Big Fish..(pics)


Long Time Member
Big & Ugly.
These are the last two salmon I took this year.
I don't have the pics ready , but I had some great summertime salmon trips with my 11 year old son.
He outdid the old man again this year...(Big & Chrome)

Big fish, nice pics! I would love to make the trip up to hook into one of those babys.
Looks like a ton of fun. Huge salmon.

"I Love Animals...They're Delicious!"
Great fish and photos. If your Son outdid you, his fish must have been the XX-Large monsters.

Thanks guys,
those were pretty good sized but had a lot of color.
With my freezer full of bright chrome salmon,I let them go.
Yes Brian, those were taken on the Sacramento river, between Red Bluff and Redding.
I'll have to put up some pics of the chromers.
I have a new digital camera with a real bright flash.
It washes out most shadows, I have been accused of this before.
If I was going to cut and paste, It sure wouldn't be of a couple of darkies!
dude, I'll post up some steelhead pics tomorrow.

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