big moose


Active Member
If any of you want a chance to make the record book with a Canadian Moose I would suggest you talk with Jack Goodwin of Northwest Big Game Outfitters out of Atlin BC. I have hunted with him two times and had a blast and took really nice bulls...BUT, the real story is that I introduced him to my good friend Freddy Dodge of Gold Rush fame. They have become very good friends and Freddy has taken the #1 and #2 Boone and Crocket moose with Jack with a muzzle loader. We all tease Fred that his first hunt with Jack was a "once in a life time hunt"........I believe he has gone back 10-12 times. If you go to Jack's web page and go back to 2002 and 3 you will see my moose and a lot of moose taken by my friends with him. His guiding area is pretty close to where Parker Snobel of Gold Rush lives and where Gold Rush began. His area is next to a national park and kind of acts like a reservoir for moose for his area as they migrate out of the park into his area. He can taylor a hunt to fit your needs and he works his self really hard to make sure you have a successful experience. I kid him that his horses are lawn ornaments as they never have been used on my hunts. They are good mountain horses and I think he wants to protect them from my John Wayne ways..Ha! He has very good Dall sheep and great bear hunting.

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