Biggest Item Lost Hunting...


Very Active Member
For me, a Taurus .44 Special in my holster. At the end of a day in the HAM javeina hunt, went for my revolver and it was not in my holster. Thumbstrap was still snaped! Went back over where I thought I walked a bunch, but was brushy and steep in places. Had to use the muzzleloader to finish the hunt...

What's the biggest item you lost/found while hiunting?
Cell phone. That is all or maybe a knife.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
My biggest loss was a Ruger M77 .300 mag, a Nikon F2 camera and my rain coat. I was hunting in Alaska, and we were riding back to pick up a caribou I'd shot the evening before. My partner saw a big caribou on the hill just above us, and bailed off his horse with his rifle. I was holding the reins of both of our saddle horses, plus a pack horse. I told my partner to get away from the horses, but he was too excited and just dropped to the ground and BOOM! After about 4 shots, I couldn't hold the spooked horses, and they were off. It took us several hours to catch up to them and when we found my saddle horse, his saddle was hanging under his belly, the scabbard with my rifle was missing and so were the saddle bags that contained my camera and rain coat.

Mid September in the Alaska Range without your rain coat is no fun.
Biggest Lose?

A powder horn!

Missed an large mule deer in the mahoganies. Went to reload, no powder horn.

Walked around the point, the buck walks up to with in 40 yards and goes to feeding.

Big Loss.

Found the horn the following spring, hanging off a sage brush, 2 miles away. Snow and moisture had separated the salt and charcoal and weathered off all my pretty engraving.

Still have the horn and the visual image of the buck.

Biggest Lose?

A powder horn!

Missed a large mule deer in the mahoganies. Went to reload, no powder horn.

Walked around the point, the buck walks up to with in 40 yards and goes to feeding.

Big Loss.

Found the horn the following spring, hanging off a sage brush, 2 miles away. Snow and moisture had separated the salt and charcoal and weathered off all my pretty engraving.

Still have the horn and the visual image of the buck.

Zeiss Bino's...the next year went back and found them on the stump I thought maybe I left them on. 18 miles in by horse back in the Sanke River unit in Oregon.

Handgun. Still torqued

We camp at around 6500 ft and get up real early in the morning and hike up to around 9500-10000 ft. I got a buck around mid afternoon at 9800ft cleaned and started dragging him. Got to about 8000 feet and realized that my Garmin Rino 530Hcx had come off its clip. I was too exhausted to climb back up and find it that day but as soon as I got off the Mt. I took another rino and polled its location a few times to get a general idea where it was in case the batteries died overnight. The next morning I hiked to within a few feet of where it had polled the evening before and I found it underneath some trees I had pulled my buck through the afternoon before. I would have never found it if I couldn't have polled it. I found it roughly 100 feet underneath where I shot the buck. The cool thing about it is I had the tracking mode on and so I was able to put the whole track into Google Earth. It wasn't lost for good but it sucked making that hike again.
A question in my mind....whether it's the new Manfrotto tripod with pistol grip ($350 or so) I lost this year or the Bushnell spotting scope I lost a long time ago.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
I didn't lose this, but someone hunting the Paunsaugunt did. I had another hunter show up at my taxidermy shop with an M77 Ruger stainless 7mag that he said he found in the middle of the bench road.

He left it with me and within a day I had heard at the local gas station that a hunter had lost his rifle. I made the connection between the two guys and the guy who lost the rifle identified it and everything was good.

Poor guy had leaned it against the truck while looking at a deer, then got in and drove off forgetting it. I guess he couldn't figure out where it went for a while. Lucky the guy who found it was honest.
My whole freakin backpack a couple months ago..chuck full.. 380 auto, GPS, set of knifes, sharpener, and a few other items.
Lost it somewhere at the head of Tie Fork on the Wasatch.
Any one heard of some lucky guy that found a blue backpack??

I somehow lost my eye piece to my zeiss spotting scope hunting in Nevada this year. Not only did it change my hunt, it was expensive to replace.
I lost my pickup one time and that's pretty big :) I parked at the end of a skid trail and started side hilling a well timbered mountain ridge. After a few hundred yards, i decided, might as well make a loop around to check out the north slope, then continue on around back to my truck.

I messed up somewhere along the line and was basically lost until i finally recognized "something" which led me to the trail i originally took to where i had started/parked. Pretty messed up there for awhile, figured i walked a couple extra miles, at least, and it was soon to be dark...i didn't care much for the experience.

Turned out i had only missed my truck by a hundred yds or so but in the timber, i walked right on past it into adventure.

My brother once, but unfortunately he found his way back to camp.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
"....walked right past it into adventure."

