Big Ben in Trouble Again


Long Time Member

Not sure why they call him Big Ben but with the all the allegations against him I think we might know where the name comes from. What you think of everything thats been going on with him? Alcohol problem? Sex addiction?

According to several news reports Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger will be suspended for four to six games on Wednesday for violating the NFL?s personal conduct policy, according to multiple sources.

The suspension, to be handed down by Commissioner Roger Goodell, will contain conditions that will allow a six-game suspension to be reduced to four based on Roethlisberger?s behavior and compliance with clinical evaluators, notes.

Some within the Steelers organization expected an eight-game suspension for Roethlisberger, but two sources told ESPN it would not be eight games.
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It's not really a surprise when this stuff happens is it ? I think Ben's only problem is that He is Rich and Famous and used to getting whatever He wants. Ya, there could be some Alcohol abuse as well.

Didn't the prosecutor drop the investigation with no charges pending ?
As Hef says, sex addiction is a cop out, what guy isn't a sex addict? Difference between normal guys and Ben, is Ben thinks he can take whatever he wants, normal guys still respect a womans wishes. Ben is a jerkoff. Hope he fails the behavioral assesment and gets kicked out of the league.
with draft day fast approaching it'll be interesting to see what the Steelers do... especially since 2 more women have come out with accusations in the last 24 hours.

Being rich and famous does seem to lend itself to some sense of entitlement. If he stays the course he'll end up in jail eventually.
Ben Recklessbanger could lose 1.9 million dollars for a four game suspension. He makes 473,529 a game. The steelers could also take back some of his 25 million dollar signing bonus. I think he should declare himself a sex addict. It worked for Tiger.
The Steelers have received a few calls from other teams regarding Big Ben. I'm a huge Steelers fan and always have been. The Rooney's don't put up with this crap....Bam Morris, Holmes and now Big Ben. They will eventually trade him, just a matter of time IMO. A very classy organization is what the Steelers pride themselves on. He'll go to either Buffalo, Kansas City, Oakland or maybe even Cleveland. He will be a great pick up for any team as all he needs is a decent running game and they'll be in the playoff hunt. I hate to see him go but he did screw up.
These athletes need to stay in the house or don't drink when they go out. Too many women to be tempted by and some athletes think they are above the law.
Will the Steelers start Dixon or Batch is the question. I heard they also got Byron Leftwich back but I don't think he's starter material. It'll be a sad day if Ben does in fact get traded.


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