big trophy room


Very Active Member
whats your take on a trophy room like this?




Looks like someone has a chit load of money....


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is that even legal!

wow wow wow.


did i say wow!

anyone have info on this? this guy kill all these himself?

he obviously doesnt have a wife either! doubt she would allow that!
ha wow thats just nuts!
I dont Like it..............the mule deer on the far left side of the photo...the 3rd from the top on the second row.....weak G-2 and it's circumference measurement on it's right side between the G3 and G4 looks weak......ruins the whole room for me.....I just can't get past that..........
Geez............the only things missing in there are Goldilocks and Little Red Riding Hood!

There is too much in there. Hard to appreciate a few quality ones if you have hundreds in a crowd like that.

Hell, I've killed that many..............doves.
That's not a trophy room! That's a museum! That's very impressive. I can't even imagine the years and time it took to accumulate that many trophy heads.

It's always an adventure!!!
LAST EDITED ON Jun-22-10 AT 10:42AM (MST)[p]To be honest, I'm a bit disappointed. I was expecting to see a full mount of Jabba The Hut, Godzilla, The Loch Ness Monster, and a Sasquatch.

And he calls himself a hunter???...(chuckle to myself)....what an incomplete trophy room.

J/K - Really though, what the hell!? : ) Wow!
LAST EDITED ON Jun-22-10 AT 10:43AM (MST)[p]Just went and puked...disgusted by this incomplete trophy room. ;)
He's a Calif. pear farmer, actually hasn't been hunting that long. He just spends a lot of time hunting now. Amazing what a guy can do if he works hard, instead of complaining about the rich people.
And I know exactly where the building is located and "bigmoosie" is correct. I went to school with Ken's older brother and been by this barn/building a number of times up here in NORCAL in amongst the Pear Orchards in Lake County.

Them old people in CA must eat a lotta pears!!!

Very impressive but almost too much to really take in...
That's disgusting! A guy could leave some for the rest of us!
Not to mention monopolizing the taxidermists.

If you ain't the lead dog,
the view never changes
NoDoe (244 posts)
Jun-22-10, 04:34 PM (MST)
12. "RE: big trophy room"
Looks like grapes to me .

Don you are right but that last time I was by there was probably 10 years ago and it was Pears and nothing but pears.
Ken sold the business to some big outfit and the hunting started on a more serious scale. If you can get your hands on a copy of a few Grand Slam Magazines you will see his name listed in a number of catagories from most parts of the world.

Personally, i'd rather that those be my kills, my trophies, and my room than own a vault room that was stacked full of money.

Just Awesome!!! Thanks!!

Good for him .... I guess. More like the display in a well-known outdoor gear supplier. Not my thing, but whatever floats yer boat.
I have hunted with Ken and he is a great guy. In one year he shot 70 critters! He is very down to earth and has no brag in him.
Love the stone staircase. One thing I don't like are the fact that the mounts are too high up. Every taxidermy mount looks best when it is looking at you. When they are too high, you are stuck looking at them from underneath.
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHIT LOAD OF TIME IN THE FIELD FOR ALL THOSE ANIMALS!!!!
Totally Awesome.

But I can't believe one person could kill that many animals, it's impossible,and I suppose these are all DIY hunts?I mean do the math.

Joe E Sikora
Sorry,I'm a little grumpy this morning,late night at the gentleman's club,(hate to say strip club). LOL
Let your head clear up and then speak with a clear mind and not on don't know a thing about this hunter and what he has accomplished in his hunting adventures on three or four continents.

Here's what hunters are up against.... when my sister saw this, her comment was, "that guy must have a REALLY short.....!"

Liberal lawyer crack!
Absolutely incredible. What a site. Too much for my liking but amazing nonetheless. It would be dang nice to have the money and time that guy does though.
Amazing, since he lives in the blacktail country I would like to see his collection of blacktail heads. That room looks like a hell of a lot of skinning and packing work.
WOW !!!! Impressive Amazing, Incredable !!

I lived in NM for a while and former Gov. Tom Bolack had a museum full of animals that he had killed over his lifetime. Something like 4000 of them. His family turned his trophy room into a museum after he died in 98.
This man is living a hunters dream to be able to hunt like he does is outstanding. If I had that kind of money from selling my business that is what I would be doing too. My hat is off to him I wish him nothing but good.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

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