Yeah Joey I can relate. No fun but we're still here huh?
I've taken some neighborhood girls hunting, and damn near everyone loses their virginity. Look all hell trying to find it too.
PRIMING HORN - Was hunting buffalo on the Henrie Mt. with a 62Cal flintlock - bedded a big bull down in some thick trees from a long distance with a spotting scope. Moved on the bull and when he came out I missed him, loaded again and couldn't find the FFFF powder horn for the frizzen. I got a second shot, but I'm here to tell you that FF powder does not work very well as the priming powder. Anyway I had two guns with me and finished that ol' bull with a supository (cartridge) rifle at 250 yards.

That horn may still be hanging in the trees at Airplane Springs.
This year in Alaska hunting sheep I looked down to my Leica rangefinder and it and the case were gone. I had hiked over 9 miles that day in some of the most rugged country I had ever been in. I HAD to go look for it or I wouldn't have been able to sleep and this was the 2nd day of a 12 day hunt. After some talking about what to do we decided to divide up my pack between the 3 others with me and I would make the 9 mile loop back to camp the way we came from to look for it with only my rifle in hand. It took us a half hour to divy out my pack to the others, they headed down, I headed up and not 30 yards up the hill I FOUND IT! Luckiest day of my life. I should've of played it for a while and let them all carry my stuff back to camp for me!
Back pack. had a horse wreck on a steep timbered hill. pack was looped over the horn. camera with half a dozen bull kills on film. Binos, calls,lunch,knives ect. I was a guide at the time.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-17-09 AT 02:52AM (MST)[p]>I've taken some neighborhood girls hunting,
>and damn near everyone loses
>their virginity. Look all hell
>trying to find it too.

I lost mine while hunting - squawsnatch is real....especially around the 4-Corners area.
I found a Remington model 700 sendero in 7mm STW with a leupold VX-3 and a nice bipod on it leaning up against a tree in the salt river range in WY. Waited around for somebody to show up to get the rifle they forgot but nobody did. I took the rifle back to town and was able to track down it's owner. I gave him back his rifle and he never even said thanks. Shoulda just kept the damn thing.
I had left my bow on my car once and drove off without it.. I now put it on the hood every time before i leave.
bausch and lomb spotting scope...anyone find one off the side of dry diggins ridge in hells canyon ID?...if you know where that is, you know why i didnt go back and look for it...
I lost my spotting scope this year in Colorado. I also lost a lens out of my glasses while hunting, went back to camp and got my extra pair and went back to hunting spot and found the lens. Never did find the spotting scope.
I lost my freakin range finder on Utah hill during my father-in-law's deer hunt, my shooting sticks on Fishlake chasing elk, and the top of my rifle scabbard on my 4 wheeler down highway 62 somewhere. Not a very profitable year for me gear wise. Had some great hunts this year though.
Lost the family dog once while looking for sheds. Looked all day for that dog. Had to bring the wife up there the next day to call for it(it didn't like me) and it came out of hiding 300 yards from where I parked the truck the day before.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
Lost the aluminum ramrod to my ML simultaneous to pulling the trigger on a nice 6pt bull. Recoil almost knocked me over. Needless to say I missed. 60 yd broadside shot. Real tough to reload without. Had to go back to town. Now I take a spare to camp. Ate tag soup that year.
elk call twice in NM LOL. a pair of bino(set them on a rock, drove off came back 30 mintues later and they was gone already). LOL
A fat buddy once too, to bad he found us.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Lost a Leupold range finder on an antelope hunt this year.. ended up finding it after a few hours of wasting precious time. Lost an expensive pair of Danners on an archery deer hunt. was raining pretty bad and took the boots off after a hike so the rig wouldnt get muddy. Put them under the truck to keep them dry and drove off with out them. Lost a nice K-Bar knife on a chukar hunt. how ever about 10 years ago I didnt find a nice bone handle knife set in what appeared to be a custom made leather sheath.
Found a rem 270 in strawberry gave it to the sheriff and got it back and sold it to my brother for 50 bucks. He redid everything and has a very nice rifle.

Found a rem pump 22 gave it to the sheriff and its in my gun cabinet.

Took my dads boss's daughters virginity on a bookcliffs deer hunt.

Lost a gunshy dog on the pheasant hunt 3 years ago.

Lost an elk, hit him low and killed him in the same spot the next year with his leg healed back sideways. Weird as hell looking. His leg bent back under his chest when he would bend his knee.

Lost my expensive knives but my kids cant lose my 9 dollar wal mart special knife.

Lost the keys to the camper so I ended up sleeping in a tent next to it.

