Bighorn hunt??


Very Active Member
I have no idea how, what, why, or when about anything other than elk and deer, but lately ive found a desire to hunt a bighorn sheep. Can anyone help me out with hunt options?? i'm open to any state I would prefer to not wait 20 years, basically I'm just looking for a bit of info on what it would take to find a bighorn sheep tag....


There are a lot of options to hunt bighorns, but you probably will need to wait 20+ years and probably more like 30+ unless you have the resources to purchase a tag.

Montana is the best Bighorn State IMO. There are some unlimited units where you can buy a tag and hunt it. These units have a quota, which when filled ends the hunt. From what I hear, these are not easy hunts at all. Drawing a tag in Montana is possible too, but will take a bunch of years of building points. It get's pretty expensive - but actual price of the tag is lower in Montana vs. other states.

Idaho may be your best bet with no points - because it is totally random, you could draw at any time. Statistically - it should be before 20 years are up if you pick the right units. If Idaho ever introduces a point system, then get in on it from the get-go. You will have to buy a hunting license to apply every year so it gets expensive.

Wyoming is a great sheep state as well, but It will also take a long time and a lot of money to do it as they charge $100 per year for a preference point.

There are other options as well that you could look into. Like Colorado, Canada, shoot a ewe, etc.

It does take time and money, and/or a lot of luck to shoot any North American Wild Sheep. Good Luck!
It really boils down to either time or money.... or both.

The sheep thing has become "fashionable" in the last couple decades and because of it the permits are tough to draw. Gone are the days of 1-in-15 odds.... or better.

You've received some good advice from others, so far, but there are other options.

Go to some of the conservation banquets, bring your checkbook (with a big balance) and buy/bid on a tag or two.

Bighorns are cool but, sadly, most hunters will never have the opportunity to hunt them.


One thing I find is the amount of mis-information floating around about drawing a bighorn sheep tag. I know you said you didn't want to wait 20 years, but the statistical reality is you could apply your entire lifetime for a bighorn in the Western states and never draw a tag. I don't want to sound gloomy, but the chances of drawing of Bighorn sheep tag anywhere are VERY, very low (did I say very, very, very?).

Montana: is the cheapest non-resident state with the highest quality rams. Unfortunately this creates some of the poorest drawing odds. The point system is cheap ($25/yr), but they really aren't worth much because they aren't squared and there are SO many people applying for the very limited tags. Also remember that there is no set aside non-resident tags, and non-residents may draw op to 10% of the quota per region.

Idaho: For some reason the myth that gets perpetuated is that Idaho has good draw odds for sheep. Nothing could be further from the truth. Like Montana, there are no set aside non-resident sheep tags, and non-residents may draw up to 10% of the total quota. Both Caifornia and Rocky's are available. Every year there are typically 5 non-residents that draw a sheep tag with about 850 people applying.(good luck in trying to apply for an area that will actually have a non-resident tag drawn). This equates to less than 1% draw odds with a very high application cost - $154.75 non-refundable license.

New Mexico: High cost up-front to apply ($3006), but low application fee and no hunting license to purchase. There is no point system in place, and all applicants go into the same pool (no non-resident quota).

Colorado: Has both preference points and weighted points in its drawing. A person must have 3 preference points to be eligible to draw a tag. There are tags reserved for non-residents with both archery and rifle tags available. Colorado is the state that provides the non-resident with the best odds of drawing a sheep tag (of course you need to look past Huntin Fool's picks to find draw odds of 50 to 1).

Wyoming: with the point system in place, you will never make it to the top of the heap to draw a preference tag. You'll need to apply where random tags are available to non-residents with draw odds from 0.5 to 2%, depending upon the area. $100 per year to pay for a point (not optional).

Utah: since you're from Utah, there's no reason to cover this.

Oregon: Both California and Rocky's are available. There is a high non-refundable license fee - $140.50. Non-residents have a set quota of tags. There is no point system in place for sheep. Draw odds, of course, are steep.

Arizona: very few tags, no non-resident quota, & high application costs. The state has very good rams, though.

The cost to play the state lotteries every year is huge, with non-refundable fees that could total close to $1k.

If you truly want to hunt a North American sheep, your best bet is to find a cancellation Dall hunt with a quality outfitter and go. However, you could also get very lucky and draw your for year for a bighorn.

