Bighorn Point Question


Very Active Member
So I'm considering starting to buy preference points for Bighorn in one of the western states in hope of being able to draw sometime in my lifetime. I was curious what you guys think about the point creep in WY and whether you think I'd actually be able to finally accumulate enough points to draw before I'm too old. I'm 31 right now. Thanks.
All you need to do is look in the Draw Odds section on the G&F website to see how far behind you will be with the number of PPs it's now taking to draw the few tags offered. Even if you figure that a certain percentage of people with a lot of PPs will die or quit for some other reason the odds are still astronomical, but with the random draw always offering a chance you might try to draw a tag that way.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-18-15 AT 09:03AM (MST)[p]That's the lie, and down-side of preference points, that you feel you should be guaranteed a tag.

Things change, and if it were me, I would consider that very soon NR's are going to be limited to 10% of the sheep, moose, goat, and bison tags. Maybe less than that over a longer time.

The way I've always viewed any point system is just to apply and IF you live long enough, apply enough, in enough states, eventually you MAY draw a tag. At this point (pun intended), in the preference/bonus systems in all the states that have them, you're looking at drawing a tag only in the random draw portion. Applying smartly considering ONLY the random draw odds, you can improve your odds. That's how I drew AZ desert sheep.

The only thing a point system assures you is a point for each year you apply, doesn't assure you a tag.

If you're serious about hunting sheep, the best thing you can do is to work another job or get a very high paying job, save your money, and just buy a hunt. If your only option is to apply, then never expect to hunt sheep.

That's the matter where you apply, how many points you have, or how many states you apply for.
Oh I know that the sheep I'm most likely to never hunt is Bighorn due to cost and astronomical odds. Even with preference points, I know that it's still a long shot to draw, especially considering that I'll likely never be a resident of a state that has them. My goal is to take a Barbary sheep sometime while here in NM, and to at somepoint, pay for a Dall Sheep hunt in Alaska. Any other opportunities I get to hunt sheep I will consider a blessing. I'm just trying to figure out the best way to try and get my odds as high as I can of hunting them in the states in my lifetime. I wish I had been smarter on this stuff 15 yrs ago and had already been putting in for points for all that time but I was living in NC and had no clue.
If you plan to hunt a Dall in your lifetime, I would suggest you save every penny you can for it and not waste money on any state PP schemes, especially if you're already 31.
I know of a guide that does a no frills dall sheep hunt for about 9k, not including airfare to AK so I figure I can do the hunt for around 10-12k depending on what extra gear I needed to buy. I'm hoping to do this hunt for my 40th birthday. I didn't think PP's were all that expensive for WY.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-19-15 AT 12:59PM (MST)[p]>I know of a guide that
>does a no frills dall
>sheep hunt for about 9k,
>not including airfare to AK
>so I figure I can
>do the hunt for around
>10-12k depending on what extra
>gear I needed to buy.
> I'm hoping to do
>this hunt for my 40th
>birthday. I didn't think
>PP's were all that expensive
>for WY.

It's doubtful that guy is going to be around charging $9K for a hunt 10 years from now and I'd be interested in knowing what a good "no frills" Dall sheep hunt is since I've never heard of a fancy, easy one! 10 years down the line you will probably be talking at least 3 to 4 times that amount you think you can go on that hunt for. Wyoming charges $100 for a sheep PP and all you need to do is look and see how many have PPs before you would even have a chance at a tag. Do like BuzzH and I mentioned and save your PP money to use it to apply for the random draw where Wyoming gives 25% of the tags and keep doing that right now, as it could go to 10% or even less in the future.
When you apply for a random tag in Wyoming for sheep, they keep $100 and you get a point whether you want one or not.

Also, there has been talk of changing the NR preference/random to 50-50 to encourage more applicants with lower point totals or new hunters to apply, as well as give more opportunity to those in lower point pools.

