bighorn sheep



I have never applied for a sheep tag and would like to start next year. I know very little about bighorn sheep and how the whole draw process works. I have a few questions, if some of you more knowledgeable hunters would help me with.
What state would I most likely draw a tag for the quickest? How long will it take to draw a tag?
What state has the best sheep hunting?
What units should I apply for?
How does the tag draw process work?
Is it possible that I would never draw or be to old to be able to hunt?
Is there anything that I could do to increase my odds?
I am 30 years old and in good shape , I bowhunt and rifle hunt so I would go to any state as long as it doesn't cost 3arms and 4 legs to go.
Any input or advice will be greatly appreciated.
thanks in advance.
Those questions could take awhile to answer but I'll give you a brief overview. It is very possible you will not draw a sheep tag in your lifetime. Of course, by not participating in the draws, you definitely won't. There isn't a state that you can point to and say you will draw a tag. Some states purportedly have better odds; ID for instance. Many states require the tag fee upfront and/or require you to buy a $100+ license just to apply. Others such as UT and NM only charge a small fee; $5 or so. Obviously the odds are worse in those states but it is a small price to pay to play. Most guys who seriously want to hunt sheep shell out a lot of $$ each year in nonrefundable fees and apply in as many states as we can. I personally think that is the best strategy. If you start now and stick with it, you may draw a tag. There is a guy on here that has been applying to all the states for the last 12 years or so and drew NM $ MT (Ewe) in 04 and now CO this year. The key is persistence and of course $$$. Feel free to PM me for specific info on specific states, I always enjoy taking sheep!

"Whatever you are, be a good one."
- Abraham Lincoln
I have applied for every state (got started on Wyoming a year late) for 10+ years and don't expect to draw a tag. Same for Goat and Moose. I did get lucky and draw a moose this year.

The latest issue of Grand Slam/OVIS had an obituary for a gentleman that needed a desert to complete his slam. It said he applied every year since 1965...and never drew a permit.
LAST EDITED ON May-26-06 AT 11:37AM (MST)[p]RE: What state would I most likely draw a tag for the quickest?
- Quick is a relative term. It took me 10+ years to draw my first sheep permit. It only took my wife 2 years, but then she hasn't drawn again in the last 9 years. There is no sure thing (except the Montana unlimited tag area).

RE: How long will it take to draw a tag?
- You could draw your first year applying. Check out the guy on here that drew unit 11 in Idaho on his first try. Wow. That's the most coveted sheep tag in the lower 48. Conversely, you may never draw a single tag.

RE: What state has the best sheep hunting?
- I don't know how to answer as that's another relative term. What is meant by "best sheep hunting"? The experience, the area, the size of the rams?

RE: What units should I apply for?
- That depends entirely upon what you are looking for. What are your priorities? What can your wallet handle and what can you personally stomach with respect to outlay to play to "sheep tag draw game" each year?

RE: How does the tag draw process work?
- Each state is different. A book could be written on this subject alone. And, of course, the book would be obsolete immediately as things change from year to year.

RE: Is it possible that I would never draw or be to old to be able to hunt?
- Yes.

RE: Is there anything that I could do to increase my odds?
- You must be in the game to have a chance to draw. The more states you're in, the better opportunity you give yourself to get lucky somewhere at sometime.

RE: I am 30 years old and in good shape , I bowhunt and rifle hunt so I would go to any state as long as it doesn't cost 3arms and 4 legs to go.
- Welcome to sheep hunting. There is really not much about it that is not expensive. Think about this: When you draw a tag are you going to cut corners on expenses with a once-in-a-lifetime tag in your pocket?

