Big Horn and Billy hunt in Coloorado



Hello all. I now have 3points for both sheep and goat, and hope to get drawn for either one or the Moose tags that I have been collecting points on. So I thought I would drop a line just in case I get lucky enought. If anyone may have info on where would a good unit and area to try and put in for I would be greatful. I do plan to hunt rifle season with the 270win or the 7mm Rem Mag if I can pull a tag. I live in Denver Colorado and have never had a chance to hunt either, so any help would be great. ANY HELP (gear, area, weapon) is helpful. Any animal I get would be a great trophy BUT I'm not lookin for a great trophy but would at least like to score a animal to see if its for me. I am in ok shape but plan to start getting in better shape even if I dont get a tag (starting to get a little soft in the middle area). I am also including my e-mail address in case someone would not like to post their hints. I have learned alot from you folks in the past so any help would be great.

Thanks in advace. Jovan

[email protected]
Not true. Once you get your 3 points you are put in with everyone else. After you get the 3 points you only get weighted points after that. That puts you name in the drawing more times. Jovan
Filling a goat tag should take about an hour (I'm not kidding). Any of the units around Guenalla Pass south of Georgetown has numerous respectable goats. Also the units southwest of Leadville have plenty of goats and are fairly easily accessible. Sheep will probably require a bit more exersion and are harder to come by. S32 near Georgetown is close to you and has a number of descent sheep but the numbers have slipped over the years in that area. If you draw a tag I'll give you some info.

AntlerQuest Hunt Consulting
Georgetown is a good unit, I took a 164 7/8 ram archery there in 2000. If you work hard a 175-180 ram is possible. But archery tag are easier to get, less hunters apply. Another place to look at is S-12 over by Fairplay. The more tags the better your odds. I don't want to feel bad, but I started puting in for tags in 92. Have drawn 2 ewe tags and 2 ram tags, killed one of each. Ewe in 92, but had another ewe tag in 98. Ram tag in 95, but my son was born in Sept, ram tag was in Aug. Needless to say I didn't get a real chance to hunt that tag. And still almost killed a 185 ram, that tag was S-34. I went to S-32 because there were more tags than S-34 and drew it first time I applyed there. There is hope guys. If you draw a tag I know S-32 very well.
I'm trying for the billy, but I concur with the statement above, S32 would be a good unit to try for.

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