Big balls or no brain?

A suit like that has to take some brains to make!!! So I will guess all balls.
There's a video out there somewhere that shows a guy clipping a tree. When they got to him he had no brains or balls.

Probably never had a brain to begin with, would be my guess.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-04-08 AT 10:48PM (MST)[p]Definitely gotta be all balls and no brains. Probably a bunch of crazy kiwis that invented that. They're all nuckin futs.

On the other hand, might be good for goat hunting?

what do you do when your arms get tired?
Most definately.....huge balls are in play here. Certainly no brains, except in the guy who talked this goofball into trying the suit out.
"what do you do when your arms get tired?"
CAelknuts that is funny right there. LMAO :)

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
A little bit of both I think. It is cool to watch - but you will never get me to do it - my mother only raised two idiots and both of them are younger than me!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Awesome video! Took brains to build it and balls to do it. I did a search on you tube after I saw this thread, heres another cool one...


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