Bighorn/Moose Question


Very Active Member
So I just bought my first Bighorn preference point and bought moose for both me and the wife. I feel pretty confident that even as a non-resident and with point creep that we'll eventually draw moose...though it might be 15 yrs from now. Do you guys/gals think it's reasonable that I'd be able to draw bighorn by the time I'm 60? I'm now 31 and a non-resident. Just curious.
It all depends on the population dynamics. If moose rebound to where they were before the crash then you'll be hunting moose before you're 60. Wyoming would have to expand and grow the sheep herd for you to be hunting sheep before you're 60 for other than a random draw chance. The key is to put in every year for both species as the random draw is your best chance at picking up a tag...good luck.
I would say so. you have thousands of people ahead of you and if Buzz get's his way ( unlikely to be soon ) the NR quota could suffer a major cut dropping your odds even lower.

You could always draw one of the 25% tags or WY may change to a bonus point system or something that gives you a better chance at the expense of the long time applicants.

But I wouldn't count on it.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Are you talking random draw for WY or other states? I'm already putting in for Bighorn every year in NM and will probably add another state that has random draw for the sheep.
>Are you talking random draw for
>WY or other states?
>I'm already putting in for
>Bighorn every year in NM
>and will probably add another
>state that has random draw
>for the sheep.

He's talking the random draw in Wyoming. IMHO getting in the rat race for those two animals now is a waste of money and, yes, someone gets a tag or two every year, BUT your chance of getting hit by lightning is probably better!
I guess I'm just gonna see what happens...kind of disheartening to hear those opinions but if I don't buy points I'll never know if it was a possibility or not!
You can go to the WY web site and see how many people have how many points above you. it will be depressing.

Remember when Mary told Lloyd there's a 1 in a million chance in dumb and dumber ? it's kind of like that.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
LAST EDITED ON Aug-21-15 AT 09:34AM (MST)[p]Apply,apply,apply. Applying you have a chance,not applying you have no chance. Who knows you might draw in your first couple of years. I know several people who have done just that. Just be sure to check which area has random tags available. Good luck..
>You can go to the WY
>web site and see how
>many people have how many
>points above you. it
>will be depressing.
>Remember when Mary told Lloyd there's
>a 1 in a million
>chance in dumb and dumber
>? it's kind of
>like that.

>Stay Thirsty My Friends

""so you're sayin' there's a chance""
haha, ya, kind of like that.

With that said, if you don't apply, you'll never have a chance. It all depends on how important that 100 buck per year is to you.
Very true Zeke. Even if I apply for 30 yrs, it won't come close to the cost of buying a hunt in Canada or Mexico.

>>You can go to the WY
>>web site and see how
>>many people have how many
>>points above you. it
>>will be depressing.
>>Remember when Mary told Lloyd there's
>>a 1 in a million
>>chance in dumb and dumber
>>? it's kind of
>>like that.
>>Stay Thirsty My Friends
>""so you're sayin' there's a chance""
>haha, ya, kind of like that.
>With that said, if you don't
>apply, you'll never have a
>chance. It all depends on
>how important that 100 buck
>per year is to you.

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