for a more humane kill, and bigger blood trails make it easier to track down the animal, so there’s less wasted game,” Mitchell said.

The Idaho Fish and Game Commission has previously rejected the use of lighted nocks or mechanical broadheads.

Because the devices contribute to a higher hunter success rate — and only a limited number of animals can be harvested — the commission worries they’ll lead to shorter hunting seasons or fewer tags being issued.

House Bill 507 now moves on to the Senate for further action.
Never understood the logic on either of these. Once the arrow leaves the bow the outcome is determinant. Doesn't knowing whether you hit the animal and being able to track it, and presumably recover it, mean less animals harvested not more? Idaho doesn't require you to stop hunting if you wound and don't recover an animal.

Glad they passed it.
Never understood the logic on either of these. Once the arrow leaves the bow the outcome is determinant. Doesn't knowing whether you hit the animal and being able to track it, and presumably recover it, mean less animals harvested not more? Idaho doesn't require you to stop hunting if you wound and don't recover an animal.

Glad they passed it.
It appears only in the House, so far. This is the current status:

Maybe I'm more of a traditionalist (even though I shoot a compound). I certainly wouldn't trust a mechanical broadhead on western game. Heck, I've watched bull elk shrug off a shoulder hit with a fixed broadhead like not much happened.

I'm opposed to lighted knocks because we already have enough advantages over the animals we pursue. A lighted knock doesn't help you aim, only bolsters confidence to take marginal shots.

If it's the last two minutes of shooting time, with heavy cloud cover, and a buck steps out, I doubt I'm letting an arrow fly. I have to believe that more people will let an arrow fly in that situation thinking they can at least find the arrow more easily, and know whether they need to come back to track in the morning.
i just want my arrow back. last two years bulls i've killed, full pass through, i couldn't find those damn things for the life of me
I like a lighted nock but you couldn't run fast enough to give me an expandable broadhead.
I don't see how a lighted nock would promote wild shooting or poor sportsmanship. I guess anything is possible.

I use expandables on deer, they have always worked great for me, (not here in ID) but on elk I like fixed blades, had good luck with Wacems 3 blade, not a large blade but they are very accurate and they have done the job great for me and my buddies.
It would give everyone choices. You want to use lighted go for it. If not no problem. Same with the broadheads. I hate to say it but if it's the last 2 minutes of light and a buck steps out most guys are letting it fly anyway. At least with a lighted nock you will know if you have a tracking job. I see it as being more ethical. Just my personal take.
An older snippet, this one more on the true controversy...
Bill on archery equipment rules advances

William L. Spence, Lewiston Tribune, Idaho

Feb. 8—BOISE — A territorial dispute between the Legislature and Idaho Fish and Game Commission over archery equipment rules advanced to the House floor Monday.

The House Resources and Conservation Committee recommended approval of House Bill 507, which allows for the use of lighted arrow nocks and mechanical broadheads.

In doing so, the committee ignored testimony urging lawmakers to respect the commission's rule-making authority. Instead, members chastised the commission for being "nonresponsive" to archers on this issue.

"This is a gut-wrenching thing for me," said House Resources Chairman Marc Gibbs, R-Grace.

As a former Fish and Game commissioner himself, Gibbs said he never wanted the Legislature to trespass on the commission's business.

However, "the commission has had ample opportunity to work on this (archery equipment) issue," he said. "When they're nonresponsive to the public, this is what happens. A bill comes forward ... I apologize to the commission and don't think this should happen routinely, but this time I don't think they got it right."

Rep. Brandon Mitchell, R-Moscow, the bill sponsor, said Idaho is the only state that still prohibits lighted nocks or mechanical broadheads.

"We're just trying to make it so hunters in Idaho have this opportunity," he said.

The nock is the portion of an arrow that fits onto the bowstring. A lighted nock has an electronic light that makes it easier for hunters to track the flight of the arrow and recover lost arrows.

Mechanical broadheads are arrow points with movable blades that spread wide upon impact, creating larger wounds.

"The animal bleeds out faster and dies quicker," Mitchell said. "It's more humane, and it's easier to find them because the blood trail is deeper."

The main intent of HB 507, he said, is to make it easier for hunters to find dead or wounded animals and thereby waste less game.

Several people testified against the legislation, primarily because they don't want the Legislature intruding on the Fish and Game Commission's rule-making authority.

"Our stance isn't for or against lighted nocks," said Brian Brooks, executive director of the Idaho Wildlife Federation. "Our opposition is in regard to participation ... The regulation-setting process is something sportsmen are very passionate about. They like to participate."

Brooks said the commission's negotiated rule-making process gives sportsmen across the state an opportunity to provide input on proposed rule changes. It's more robust than anything the Legislature would do.

Josh Hanson, of Pocatello, agreed.

In 2020, Hanson authored a petition that collected more than 10,000 signatures, asking the commission to reconsider its opposition to lighted nocks.

"I'm in full support of lighted nocks," he said.

Nevertheless, he thinks lawmakers should stick to their own turf when it comes to hunting rules.

"I don't believe the Legislature should have a role in deciding what equipment we can or can't use," Hanson said. "The Fish and Game Commission was set up for that reason."

Jim Fredericks, deputy director of the Idaho Fish and Game Department, said the commission's resistance to technological improvements stems from concerns about "technology creep."

Mechanical broadheads make it easier for archers to hit targets from farther away, he said. Consequently, they allow hunters to kill more animals — which can only result in shorter hunting seasons or fewer tags being issued.

"Increased success rates may lead to less opportunity involving shorter seasons, caps on tags or the increased use of controlled hunts," Fredericks said. But "Idaho hunters have consistently supported maximum opportunity, preferring longer seasons and general hunts."

Benn Brocksome, with the Idaho Sportsmen's Alliance, testified in support of the bill — with one caveat.

"The ability for season-setting and methods of take to be managed by the (Fish and Game) Commission is sacred to sportsmen in Idaho," he said. "We respect that process and hope you will, too."

The bill now goes to the full House for further action.

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