bighorn in the kofas

LAST EDITED ON Jul-20-05 AT 04:46AM (MST)[p]Lots of rocks. Hot, lots of sun, some cactus and probably lots of weener rams with a ton of ewes. If you hold out, hire a John Wayne guide or scout your a$$ off you might get lucky and find a Booner. Congrats on the tag, enjoy it greatly most people never get to do it.

Bret M.
Which one of the 45's did you get?
The sheep #'s are way down in 45 A&B in the last few years and rams are tough to find. Plan on spending plenty of time.
45A talked to a guy that I know who guides in there he said they have some big sheep but it will take some work
Both the guys above who responded to you spend as much or more time out there as this guy you spoke with. I know Brett and his family can give you a jump start if you ask real nice & provide the beer.......LOL......seriously ask a few good specific questions and explain how you are currently set up for optics. Without the glass you wont find them very easy........... Allen Taylor......
A is good, probably the best as far as numbers of sheep. I will most likely be in B helping someone during the hunt. I have always liked the Eastern end of A but there should be sheep all over the unit. You really should scout in August during the rut. The larger rams will be ewed up and chasing and fighting a little bit making them highly visible, finding them again in December is another story all together. Once again, congrats.

Bret M.
thanks for the info guys, for optics I have minolta 12x50 binos and a cabellas 15-45x60 spotting scope. what temps could I expect in august? do the rams chase the does all day or just in the A.m,P.m.? Also do the sheep varry from the flats to the cliffs from summer to winter.and what part of the month does the rut typically peak,how long does it last? once again thanks for the help Karl M

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