Big Antelope Question?


Active Member
My Dad and I just started guided in Wyoming for pronghorn and have found that there are a lot of big bucks - many more than most of the information I've read would have you believe.

Down here in AZ and NM we hear rumors of big bucks constantly - 90-inchers here and there and everywhere - and yet there are very few sportsmen afield looking for antelope because there are so few tags.

In WY there are thousands of antelope hunters afield every year and what I'm wondering is this: Why aren't there ever any rumors of 90-inch bucks in WY? We don't live in WY so it's possible, I guess, that we just don't hear any of them and that there are plenty of rumors, but browsing the message boards, though, I almost never hear or see anyone saying anything about big bucks or rumors in WY.

Just wondering why that is.

And if there are a decent amount of 90-inch rumors in WY what areas would they be coming from? Private land areas? Public? Certain ranches?
You hear rumors of big bucks but I have not heard any regarding 90" bucks. I would say that I have never seen what I believe to be a 90" buck. The biggest I have taken was 81 6/8 and it was in a unit not known for big bucks and fairly easy to draw. I lived in the red desert for 10 years and never saw what i consider a 90" buck. I also lived in Gillette for a couple of years and did not see or hear about 90" bucks in that country. I agree 100% about there being great trophy bucks in wyoming and it not getting as much trophy attention as NM or AZ, and we like it that way. So don't tell anybody. To be honest, you see so many antelope in Wyoming you start to ignore them.
LAST EDITED ON May-13-11 AT 02:42PM (MST)[p]There is always going to be a few good bucks on any unit. However, it's a lot tougher for a big buck to get really big. Hunting pressure is one factor, but the biggest factor has to be the hard winters. Many bucks die before they are older and it takes a lot out of horn growth just to survive.
About 3 years ago a hunter was in an undersubscribed unit and had a left over tag I believe it was. He did have access to private if he needed to hunt in there. He finely got his Buck Lope just outside the private on BLM I think the story goes and it tied the state record Antelope......So they are not always where you would think they should be...luck of the hunt.

I'd say WY averages a 90" rumor per year or so, sometimes they are rumors, and sometimes they prove out. They just don't get that big here very often! I've often wondered weather AZ goats and WY goats are separate subspecies or if it's more a factor of weather. Could an AZ goat survive a WY winter? The winters are cooold and looong!
I haven't hunted very many units in WY but I just don't think there are very many 90 inch class bucks...otherwise they'd sure as heck be posted. It's not like people don't like to brag. My Dad shot a 16 1/2" buck in 48 several years ago. He wasn't too far off the beaten path. Kinda just walked up on him coming back from an evening hunt. Never got him scored.

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
The pronghorns I have seen in Wyoming this year don't have much for horns, any one else notice that?
>I'd say WY averages a 90"
>rumor per year or so,
>sometimes they are rumors, and
>sometimes they prove out.
>They just don't get that
>big here very often!
>I've often wondered weather AZ
>goats and WY goats are
>separate subspecies or if it's
>more a factor of weather.
> Could an AZ goat
>survive a WY winter?
>The winters are cooold and

We've killed 10 bucks in WY over the last few years and they've all scored over 80" and one was 91-2/8 B&C and buddy took one over 90 B&C last year. These have come from 6 different units. Every unit we go to seems to have plenty of 85+ type bucks running around.

After seeing what I've seen in WY I would think there would be far more rumors or big bucks being killed. I personally think that WY has more total 90" antelope than AZ or NM, albeit the percentage of 90" bucks is likely far, far less.

I have no proof, of course, except for what we've killed so far and seen, but I just thought that with so many hunters afield that more rumors would surface like they do down here in AZ and NM. Maybe antelope in WY are more of a nuisance than a trophy big game animal?

