Big name Minsters Divorcing!



I want to be the first to say it WTF!

I'm discusted at the modern day church!didn't they read the Bible where Jesus said only one cause for divorse and thats adultry...heres the friggen story,

TAMPA ? Megachurch pastors Randy and Paula White stood before their congregation Thursday night and made the announcement that many in their flock feared had been coming for months.
They are divorcing.

?It is the most difficult decision that I have had to make in my entire life,? said the Rev. Randy White, 49. ?I take full responsibility for a failed marriage -100 percent. I don't blame Paula, and I don't blame other parties. But as the man of the house, I take full responsibility for that.?

He praised his wife, calling her an exceptional woman and a great preacher and wife.

Standing by his side and appearing to fight back tears, the Rev. Paula White called the decision to divorce ?one of the most painful of our lives.?

?But God always comes to you in the dark places of life,? White said, standing beside her husband in the pulpit.
White, 41, also offered a note of optimism.

?It's not the end of the story for Randy or Paula or maybe even Randy and Paula,? she said.

The couple, who have both been married and divorced before, did not say what caused their breakup. They also did not detail if they had filed for divorce. They have grown children from previous relationships but none together.

Word about trouble in the couple?s marriage has circulated for months. The Whites? disparate ministry paths have fueled much of the concern. Randy White, a bishop at Without Walls International Church, has been spending time in Malibu, Calif., in hopes of establishing a ministry on the West Coast. Paula White, the church?s senior pastor and a sought-after televangelist, keeps an apartment in New York City, where she recently opened a new ministry and self-help center in July.

The couple, arguably the most prominent evangelical partners in the state, said they made their announcement at Thursday night's service to tell their church ?family? before word of their separation appears in the local and national media.

The Whites? split calls into question the future of the 22,000 member megachurch, which the couple founded as South Tampa Christian Center in 1991. During their announcement, which came just before the sermon, the Whites sought to put those concerns to rest.

Randy White said he would continue to lead Without Walls and would focus on being a ?great pastor? and a ?great dad.?
Paula White said she would also continue to preach at Without Walls when invited by her husband. She also said Paula White Ministries would continue to be based in Tampa.

Several hundred Without Walls members were in the audience for the announcement. As the Whites spoke, some people in the crowd cried. Others appeared stunned, noticeable by the audible gasps in the cavernous sanctuary.

Warming herself outside the church, one woman said ?God knows best,? before being told by another member to avoid talking to the media. At least one Without Walls member said the church was hurting and lashed out at a reporter for being on site to witness the announcement.

The church broadcasts its services via the Internet at But last night's announcement was not aired. The video of the broadcast was interrupted without explanation and resumed after the announcement.

Inside the church, the preacher for the evening, the Rev. Tim Storey, sought to offer direction to a stunned congregation.

?How many of you feel sorrow tonight,? Storey asked the crowd.

Hands shot up around the sanctuary.
?We should. But God is still good.?

Sidebar: Without Walls International Church
Origin Started as a storefront church in 1991 as South Tampa Christian Center.

Renamed Without Walls International Church in 1997 and moved into an old Canada Dry factory near Raymond James Stadium.
Size Has more than 22,000 members and more than 200 outreach ministries.

Demographics Predominantly African-American. But prides itself on being the ?Vegetable Soup Church? with people from a variety of ethnic groups and socioeconomic backgrounds.


$39.9-million in 2006; $28-million in 2005. Figures represent combined income from Without Walls and Paula White

Source: Without Walls by Randy White; 2006 Independent Audit by Lewis, Birch & Ricardo, LLC
I must add, that, the day of elavating a man instead of God is over! God has shaken his house!!!!!!!!!!
>Jesus wept!
>Sorry Manny ... who gives a
>Please don't hate me.

I DO, I was in ministry for 15 years.
You hate me??? I was just teasing .... some of these Jim & Tammy Faye deals are kinda hard to take serious. No reflection on you or your beliefs Manny!

Take care,
LAST EDITED ON Aug-28-07 AT 09:52PM (MST)[p]no big deal Russ, it just chaps my hide when people like these who should stand up for the gospel are making a mockery of it just because they got big money$ they think they are above the Bible teachings...
Its all about the money........scumbag evangelist.......I can not believe these people.........what realy boggles my mind is they have followers and what does that say about them.

Just to clairify not ALL evangilist are scumbags......
Fame & Fortune is dangerous even for tele-evangelists...