I really think that's a great idea and will support future legislation to do so.
I haven't really paid any attention to the sheep application setup since I knew I'd never be able to do a DIY hunt for one and didn't know there was no choice in the matter as far as having to buy a PP. I'm sure the guys like Zeke will be real happy to read that their chance for a tag with their PPs could be cut to 50% in the future by those who don't even have any skin in the game, but what else is new!
Yep, that's right Topgun.
Any change would have nothing to do with who draws and everything to do with who gets more money. IMO.
They are just trying to get more guys into the "shell game" and to hell with those who have been supportive.
I just can't figure out what all the clamor is for cheapening the points of those who have supported and played the longest.
Dammit Buzz, stop it!
PS: Buzz
My oldest daughter just drove past your house on her way to visit my other daughter who lives in the State just east of you.
I told her I had someone to help if she had any trouble.
She just text me that she made it okay. No problems!

Where do you get that I don't have any skin in the game? I started applying for sheep in Wyoming as NR many years ago. Further, as a Resident, I have skin in any game relating to Wyoming's wildlife.

Wyoming needs to address the issues created with preference points. If you look at the point pools, there are lots of first year applicants, then within a few years, those point pools shrink dramatically. In other words, we're losing applicants very fast.

I would guess the reason for this is that many are realizing they will never catch the thousands of applicants in front of them, get discouraged, and drop out. I don't blame them.

The challenge, IMO, is how do we protect guys like Zeke that have been applying faithfully, while also keeping those in the lower point pools applying?

I believe that to keep people interested, there are a few options:

1. Do away with preference point all together.
2. Make the split 50-50, thus giving those in lower point pools better random draw odds and make staying in more attractive.
3. Cap the number of points that an individual applicant can attain.

I don't really think #1 is a viable option, financially or fairness wise, this far into the point system.

I'm starting to lean toward option 3. I think if we capped the number of points, it would accomplish a couple things:

1. Those in the top point pool would quit putting off drawing tags and just gaining points, thus reducing point creep and would shrink the top point pools. There would be no advantage to gaining another point once you reached the top point pool.

2. It would give applicants in the lower point pools some hope of eventually getting to the top and having increased odds once they get there.

All I know is that the way the point system isn't working now, a hunter that hasn't applied in the past for some reason (financial, other priorities, etc.), those just getting into hunting, and the young hunters, they're franked with the current point system. They will likely never be in the top point pools, even with 50 years worth of applying.

With sheep and moose populations dwindling, and tag allocations being lower and lower, the current system is favoring ONLY the long-time applicant and dumping on the guys just starting out. Further, the young hunters in WY, MT, NV, AZ, etc. are largely screwed under point systems, and cant even see a faint light at the end of the tunnel.

But, in true form, you go right to bashing and offer up no solutions.

Unlike you, I actually put some thought into how we keep people applying and interested in sheep and moose. How do we encourage those just starting out that they may have a chance inside 25-30 years that they'll get to the top, while also maintaining opportunity for those that have applied the longest.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-19-15 AT 08:25PM (MST)[p]Buzz has the opposite of the midas touch, so listen to what his intentions are then plan accordingly.

Who knows when or if the quotas will change, but you do know there are thousands of people with points ahead of you seeking a few dozen tags. let's just say the math doesn't look good.

Stay thirsty my friends
>Where do you get that I
>don't have any skin in
>the game? I started applying
>for sheep in Wyoming as
>NR many years ago. Further,
>as a Resident, I have
>skin in any game relating
>to Wyoming's wildlife.

***Funny, but I don't see anywhere that your name was mentioned in that sentence of my post, but as always you have to get your panties in a wad and jump in to remind everyone that you have skin in everything! Thanks for reminding us, but I think by now we all know where you stand on most everything, especially after this 2015 Legislative Session!

>Wyoming needs to address the issues
>created with preference points. If
>you look at the point
>pools, there are lots of
>first year applicants, then within
>a few years, those point
>pools shrink dramatically. In other
>words, we're losing applicants very

***Gee, I wonder why!

>I would guess the reason for
>this is that many are
>realizing they will never catch
>the thousands of applicants in
>front of them, get discouraged,
>and drop out. I don't
>blame them.

***Good guess, as it shouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that unless you get in near the ground floor of a PP system that has much more demand than supply that you'll never draw in a normal lifetime! Sheep and moose certainly meet that qualification and people like the OP need to know that when they ask if they haven't figured it out on their own already! I think we both covered that for the OP pretty well in our first posts.