With so many hunters going to shoot meat or just have a fun hunt maybe they aren't even looking long enough to find the big bucks.
LAST EDITED ON May-13-11 AT 07:53PM (MST)[p]Bucks grow their top end in winter. If it's been a severe winter, they may have shorter tops . . . I suppose if you have a group of guys that put in for various good areas every year and have the time to devote to looking for buck like a 90"er, the odds of seeing or killing one are definitely greater, as related above. Most Wyoming residents are working stiffs and hunt when they can for the shear enjoyment of it and the thought of finding a 90"er never crosses their mind. I've hunted wyoming for many years and I'm positive I've never laid eyes on a 90" buck. But, then again, I've never spent more than two days in a row hunting antelope and, though a week in a great area would be awesome, it's just not possible!
Eli, I think that 90" bucks in WY don't look like they are 90", like the bucks in AZ and NM do. Also, I don't think that most hunters in WY go into their hunts with the same kind of goal they would have if hunting down south, because they don't believe those bucks exist. And finally, because they don't have that high goal, they don't spend more than a day or two looking before they shoot a buck, and so they never learn that those bucks exist.

How many guys do you think spend the amount of time you and Tony did in 2009? I'm guessing 1% or less...
Guys just don't go to WY to hold out for a 90" buck. You can draw a tag every year in WY where it could take a lifetime to draw in the southern states. You get a tag in AZ or NM, you'd better make it count cuz it very well could be your only one.

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
ColoradoOak - all of those sound very plausible. In 2009 we did spend an exorbitant amount of time, mostly because we had a couple buddies who were hunting with us and we decided we weren't going to shoot our bucks until they had finished. This allowed us over a week to scour the unit and we actually didn't find the biggest bucks until the very last couple of days.
>About 3 years ago a hunter
>was in an undersubscribed unit
>and had a left over
>tag I believe it was.
> He did have access
>to private if he needed
>to hunt in there.
>He finely got his Buck
>Lope just outside the private
>on BLM I think the
>story goes and it tied
>the state record Antelope......So they
>are not always where you
>would think they should be...luck
>of the hunt.

kilowatt - that sounds almost identical to my hunt, but I'm guessing you're referring to Wheeler's buck and not mine. Unless there was another 91 2/8 killed?
Oak makes a good point above that big WY antelope don't look like they do down south. Case it point, the big buck referenced above (the one killed in the undersubscribed area) I believe only had 14" horns! But one of the circumferences was 9"! More good points above that when you draw in NM or AZ, you're going to make the most of the hunt, schedule a good amount of time, maybe even hire a guide. Couple this with the fact that a good area down there will have a higher proportion of bigger bucks. Antelope in most of Wyoming are like bugs on a bumper, but only a few of those among the masses will be 90".

The one killed by your party Eli was a product of a few things: time (you had enough time to devote), skill (you guys know what a 90"er looks like, and you have the reserve to pass a darn good buck in the 80's up), and a little luck . . .

In Wyoming, if I see an buck appearing to be 80", it's in real trouble!
That 14"er noted above was shot 25 miles NE of Casper. The guy who shot it didn't even know what he had until his taxidermist started throwing a tape on it. 73 produced a 88 or 89 buck just northwest of Casper a few years ago. Some area's that don't have a reputation for producing big bucks produce more than their share of toads. The biggest goat I ever saw was in 25 a number of years. With my luck, I'm usually satisfied just to draw a tag...
Same here,BB.Eli,you nailed it when you mentioned most people in Wyo regard antelope in pretty low esteem.Many good points made above,but most residents are so used to seeing goats;and the table fare is considered lower quality as well.Both serve as probably the top two reasons people don't really put too much effort into the goat hunt.You're gettin'yer jerky meat for the year is the mentality.Still though,I am 100% sure I've never laid eyes on a 90" goat here.
I've only seen one 90" buck so far and five others that were very close (three of those five we killed).

It's true that the big bucks in WY don't look anything like the big bucks do down here in AZ. Most of our giants are very long bucks with very small heads and bodies. The giant WY bucks are usually short and massive and have large heads and bodies.