Good times!
LAST EDITED ON Nov-25-09 AT 02:54PM (MST)[p]Lost my dog (2 1/2 YO Lab ) in a giant unharvested corn field in North Dakota this year. I know better then to let the dog go in the corn, but 30 mins. before, he jumped a rooster about 40 yards in the corn and it flew out right over my head, I dropped it and he came running out to make the retreive. I thought that was too perfect and I should try it again. Well this time he went in and never came out. I blew the whistle, called him, shocked him, shot my gun several times for about 3 hours. I drove around the corn field a couple times with no luck. I saw the farmer who gave me permission to hunt dickin around with some equipment close to the field and told him what happened and gave him my number. I drove off and not more then 3 mins. later the farmer is calling me telling me as soon as I drove off my dog came out of the corn and started running after my truck. The farmer called my dogs name and he stopped running after me and went to him. I went and got him, went back to hunting, got a couple more roosters to finish off my limit in no time, just a minor set back for the day. Actually I'm lucky I got him back, I talked to some other hunters in the bar that night and they told me that they lost one of their dogs for 3 days and just got him back and they know another guy whos dog went in the corn and was never seen again.
Lost a mule elk hunting one year...ended up huniting mule instead of elk for 3 days. Posted some signs on the road and got a call a week later that the stupid daughter of and a$$ was standing by a road in a meadow...went and picked her up, she was never so happy to get in the trailer.

Had another mule that got away from me, a bear spooked her, she had my brand new Weatherby 300 on her side. I followed her all the way back to the trailer cussing the entire way. She walked up to the trailer and stood there, I snugged up the saddlle climbed on and rode her hard right back up the trail.

It's all part of the experience Clarke!!!
Like Joey, I lost my truck in the mid-80's, only it was stolen while we were duck huntin some foothill ponds where Loomis, Ca is now. Bought a new one 2 weeks later and when we got home I had a message on the answering machine that it was recoverd.

Lost a tent off of my son's saddle horse in the unita's during a youth elk hunt in "04" We hunted one day and due to the weather forcast, we packed out but couldn't find the tent. Went to Vernal and got a cheapo @ K-mart. Next day riding in before dark I saw a Cabela's Outback Lodge set up at the trailhead and told my son that it was the same type I'd had. STUPID ME!!!!!!

Anyways when we got to our original camp, we started packin up to move farther in when a guy showed up. Said his son had killed an elk and asked if we were so and so. I told him no and he asked if I would pack out his son's elk. Initially I told him "No!" and explained the 2 day loss of huntin time for my son. He told me he had my tent and they had been sleepin in it. He further stated, "If you pack the elk out, you can have your tent."

When I tell this story to friends that know me, they are amazed that I packed his elk out instead of breaking his jaw. I expalin that I had to ride down the mountain anyways and my son was there so why not?? I just didn't know that I was goin to have to skin and quarter the elk for them.

Maybe I'm sick but iffen it was me in their place, my son and me packin quarters of his first elk out on our backs would have been an experience we would have shared and remembered for a long time. JUST SAYING
Archery Release.

Only to realize after hiking in to the top of mountain. Stupid thing is this has happened a couple of times. You'd think I'd learn.

LAST EDITED ON Nov-27-09 AT 10:01AM (MST)[p]When I was a kid my Dad let me wear his OldTimer knife, but lost it even though the knife scabbard was buttoned down.

Fast foward 20+ years and in '04 I lost a 130 gr. Swift A-frame, but found it in this guy's heart:) I all I can recall is I heard a loud "boom" before I lost that bullet!

My younger brother twice, search and rescue found him the first time the second I knew where he was but he did'nt listen to direction's. So he bumped into another hunter and got a ride, I will not hunt with him anymore.
Not a big item lost, but here goes:
I was hunting in northern White Pine Co.(NV)with my son. In really thick PJ woodland, we were on a cliff in a clearing, trying for him to get a bead on a nice buck. In the excitement, he did not get a chance at the buck, and moved on. As darkness approached, and we returned to our vehicle, I realized that I'd lost my brand-new $300 glasses, and was almost certain I had lost them during the buck encounter. It was too late to go back, and we had to return home the next morning (150 miles away). Two weeks later, we decided on a return hunt in the same vicinity. After wandering about in the same general area for two days, we decided to take a break for lunch. As we ate our lunch, my son remarked,"Hey Dad, this is the exact location we were at when you thought you lost your glasses!" I didn't think that could be, but I realized he was right. We searched all over the top of the cliff to no avail; I searched around to the bottom of a 30' rock face. I looked up to see my son coming down the cliff FACING AWAY from the rock, and chastized him for the dangerous and unsafe way he was climbing down. When he reached a ledge about two feet above my head,he said,"Dad,your glasses!" I told him to quit dinkin' around, at which point, he reached down into a crevice, and handed MY GLASSES down to me. They were completely undamaged, despite having fallen some 20' feet off the cliff face and were wedged in a crevice!If I had searched for years, I would never have thought to look anywhere near where they had ended up!! One of the most amazing things that ever happened to me while hunting!:)

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