Matthew 13:22 becareful from the deceitfulness of riches, it can choke the truth of the word, and you become unfruitful.
I'm not against wealth, wish I had more myself, but just not off the backs of Gods people?.
"For all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God"

If it wasn't for Jesus, we all would be doomed! Repent y'all and you will be free!



was up in Murders creek two weeks ago antelope hunting. saw lots of elk and deer in the lower flats. didn't find your bull...sorry didnt mean to rub it in ;) take care -
Manny, when you take your eyes off Jesus for any reason or any length of time you will miss his "Will". Money, sex, or power have often been man's downfall in the ministry, regardless if it is a small or large church. God has not changed his plans, men have only messed up their own lives. God is still in control regardless of what you hear, see, read, feel, or think you know. "People like these" We are all like these in the eyes of God, sinners, for "all" have fallen short! I believe all Christians have misrepresented who Christ is at some time in their life. Reading your past post you admit of some hard times. We all experience these hard times and sin at different times in our lives. "All". This might be a hard time for these two minsters. I love hard times, because that is when God can work wonderful things into our lives. I would suggest praying for them, that God can redesign them they way he wants. I could keep on typing this all day, but I am sure you know what I mean.
muleyman, was yah actually looking for him?...

Boncoboy' yes I know what you mean, but remember what the Bible says, Luke 12:48 "to whom much is given much is required" they have alot of major league players in their church who have had marital & drug probs (like Deryl Strawberry) and made it through so why can't they take their own advice...
Manny, you know I respect you but, Good Gawd Lady where is the 230 buck in the Garden. No, not the Eve type. Take care and keep in touch. Rick
>Manny, you know I respect you
>but, Good Gawd Lady where
>is the 230 buck in
>the Garden. No, not the
>Eve type. Take care and
>keep in touch. Rick

Rick, I haven't been out there in 4 weeks, darn near gave up on that place, one hot motha, wait till the weather change i'll give it a go again....
Manny, yes it is true that "much is requried" but the requirement is from God, not people. God will judge their decision in this case, not us. We can see their short coming because God has given us the ability to know right from wrong, or sin. Can God reconcile these two or not. Is he big enough or not. Sometimes it is good for idles to fall so that we can remember who we are following. Many people stumble, leave churches, or will not come to God because they have their eyes and hearts in the wrong place. There might be alot of good that comes from this, seen and unseen. Remeber that God works all things for his good! Do you believe it or not? Stay focused on the what God has for you now, do not get side tracked by this news.
But, my brothers and sisters, if you can find it your heart, praise God, to just keep sending those checks in monthly, hallelujah, we can keep this mega church afloat, praise the lord, and keep doing Gods works, praise the lord, and save all you sinners. Can I have a "hallelujah" and a "praise the lord". Just send your money as soon as you can. Amen!

And from the crowd we hear "Baaa baaa baaa, Hallelujaaaaaaa, Praaaaaaise the looorrrrd. Baaa baaa baaa" insert the sound of purses being emptied and checks being scribbled and see the glint off the ministers gold teeth as he smiles. }>
You lil'devil Nv :)

I was wondering what these folk looked like so I found this google photo,
Seems like the couple was already drifting apart here, since there's a lady dying on stage & they still won't look at each other.

What one minute. When she awakens she will be healed! Except, for maybe that waffle head hammer mark on her forehead.
We can ridicule people all we want, but don't go too far and piss God off....the joke will be on us.... but I seen two different woman who I layed hands on get healed of cancer, not just a wanna be I saw the Dr. report??.
Manny I'm not sure what you do for a living, but I promise you if you can cure cancer it would pay better than what you're doing.
> Manny I'm not sure what
>you do for a living,
>but I promise you if
>you can cure cancer it
>would pay better than what
>you're doing.

Sooo your saying you don't believe me there Hunt?...

faith is 90% of the battle...I'm sure if your not used to hearing these things then I can understand your apprehensiveness
The one situation was just 7 years ago and the other was many moons had to be their faith not mine cause it hasn't happened since, but I will never give up laying hands on people in prayer, because it is scriptural, many so-called Christians don't believe me either so don't feel like the lone stranger?

Hey Buckspy nice to see your still kicking, even though I don't understand your comment?

Mathew 9:29; Then Jesus touched their eyes, saying, According to your faith be it unto you.

Mathew 9:20 And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment:

9:21 For she said within herself, If I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole.

9:22 But Jesus turned him about, and when he saw her, he said, Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour.
Your posts are right on. When we take our eyes off of God and put them on man, money, power, women, ect. ect. We are destined for defeat.

Your observation about God using adversity to achieve his higher purpose was splendid. I have seen it over and over. (splendid? I don't know where that came from)

It is easy to take shots at people in the spotlight and ridicule those who have fallen. But I can tell you one thing, the bible is full of fallen people that the Lord used in mighty ways to achieve his purposes.

Here is a partial list, Moses, Noah, David, Solomon, Peter, Paul, Samson, and on and on.