Which could be one of the reasons most hunters don't report ever seeing a 90" buck. They could be seeing many but because most hunters associate great length with bigness they don't think the short heavy bucks are really very big.
Interesting comparison. I've never laid eyes on an AZ or NM buck except for in pictures. Here's the big buck from 2008.

Eli- I see pronghorns from area 87 90 and 91 and im guessing the rough winter has had an effect on horn growth
kilowatt - that sounds almost identical to my hunt, but I'm guessing you're referring to Wheeler's buck and not mine. Unless there was another 91 2/8 killed?

I don't remember the name but B_B gave the location where it was taken above, it was north east of Casper.

That buck is huge, it looked fake it was so massive!!! Any experienced goat hunter would have know it was a monster... Certainly a lucky hunter, that without others telling him what he had, would have possibly never got scored... If not, nobody would have know about this buck...

I've been trophy hunting Wyo antelope for over 40 years and would venture a guess that I've only seen a handful of bucks over 85+ in my life during the season. You must be hunting a different part of Wyo if you are seeing numerous 82+ bucks in a season....and multiple bucks over 85"? I enjoy hunting antelope every year so haven't been fortunate to draw some of the reknown "trophy" units that may have a little better genetics and horn growth with potential for 85+". I work super hard to find bucks over 80-82" in the units I've hunted in Wyo but consistantly harvest bucks in that category.

I know a guy that lives in the Rawlins area that eats, sleeps, and breaths monster antelope....and spends about every day working out in the field in that area. He has about the longest string of B&C bucks I know about and doesn't shoot the first 82+ buck he sees. Most of his bucks are in the 82 to 85" range. I don't think he's shot 1 buck over 87" and he is as dedicated to antelope hunting as anyone I know. He also draws prime units every year w/a landowner tag.

The B&C books don't lie and there are likely only a handful of 90+" bucks that have ever been shot in Wyo. If you compare this to AZ and NM there is no comparison! Wyo just doesn't produce many 88+" bucks. You are pretty lucky to find a buck over 16" in any unit in Wyo but Wyo bucks "generally" make up for it with mass and sometimes prongs (in some units). A few years ago...out of the blue Converse County had just the right conditions and produced a number of B&C bucks....of which one is in the photos above. It's pretty wild how all of a sudden this happened in a county that doesn't have that many listings over 82". I've noticed that the Red Desert and other scattered areas will have year or 2 similar to that where a boat-load of B&C bucks are harvested. This is probably the result of just the right conditions..genetics, feed, winter, moisture, etc.

I remember we had a discussion on here about the pair of Wyo Grimmit bucks a couple years ago and from looking at the photos I had a hard time figuring out how they scored even 80"....but they somehow did? I don't know about you but all of the 82+" bucks I've seen in Wyo definitely stood out and there was no doubt in my mind they would make B&C. Bucks I him and haw about shooting usually are the ones that score 78 to 79! There is no doubt in my mind the buck in the photo above would be shot the instant I saw him!

With all that said....I think it is a bunch of hogwash that there are a bunch of 90" bucks in any 1 year in Wyo! The B&C books don't lie!
That buck was actually not shot in Converse Co. As for as 90 inch goats, I totally agree. If your out looking for 90+ your probably not gonna fill your tag. Finding a mid 80" goat is almost impossible...
These last two posts illustrate exactly what my Dad and I had been told about Wyoming for decades and are the reason we never hunted the state.

Now, after hunting in Wyoming since 2006 and killing 10 different bucks across 5 different units, we've managed to kill 5 bucks that have scored over 88 B&C and one of them was 91 2/8 B&C. All public land.

So, one of two things has happened - either we're the luckiest group of hunters ever, or the general opinion of Wyoming's big buck population is at least slightly incorrect.

jims: do you have any photos of these 82"+ bucks that look bigger than the two my Dad and I shot? I'd love to see them.

As far as which state has better bucks...

(to my knowledge)
Last season no one in AZ took a 90" B&C buck - not even the auction tag hunters.