>The challenge, IMO, is how
>do we protect guys like
>Zeke that have been applying
>faithfully, while also keeping those
>in the lower point pools
I believe that to keep people
>interested, there are a few
>1. Do away with preference point
>all together.
>2. Make the split 50-50, thus
>giving those in lower point
>pools better random draw odds
>and make staying in more
>3. Cap the number of points
>that an individual applicant can
>I don't really think #1 is
>a viable option, financially or
>fairness wise, this far into
>the point system.

***Agree 100%!

>I'm starting to lean toward option
>3. I think if we
>capped the number of points,
>it would accomplish a couple
>1. Those in the top point
>pool would quit putting off
>drawing tags and just gaining
>points, thus reducing point creep
>and would shrink the top
>point pools. There would be
>no advantage to gaining another
>point once you reached the
>top point pool.
>2. It would give applicants in
>the lower point pools some
>hope of eventually getting to
>the top and having increased
>odds once they get there.

***Again, I agree 100% if the system is going to be tinkered with that is the way to do it to insure all the faithful with many years and a lot of cash invested don't get screwed. Let's be honest though and realize that even if that change was made that there are still so many people in those half dozen top pools that some will still never draw a tag because there just aren't that many tags available for those species.

>All I know is that the
>way the point system isn't
>working now, a hunter that
>hasn't applied in the past
>for some reason (financial, other
>priorities, etc.), those just getting
>into hunting, and the young
>hunters, they're franked with the
>current point system. They will
>likely never be in the
>top point pools, even with
>50 years worth of applying.

***Very true and even if the system was capped right where it's at as you suggest, many of those that aren't in the top few pools will still never draw a license in 50 years of applying!

>With sheep and moose populations dwindling,
>and tag allocations being lower
>and lower, the current system
>is favoring ONLY the long-time
>applicant and dumping on the
>guys just starting out. Further,
>the young hunters in WY,
>MT, NV, AZ, etc. are
>largely screwed under point systems,
>and cant even see a
>faint light at the end
>of the tunnel.

***100% agree on that, always have, and there is no way of changing that and going to a totally random draw to help them out without royally screwing those that are in the top few pools for those species!

>But, in true form, you go
>right to bashing and offer
>up no solutions.

***Duh, the only one I see bashing on this thread is you with that statement, but that's your way every time and you can never seem to get through an entire post without doing that even when many members have asked that you keep things on a civil adult level! I also didn't see the OP asking for a solution to the PP problem, but you know where I've stood on PP systems for years and my thoughts have pretty well always been aligned with yours.

>Unlike you, I actually put some
>thought into how we keep
>people applying and interested in
>sheep and moose. How
>do we encourage those just
>starting out that they may
>have a chance inside 25-30
>years that they'll get to
>the top, while also maintaining
>opportunity for those that have
>applied the longest.

***Ah, more talking down to someone, as is par for the course in your posts. Again, let's be honest and just admit that with the few tags that are issued for sheep and moose each year and the high demand for those tags that there is no way to correct the problem and make it fair to everyone like it would be in a straight random draw. Those that are already in the system and that do have a chance to draw in their lifetime while they can still hunt are most at risk. Life is not fair and what we are talking about may be a good example of that because this will never be resolved as long as the demand is so much greater than the supply! That is exactly why for fairness no state should ever start any type of a PP system because all they are is a money maker and nothing more!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-19-15 AT 10:57PM (MST)[p]


Apply and collect your points. I know a few people that have drawn tags in the past and after a 5 year wait they draw with-in the next year or 2. Some people get lucky. some people don't draw with max points.. when I was 24 I drew on a random mnt. goat tag and then there are people that have put in for 30 years and have never drawn. ITs a gamble cause you just don't know. As stated if you want to hunt now and can afford then hunting Alaska is a option. But not everyone can afford that. but if a guy could just set aside a X-amount of money every paycheck that hunt is very possible. Every week i set aside a $100 and try to got on a out of state hunt every 5 years. In that time frame i have more money saved and have extra cash to buy guns or whatever.

