Bighorn Ram checking out dead buck


Very Active Member
While out looking on one of my hikes this fall. I came across this ram checking out a dead 2 point buck. The buck had been dead for a week or two and the birds had been picking at it.
It looks like in the video, the ram is trying to say... Hey buddy, you ok.
Anyway, something you don't come across very often.

There's always next year
>Crazy video Koby. I'm not
>sure he didn't think it
>was a ewe playing dead.
>PM sent
PM sent back.

There's always next year
Great vid. Not something you see! Makes ya wonder what the ram is thinking. thanks for shareing

Very cool, thanks for posting.

Seems odd that two point was not devoured by the 'yotes though in a one/two week span.
Dead game doesn't last 4 hours here in north Idaho.

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