Mega churches are not my cup of tea, but many thousands of people have come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ in those churches.
I have never heard of this woman before. I looked her up on Youtube and found a few videos of her preaching. To be honest with you, she freaks me out a little. I dont get all the posturing and dancing around. All the yelling and showboating is insane. I could never in a million years picture Jesus or any of his disciples acting like that. I dont see any reverence or respect of Christ or his teachings in this. Its all a carefully orchestrated performance.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-31-07 AT 09:45AM (MST)[p]>Buncoboy,
>Your posts are right on.
>When we take our eyes
>off of God and put
>them on man, money, power,
>women, ect. ect. We
>are destined for defeat.
>Your observation about God using adversity
>to achieve his higher purpose
>was splendid. I have
>seen it over and over.
> (splendid? I don't know
>where that came from)
>It is easy to take shots
>at people in the spotlight
>and ridicule those who have
>fallen. But I can
>tell you one thing, the
>bible is full of fallen
>people that the Lord used
>in mighty ways to achieve
>his purposes.
>Here is a partial list, Moses,
>Noah, David, Solomon, Peter, Paul,
>Samson, and on and on.
>Mega churches are not my cup
>of tea, but many thousands
>of people have come to
>a saving knowledge of Jesus
>Christ in those churches.

Idabigbuck & Buncoboy,

Your capacity for mercy is admirable, but please remembers they have a 22,000 member church that have just been devastated by their announcement of divorce, something they would not condone in their own congregation but yet find it convenient for themselves.

We can talk about grace all we want but in the meantime their church (people) are hurt and have just been stumbled by their leadership, yes their just human, but they have read the bible also and know the way they should handle this and it's not divorce?

I'm pist because we have a mega church and public figures disobeying the Bible in FRONT of THE WROLD !

There is a time for mercy and then there is a time to down right get in someone face, they thought they were special enough to get on T.V but yet they think the rules don't apply to them because of their stardom, to make matters worse they both are starting new ministries in separate state?s he's going to Calif and she's going to New York, what makes them think they are qualified to do any more ministry, at least till they make this right with their people and their God!...

I know you guys dislike me because I posted this, but I want people here to know I will not condone this behavior!
Manny, the Paulina amateur Rodeo is this weekend, I hope not to get any broken bones out of it but I'm sure I'll have a hang over. if you can cure either one I'll take you serious, I might even buy a bible.
> Manny, the Paulina amateur
>Rodeo is this weekend, I
>hope not to get any
>broken bones out of it
>but I'm sure I'll have
>a hang over. if you
>can cure either one I'll
>take you serious, I might
>even buy a bible.

Dude your too funny, you just never know, broken bones not a prob, but hang over Hmmm nah...I'll send yah a bible...
Manny, do not be impressed with numbers. God himself is not a respector of numbers. Jesus took ( chose)"12" to go with him and though they fell short at times, the word and knowledge of Christ has spread widely to this very day. King David was an army of "one" when he fought Goliath. Manny you are wrong if you think I dislike you for posting this! I am good with you and will meet you in person one of these days. We are just talking. I can appreciate your anger in this. We should hate all evil, all sin and the devil. However, what I have found is most Christians forget and need to be reminded that our fight is spiritual and against the demonic. (Be angery, but do not sin). Do not lead others in a wrong direction because you will be accountable just like the two pastors you are discussing. There are Biblical principals that would lead many to believe your original post should not have taking place, however, I figure some people are limited on their understanding or knowledge. I believe Idabuck and myself are just trying to help you.
Numbers, ?....

it's just house cleaning time thats all I know, I too am looking inward..

Mat 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect..

we are surounded by a cloud of wittness's; Hebrews 12:1

I admire you very much, I don't dislike you. You are one of the very few voices of truth and reason on this website willing to speak up about the things of the Lord.

I am not condoning divorce in the church. It is wrong and the Bible makes that very clear. You are right, sin hurts others as well as yourself. I'm sure the people of that congregation are hurting because of the pastor's sin. But that doesn't preclude them from being used of the Lord in the future.

I believe a little righteous indignation is warranted in this situation. Those who take their eyes off of the Lord usually always get a spank from him. If not in this life then the one to come.

I also believe that pastors shouldn't live a life of wealth and luxury. But they do a job that I couldn't do. And they earn their money, as you well know.
>I admire you very much, I
>don't dislike you. You
>are one of the very
>few voices of truth and
>reason on this website willing
>to speak up about the
>things of the Lord.
>I am not condoning divorce in
>the church. It is
>wrong and the Bible makes
>that very clear. You
>are right, sin hurts others
>as well as yourself.
>I'm sure the people of
>that congregation are hurting because
>of the pastor's sin.
>But that doesn't preclude them
>from being used of the
>Lord in the future.
>I believe a little righteous indignation
>is warranted in this situation.
> Those who take their
>eyes off of the Lord
>usually always get a spank
>from him. If not
>in this life then the
>one to come.
>I also believe that pastors shouldn't
>live a life of wealth
>and luxury. But they
>do a job that I
>couldn't do. And they
>earn their money, as you
>well know.


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