Also for you other guys that don't like the points system lets say the did away with it. What happens to the guys that are invested with several points?

im invested with 14 points so my time is coming or maybe I will draw this year or maybe I wont draw at max points. Hopefully around max points I can draw then maybe I can get lucky and draw another tag when im in my 40-50 years of age. but i would be happy if i could just get one tag..
Bull moose, goat, sheep, and bison should all be once in a lifetime harvest.

Capping points makes the most sense and gives those in the top pools a better chance at a majority of the tags (the idea behind points to begin with, nobody promised the top point holders a tag).

It doesn't punish those that were born after the system started, , served in the military, young hunters, etc. that didn't have the opportunity to apply at the ground floor.
Since I believe that a straight random draw is the fairest and most sustainable system, what does anyone think of the idea of splitting the PP pool by taking those in the top 1/3 of PP totals and letting them keep their points. Those in the bottom 2/3 will revert back to no points. Keep the PP/Random split at 72/25. Those that still have points are only eligible for the PP pool and not the random. Those with PP's must choose and area, no more just gain a point. Once the state has exhausted the PP pool, then all tags are obviously random draw.

The thought behind this being that those in the bottom 2/3 of the existing PP pool are for the most part chasing a moving target they may never catch but you are still, to some degree, meeting the states end of the PP bargain by rewarding those that have been at this the longest.

The percentages could be changed but what are peoples thoughts on the overall idea? Even at this it would take a long time to work through the PP pool to get to a 100% random draw.

Maybe decrease the 75/25 5% every 5 years as well.
>Bull moose, goat, sheep, and bison
>should all be once in
>a lifetime harvest.
>Capping points makes the most sense
>and gives those in the
>top pools a better chance
>at a majority of the
>tags (the idea behind points
>to begin with, nobody promised
>the top point holders a
>It doesn't punish those that were
>born after the system started,
>, served in the military,
>young hunters, etc. that didn't
>have the opportunity to apply
>at the ground floor.

If antlered moose and sheep were 'once in a lifetime' there would be no need for capping points on the resident side.

As far as the nonresidents: call WYOGA (307-265-2376) they run that show...
LAST EDITED ON Mar-20-15 AT 08:18AM (MST)[p]mulecreek

Figure out how to come up with the revenue to replace NR PP money and then you can talk other ideas. Until then it's all fiction, except the drawing percentage, and that would require outfitter permission.
There are just some tags that a guy will never have. Period!

I can list hundreds of tags that I want but will never have and the way I look at it, any change is just another way to generate revenue and give false-hope to applicants just for the sake of keeping them "involved".

The older guys, like me, will either draw, die or run out of health which will give all the lower points pools a better shot in the future anyway.

Random draws sound great to some guys but there are tags which will NOT be drawn in a lifetime of applications! Also, random tags are already build in to the existing system. There's not really much difference between 1 in 200 odds and 1 in 100 odds. MOST guys will NEVER draw regardless of the system.

There's no reason to change it now!
Correct, revenue and interest in species like sheep, moose, goat, etc. keeps them on the hill, maybe even increase their number, and keep them relevant.
>AT 08:18?AM (MST)

>Figure out how to come up
>with the revenue to replace
>NR PP money and then
>you can talk other ideas.
>Until then it's all fiction,
>except the drawing percentage, and
>that would require outfitter permission.

Yah, Yah, Yah, I know if it isn't at least revenue neutral then I am wasting my time thinking.

Just imagine the Utopia we might be living in if we stopped subsidizing hunters and fishermen with ridiculous point fee schemes, raffle tags, super tags, special tag fees, etc. and just simply started charging a license fee, to all, that covered the costs associated with managing that species that we so desperately want to hunt.

If this were to ever happen we, the average hunter in Wyoming, might actually understand the true costs of having the benefit of great hunting in our state.
>Correct, revenue and interest in species
>like sheep, moose, goat, etc.
>keeps them on the hill,
>maybe even increase their number,
>and keep them relevant.

You're correct.
Interest equals better conservation.
We already have the interest! Look at the number of applicants v tags issued for either Res or Nonres groups.
Some of us have been involved with sheep conservation for years and made application in multiple States for decades upon decades. I realize this guarantees us nothing but there's zero substantial reason for changing the current system to increase interest.
We have and understand interest in wyoming sheep and the perpetuation of the specie.
Like I said, no need to change just for change' sake!

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