Bighorn Sheep



My buddy & I have a Dall sheep hunt planned for 2006, but after that, I have volunteered to start searching for the best way to apply for one of the "draw of a lifetime" nonresident buddy Bighorn tags. What is the best way for me to get started? Should I ivestigate USO or should I start applying in each state? I relize drawing a tag is a long shot. Any suggestions are appreciated.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-27-05 AT 09:40PM (MST)[p]1) Don't use USO, Don't use USO, Don't use USO.

2) It's actuaully fun and not hard to do to research and apply on your own.

3) You'll most likely need cash reserves, good luck, and a lot of time. I look at my sheep apps. as my bank account with -5% interest.

4) If you don't apply, you'll definately never draw.

5)The huntin fool(although not needed), is probably the best way to get good info for $100.

6) If your not well into the pref. point game in WY, you might as well forget about building points. State F&G agencies are taking notice at the extraordinary amounts of money people are willing to pay for a sheep tag. Therefore the tag prices and nonrefundable application fees are increasing exonentially every year. Sheep hunting will most likely be too pricey for most nonresidents (including myself) within the next few years.

7) Refer to post number #1, if you're set on an application service, please do not support these clowns.

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