Big Debate Tonight


Well the big debate between Hilary and Obama is here tonight in Austin. I don't have tickets to go but I might just go and protest Hilary with the Young Republicans. Any particular messages (insults) you MM'ers would like me to convey through me at the top of my lungs to the former First Lady and her Former President Husband?

Come on let's hear it!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I would like for you to sing that song the captain of the fishing boat (Quint)was singing in the first JAWS movie. Went something like this.

"Farewell and adieu to you, fair Spanish ladies. Farewell and adieu, you ladies of Spain. For we've received orders for to sail back to Boston. And so nevermore shall we see you again."

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
HEY Roy!!!






From the Wizard of Oz:

Ding Dong! The Witch is dead. Which old Witch? The Wicked Witch!
Ding Dong! The Wicked Witch is dead.
Wake up - sleepy head, rub your eyes, get out of bed.
Wake up, the Wicked Witch is dead. She's gone where the goblins go,
Below - below - below. Yo-ho, let's open up and sing and ring the bells out.
Ding Dong' the merry-oh, sing it high, sing it low.
Let them know
The Wicked Witch is dead!
It's going to be on UNIVISION, the Spanish speaking station. Of course it is!


Well! watched the debate ... you boys are right ... Hillary might as well pose for playboy ... she ain't gunna be commander in chief!

Seriously ... Obama is going to be the next John Kennedy ... young, smart and something we've all needed for a long time.

>Seriously ... Obama is going to
>be the next John Kennedy
>... young, smart and something
>we've all needed for a
>long time.

Even after he signs new gun legislation into effect? Not attackin you personally RUS, but I just dont get how you guy's can get past the FACT that these two have and will continue to infringe upon our second amendment rights. Lord knows McCain aint excactly the awnser either but definatley not the threat that these two pose. Speak for yorselves but I do not need another president who will try to take more of my guns away. We already had 8 years of that with Bill Clinton.
Hardway ... if the most important thing in your life right now is whether you can walk around with a hog leg strapped to your side ... then your right .... I haven't had to give up a gun yet ... have you?? Billy boy put restrictions on the junk ammo comming in from China ... and I still bought 2 cases of 7.62X35 for the AK! CRAP ... hope Bushies homeland security doesn't pick up on this thread ... I might be taking a vacation in Guantanmo!

Think about it! RUS
You made my point for me Rus, we here in California cant even own an A-K or many other firearms.I have'nt had to give any up but there are plenty that I cant lawfully own as you can in Utah. Wheather they are assualt type firearms or not. I've said it before and I'll say it again...You guys in other states who have not had your rights trampeled on have not yet felt the true effect of the liberal anti-gun democrats. I understand the other reasons you guys support the democrats and I dont disagree with all of them, but beware.....The second amendment is at the core of what this country was founded on. As soon as the people are dis-armed you guys will have your socialst dictatorship.
Does it even occur to you that the constitution is why we still have our guns, and Bush has made more challenges on the constitution than any president in history? respect the constitution and our guns are safe, tamper with one part of the constitution and why stop there heck let's fix it. the republicans aren't the defenders of your rights quite as much as you might think, they want to cherry pick the constitution and that opens up a can of worms your guns could get lost in.
Hardway you couldn't drive 5 miles up Hwy 99 if they sold AK's over the counter in Cali. As for your 2nd amend. rights, those went bye bye 50 years ago. If you can't own every piece weaponry the military owns, you can't have a militia to fight the military.

Why is there a 2nd Amendment? Is it to protect you from the Al Queda in Iraq? Keep in mind our founding fathers did not want a centralized army controlled by the federal government. The days of taking back your government by force if necessary are long gone.

After the Dems poor performance in years past, I am really enjoying the dem debates. If you strip out Bush/Clinton/Bush out of the picture Hillary seems to be a viable candidate. She is certainly more viable than Geraldine Ferraro ever was.

Obama has a presidential aura about him that is somewhat hypnotic. Obama has great poise and presence which I find very appealing. This guys just doesn't get rattled like Hillary or John. No funny faces, rolling eyes, or deep sighs which I find as a major flaw for a leader.

I for one, just cringe everytime George steps in front of a microphone. C'mon folks admit it, it's friggin embarrassing how he just mangles the english language. Maybe Barbara was drinking while she was pregnant with George? How else can you explain why Jeb and George Sr are such great public speakers. In a masocistic way I'm gonna miss George behind the mic. How can we ever forget, "Fool Me Once or Keep up the Propaganda"?

I was at the VA last Saturday, most of the "guys" (Iraq veterans)and their families were backing Obama all the way which really surprised me. I spoke with about 30 of them, half were recovering and some were visiting. I was also surprised what a topic of conversation it was amongst themselves. There was only one guy I spoke with that wanted McCain. He said, "McCain says 100 years just to keep Hajis thinking we'll never leave." Who knows, maybe he's right?

