Big boomers?



Toying with the idea of building one of the big 338s-lapua, Edge,
and especially the 338 Norma. So far I'm having a hard time finding the
right platform that'll be light enough for mountain hunting yet heavy enough to
not nock all 180lbs of me off the mountain in recoil/muzzle blast.

It looks like the 338 Norma pushing 300 grainers through a heavy 26" tube off of a Remington action and HS Precision stock may be the ticket.

Anyone have much hunting experience with these beast canons?

I'll keep the 300rum for hunting small game. Haha
LAST EDITED ON Dec-22-09 AT 00:34AM (MST)[p]I was toying with the same idea for awhile recently. It basically boils down to how much money you want to spend and how much you want to complicate things. I looked at the 338Norma and ruled that out in a hurry. The case is shorter than the lapua but they seat those 300smk's out so long that the oal is about the same, so your not really gaining anything over the lapua. The 338 edge will cost you more to have built and load for and I doubt you'll notice a real world (hunting) difference between that and the 338ultra.

If you're after performance there's always the 338-378 or the new 338xtreme based off the 505gibbs. I basically decided on the 338ultra purely on economics and then talked myself out of that and sticking with the 338win mag.

If you just want to be different then go exotic but like I said it'll cost a lot more and brass or ammo isn't always as easy to find. I'm not trying to talk you out of anything but I think when you weigh the positives and negatives the plain jane 338ultra makes a lot of sense cost vs performance, especially in a light hunting weight rifle.

and keep the 300 ultra around. It'll make a good squirrel gun.
The 338 RUM is kind of where this all started and that may be what
I end up doing. If I could find a 338-378 in a decent used accumark that'd
probably work too.

I hear rumor that Berger is coming out with a new 300gr VLD for the 338s. Have you heard anything about it?

I'm just starting to put together longrange 7mm. No worries about me
selling all of the 300 RUMS in the safe. It's to awesome of a caliber. If I had to just pick one gun, it'd be a 300 ultra hands down.
I haven't heard anything about a 300 grain berger. But if they come up with one it'll probably have an amazing b.c.,
PM Stinkystomper about his Sako TRG-42 chambered in 338 Lapua and topped with a nightforce scope. He shoots the factory Lapua ammo loaded with 250gr Scenar bullets.
I killed my Colorado buck with it in November.....what a fun gun, i want one!

Instead of spending time putting a gun together, you should be out making us some more movies to buy. :) :) :)
I have a 338Edge that Shawn Carlock from Defensive Edge built me and a 338 Lapua. The Edge, generally, will cost you more to buy and the Lapua is way more expensive to shoot because of brass costs.
If you want to save money, I'd go with the 338 Ultra. Your not too far behind the Edge or the Lapua.
As far as recoil goes, get a muzzle break. As bad as I hate them, you need them on these "big boomers".
If you need some specifics about my guns or loads, I'd be happy to help you out, Chuck.

"My sickle has a boattail"
"hidden soles leave .308 holes"
And there's always the .338/378 Weatherby.
Bad thing about that gun in a stock rifle is barrel heat.
It's basically a one shot rifle.

Whoa & hold it right there!
I been thinkin about the big gun too.
Just relax!
The new 30/50 is about to show.
Yup,The all new 50 BMG necked to 30 caliber.
Piss on 300 RUM's,they won't stand a chance against this 30/50
And as far as the other 2 bigger RUM's (338 & 375),they are nothing more than a 300 RUM necked up,the case is the same.
I've heard the 30/50 will be trveling 7000 fps+
I've also heard at 1 mile it will blow a 20" hole through the side of an Elk,Ya,stinky ought to like this gun.
7000 fps.

After the six shots just turn it into a 338 for another six. After that just put a new barrel on it and start over
338 RUM - No Question.

I have a 300 RUM and a 338 RUM both built by Lex at Rifles Inc. I just got the 338 a couple of months ago and I wish I would have had a 375 RUM built (for Africa) instead of the 300. My 338 RUM will shoot through the same hole with me behind the trigger; I'd like to see what an expert could do with it! The reason I went with the 338 RUM over the others was there is really no practical difference in ballistics when compared to the Lapua and the brass is WAY cheaper. I think the RUM is actually faster in some cases. The BC as I am sure you know is fantastic! Also when my ammo doesn't show up from the airlines I can find ammo at Wal-Mart in a pinch. I have checked and ammo is available in Windhoek, Namibia. Try that with the Edge or the Lapua. I have no affiliation with Rifles Inc, but I highly recommend you give Lex a call. His rifles are light weight shooters and his muzzle brake is second to none.
RE: 338 RUM - No Question.

Too bad that Sako quit chambering their TRG's in Lazzeroni 7.82 Warbird.I've had mine for a few years now and have taken everyting from moose down to whitetails. I love the weapon!! It does "snort" pretty good when you pull the trigger though.
RE: 338 RUM - No Question.

I leaning towards the rum (again). I think I can piece together a long
range boomer for "fairly" cheap...

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