Big colorado antelope


Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Oct-12-06 AT 08:13AM (MST)[p]Here is a pisture of my buddy's colorado antelope he shot last weekend. Last year he shot another one that scored 82.

I spotted this buck for him and he made the 390 yard shot.

I should have just ignored the buck and found a smaller one for him becuase he found me a buck for me that was 3 inches smaller.

HIs buck green scored at 84 5/8, was 16 tall and had nice white ivory tips.

Can someone help me post the picture?
Here's the buck, he's a dandy!

Thats a great buck! Yeah he looks to have some great head gear , congrats to you and your buddy , sounds like you guys had a pretty good hunt. Thanks for sharing it...
Hope he didn't plan on using that cape to mount the buck, I work for a taxidermist in Nevada and when we see a cape that has been split up to the brisket like that there isn't much a taxidermist can do, kind of hard to hide the stitches on the short hair down there. None the less that is truly a dandy speed goat, congrats to the hunter!
Are you sure it came from CO? Too nice, really!
Congrats on a rare thing in this state!
Thanks for sharing.
Great buck, congrats to your buddy, and to you too - if you took one three inches smaller, that is still nothing to sneeze at.

Keep the Sun at Your Back and the Wind in Your Face
The goat had a large scar on the top of his neck so the cape was no good to start with. When we seen that we just quickly gut him out since it was raining pretty hard.

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