All of the above is stated not to discourage you, but to encourage you to be honest with yourself and know what you're getting into. I didn't draw for years and years. Then things started to pop for me in 2004. I drew a Montana ewe tag and the New Mexico Desert ram tag that year. This year I've already drawn both Colorado Rocky Mountain Bighorn ram and Colorado Mountain Goat tags. I put in for all states that have sheep tags available for me to draw (ND, MT, WY, CO, NM, ID, AZ, UT, NV, CA, OR, WA), plus most every tag raffle there is. You'll want to join Grand Slam Club / Ovis (GSCO) if only to receive the magazine(s). They are loaded with information and serve as a great sheep hunting junkie "fix". Lots of information on the state draws is also posted on their website's community forum (
Thanks for all the great info guys. Keep it coming. I was surprised to learn how little I acually knew about sheep hunting.I really want to go, so I am in for the long haul.

I was also curious what ya'll thought about the cabelas t.a.g.s. operation. Since I know so little about applying and that I would want to use an outfitter on such a hard to draw tag, do ya'll think it is a good system or would I be better off doing it myself.
States like New Mexico and Utah are very easy for you to do it yourself. Small up-front fees and on-line applications you can't screw up.

One of the advantages of using T.A.G.S. is that they front the permit costs. Other application sevrices to look at are Larry Altimus and Garth Carter.

For me, part of the fun lies in the research of the different areas in a given state (draw odds, hunter success, trophy quality). The applications are fairly straight-forward in Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado.

Like Ramdreamer said, look at
They have links to all the Game and Fish agencies. The membership, to me, is worth its weight in gold.

One thing to also consider: many states have some type of bonus or preference point systems in place. Some of these are 10+ years old. You are WAY, WAY behind in the points game. Some states are so far statistically out of your reach (California, Arizona), you may want to use that money for your "Dall sheep fund".
dwalton said it right, part of the fun is doing the research yourself. If you use cabelas tags (and I have in the past), use them to float the $$ for you. However, a bank loan may be cheaper. I got some good advice from RamDreamer a few years back: Start a sheep fund and use the $$ from it to apply each year. Add to it each year and you will be able to add more states.

"Whatever you are, be a good one."
- Abraham Lincoln

That article was about Mitchell Thorson that I sent in some time back when I saw a list of 3/4 slammers. I guess none of the family even thought about informing GSC/OVIS about Mitch's passing from cancer. He was quite a fella and knew him and have talked with him a few times here in my home town.
He had the money to buy a Gov. tag etc but wanted to draw it like most of the hunters do, by luck of the draw.

Thanks for that bit of info! I truly enjoy chatting with sheep hunters and hearing their stories. Sometimes it's as good as going on a sheep hunt for myself.

For what it's worth, it took me 11 years before I drew a sheep tag as a resident (Nevada, desert).
i dont know much about it really either... this was my 2nd year putting in as a noth dakota resident and i drew... i honestly thought they just kidded about it and never really actually gave out tags they are so rare to get... i guess im one of the lucky ones...
You absolutely are one of the VERY lucky ones drawing a ND tag. I've applied there for years and haven't drawn (and it's not cheap for a non-resident to apply there).

Take the tag and the once in a lifetime opportunity very seriously. This could be the only sheep tag you ever get in your lifetime, they are that hard to come by nowadays.

Good luck!
Nowhere can you expect to have even 50/50 odds in the next 10 years.

WY slims odds, unguided probably 1%, CO takes 4 years but some archery hunts approach 10% NR I believe, but you are behind in points so that hurts. Utah/NV/AZ/MT odds well under 1/2% Idaho under 1%

Best bet is decide how much you are willing to spend first, many draws cost $150 to apply. Overall, by far CO best odds and $3 app fee. All others are a distant second except MT unlimited!

What can you do? Move to CO, res bow odds can by 1:3

Good luck I spend $300 a year applying for sheep, have been in for 7 years, plan to be in for at least 30 more and if nothing changes (and it will - NR will get less tags and more people will apply) I should draw 2 sheep tags. I may draw none but looking at odds I should get right around 2 (I apply in CO, MT, AZ, WY & UT)

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