Another resource to check is's community forum. Ramdreamer posts all the states information with all the details regarding the draws.
Or some darn good luck! I drew my tag the first year they started points here in Utah. I had a freind draw a few years later so it does happen.


Have a good one. BB
As usual, dwalton hit the nail on the head!

That pretty well sums it up. Like I said, "few hunters will ever have the opportunity to hunt the bighorn sheep".

Dwalton's post is a very good state to state overview and good advice for sure though NM will be different next year due to the signing of SB196. You will have to buy a hunting license for $65 just to apply for starters. I am also not sure but the new restricted quotas of 10% NR Guided 6% NR Unguided might apply to the sheep tags as well next year though NM hasn't applied NR quotas to the sheep tags in the past. Does anyone know if the sheep tags will be restricted to the new quotas as well next year?

It has also been reported that some of the raffle tickets available for sheep tags in some of the states such as Washington, Idaho, etc. sometimes carry better drawing odds than applying through the state draws themselves so if you are one of those lucky types that is another possible way to obtain a tag.

Well it was a nice thought, guess I'll just jump into utahs point system and give it hell.....maybe someday i'll be rich enough to buy a tag.....



I got very lucky and drew a nine mile sheep tag in utah this year with 4 bonus points, so it can happen. But before I drew I was discouraged thinking I would never draw a tag because of how many people are ahead of me in points. I thought even in 30 years I still wont be in the max pool so whats the point of trying.
Well, just like has been said someone has to draw the tag and you cant draw if your names not in the hat. Good luck and hopefully you pull a tag
Everthing said above is true. Unfortunatly these states treat these drawings as money makers and they are only getting worse. Worse odds, higher costs. That being said people draw every year the first time they apply. My buddy drew Idaho this year ,first time in the running. The other option is raffles. When you buy a raffle ticket from a CONSERVATION organization not only are you taking a chance on winning a hunt but you are also helping them and in turn helping wildlife. The odds can be very good too. If I had all the money I have spent on trying to draw a tag I could have gone on another hunt already. With that said I still apply and keep my fingers crossed. By the way between my wife and I we have won a BC moose hunt,BC stone sheep hunt and this year a NM elk hunt BUT I have never drawn a tag!

Hey Beav?

You should be Rich just as of recent!

Remember the Talk We had Beav?

Now I know you listened to me on part of the deal,she is cute!

But is She sharrin the Wealth yet?

She must be,all of a sudden you're gettin in to Sheep Huntin!:D

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Pretty much ditto to the above, but here is my two bits!
Start applying in Utah, and check out the conservation organization draws. Apply in as many states as you can and hope you don't draw! Because if you do, as soon as you kill your first sheep, you WILL want to go on another...and the fever will eat you up until you do.
Those of us who now have it only find comfort from talking to and tagging along with other lucky tag holders and once in a while we get to go on our own sheep hunt.
May the tag Gods or a winning lotto ticket smile on you Berry!
You need to rent a lot of boats and guide a lot of hunters my friend. The only way to hunt them without waiting a long time is to either pay the astronomical amounts of money or get really lucky.

It's always an adventure!!!
I think He married in to the $$$ & She's sharin it already!

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
I figure at my ripe old age of 36 and having zero points, it would be a waste of time and monney putting in for one of those tags. Wish I had one though.
Buddy of mine got a dandy on the Zion unit in 2010 and I was wish'n pretty bad.
I really can't contribute any more advice than what has been previously posted...But here is somthing to consider...I know if your wanting to hunt sheep, probably your best bet would be to save your money and book a Dall Sheep far the least expensive sheep hunt..but of course these hunts aren't getting any cheaper either...unless your at or near the top of the bonus/preference point pools....Odds are that you will run out of health or die of old age long before you draw a permit...

I like Jims advice...throw in on the you a chance, and your helping the resource...

Best of luck to you!

Having killed a Desert here in Utah I have wondered ever since why more people don't have the sheep fever. I'm glad you have the desire because that is where it starts. If I were you and wanted to hunt bighorns I'd broaden that desire to all sheep. As it has been said Dall hunts can be bought with a little saving and planning. I wouldn't get discouraged by the draw odds even though they are bleak, I drew with 1 point, my buddy drew with 2 points and another friend drew with 3 points. Lucky yes but it threw me into this unexplainable craze about hunting North America's most mystical animals the wild sheep.

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