In either case it's a great relief to know that 3 of the 4 current candidates are great public speakers. Huckabee was born or born again with a Mic in his hands and he too has a certain appeal when addressing a crowd. If Huck could put aside the religious agenda I think he would be the leading GOP nominee. The guy seems to have a very sincere and trusting demeanor, a rare quality in politicians these days.

McCain looked anything but presidential during the debates, especially at the Reagan Library debate. It was juvenile the way McCain behaved towards Paul and Romney during the debates. I think we are going to see a very unpalatable performance by Johnny Mac during the general election debates against Hillary or Obama.
Don't we have any other choices?

I think the whole thing is moot now anyway, so I am going to write in somebody............?
LAST EDITED ON Feb-22-08 AT 05:37AM (MST)[p]One only has to look at how the tobacco industry was legislated to see how effectively gun control can be utilized, ,using the same tactics.

Most people I know, when the issue was presented on a ballot, voted against cigarettes at every opportunity. Most can agree that cigarettes are a smelly, unhealthy habit. When offered the chance to banish smokers from restuarants, bars, airports, and other public places, libs and conservatives blindly supported it. How? By sanctioning taxes, fines, fees and suits. "Tobacco" was never outlawed, the use of it is sin-taxed to the nth degree.

Now we see snippets of news about how the Tobacco Nazi's are trying use children as the foils to further banish the use of tobacco, re: someday you won't be able smoke in your home or automobile for the fear of kids getting some tobacco-borne illness, which in turn will not be covered by insurance.

So the anti-gun nuts, most notably liberal democrats, will try and use the same tactics as they did to punish the tobacco industry and smokers. I think you will see little controls being employed like how much ammo you can buy, taxes on said ammo, ammo being signatured to better track it, suits against manufacturers for allowing their guns to be used to kill some kid in a drive-by and on and on.

Hey, if the American sheeple can be convinced that McDonalds and its ilk are responsible for obesity (which is now classified as a disease BTW), parsing of the 2nd amendment should be a cake-walk.

As mentioned above, California, who could be honest-to-god classified as a socialist country unto itself (7th largest economy in the world) controls a lot of influence in this nation. Ever look at the stickers under the hood of your vehicles, they most assuredly have to abide by the Ca. EPA standards, or they don't get made. Liberal eastern states are falling into line accordingly.

So when you so-called sportsmen and hunters pull the handle for "the most liberal senator in Washington," remember how things can be controlled. Yes, he makes you swoon. Your palms get all sweaty just hearing his golden utterances. He fills you with "hope" and "dreams."

The brother is quite the saleman. A snake oil salesman.

Good luck with your purchases.
Oh and lest not we forget that Both the anoited one Obama and the Hillary are both animal rights advocates. So while all you folks are sitting there kidding yourself about all this "forthcoming change" you had better ask yourself one question? Just how much more is it going to cost ME to do all this? Those two alone won't be funding any programs and change costs money especially when you have the Feds doing it. Change for the politicians always results in less of that commodity in your wallet or less opportunity. In either case with these two I think it'll cost you on both counts.
So back to the topic.
Who won the debate ?
I didn't get a chance to watch it.
What was your impression of Obama, did he sound like he knew what he was talking about ?
Did Hillary step in it, or did she keep her cool ?
Anaconda the topic was what Clinton insults could you pass along to Roy who might be attending the debate.

I thought the debate itself was a draw. At this point a draw for Hillary would be considered a loss.

The only juvenile moment was when Hillary accused Obama of plaguerizing some speech lines from his campaign co-chair. Hillary then used a rather weak canned response it was a rather pathetic attempt that fizzled.

In the end it was a very amicable, focused, and respectful debate which left both candidates in good graces with their supporters. So I guess in the end it would be declared a victory for Obama.

Obama was able to fend off Hillary's subtle attacks, but Hillary had a very candid moment at the end. Hillary's closing response was her best of the entire campaign and appeared to be very sincere. She appears to be resolved in the fact that she may lose the nomination and is willing to fully support Obama.
I watched it also. I thought at some point they were going to start licking each other.

If I had to vote for one it would be Obama.

The one thing that worries me is they both want the rich to "pay their fair share". That sounds good, except for one small detail. How are they going to keep the rich from passing on the added tax (cost) to the consumer? I'm afraid we'll all pay, thinking we really "stuck it to" the big bad Corporations.

Or, will more Corporations just bail out and take their operations overseas?

If taxes go up, corporations will bail. They did it last time a Clinton was in office, in fact they did it in DROVES.

"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

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