Last season there were at least two 90" B&C bucks killed in WY.

Last season there was one 90" B&C buck killed in NM (some lucky archery hunter!)
I agree that there are just not many 90 inch bucks in Wyoming. I've looked in some darned good places for over 35 years and have maybe seen one. We lease and hunt a big private ranch with literally over a thousand antelope on it. We shoot 10 per year. I'll bet in the last 3 years, we've taken at least 3-4 B&C bucks off that ranch and not a single hunter has had one of those stud bucks officially scored. I measured a couple at an honest 84+ inches and the hunters just don't seem to know what they have or even care.

Most of them can't really tell a 75 inch buck from a Booner, so as long as they are happy, I'm good. Year before last, I did have one hunter that shot a massive 14.5" buck that scored just over 80 walk up and kick him in a disappointed fashion. He had hunted AZ and NM and thought this buck was not very good. Wyoming antelope can be deceiving. Even after the buck was scored, the hunter still seemed upset.

I'd bet half of the really good antelope taken in Wyoming are never officially scored. Keep the secret.
LAST EDITED ON May-17-11 AT 03:05PM (MST)[p]Just looked at your web site. you are more than just talk. Got some dang nice bucks on there.
I guess, who would have known that with the hundreds of thousands of pronghorns killed over the last few decades in Wyoming, that most of the 90 pointers just got away, maybe they were smart? or maybe its hard to tell a 90 pointer from a 75 pointer? I would swear that I could tell the difference, but maybe not? Tell you what though, I bet no true 90 inchers are killed this year in Wyoming
Dude, your killing me! Stop spreading these horrible rumors of big bucks in Wyoming. Everyone knows that there is nothing over 75", there is no public land, land owners want $10,000 for a trespass fee and all the good tags take max points to get. I certainly hope no one falls for this scam and that they continue to look to other states for quality antelope hunting. I just hope that I was able to stop this rumor before it was too late. Let's pray.
Eli- after they shrink 60 days and get scored. Let us know if the Antelope seem to average a little smaller this year in Wyoming, Im guessing they will be, and it looks that way from what Im seeing, pretty tough winter and slow to green up this year.
OK, that's what I thought you meant.

I'll definitely let you know what we kill this season. We're hoping we're able to find some more giants! But I can only speak about our average on the bucks we take as I have no idea about the rest of WY.

For reference, here are our averages the last few years - official net B&C scores after 60 days of drying:

2010 (4 bucks): 88 4/8 B&C
2009 (4 bucks): 86 1/8 B&C
2008 (1 buck): 88 4/8 B&C
2007 (didn't hunt)
2006 (2 bucks): 82 7/8 B&C

I hope that bad winter I keep hearing about missed the units we put in for.
Luckily my units should be awesome this year!!! Great winter and awesome spring so far... Find me a 90 incher!!!
On a good winter year, most any area can produce good bucks, especially the areas that historically produce big bucks. As far as which areas got slammed this winter, it's just a matter of which way the wind blew! Some areas were relatively free of snow, while it really stacked up in other areas. To get an idea, look at the new regulations for 2011 to see which areas had tags cut. I know some areas were increased!

Antelope are hardy animals. Where I live, you'd have swore this winter all the antelope would have died, but they can handle some extreme cold! I saw a buck the other day that was pretty darn nice, considering the winter. Unless a wide swath of country gets hammered, antelope will find those little pockets to winter in where the snow doesn't pile up and where there is adequate forage. Since we had a good amount of moisture, it's only uphill for them now as things start to get green.
8 bucks over 86" in 2 years is pretty outrageous for 1 Wyo guide! I hope your luck continues. Here's a couple links to websites with some of the bucks mentioned above. The first link has pics of Wyo bucks and scores.

The 2nd has a bunch of photos of bucks harvested with the Wyo outfitter Grimmets work for.

If you judge antelope like I do the bucks from Wyo that score 88+ don't look nearly as impressive as the NM and AZ bucks with the same scores. Here's a link to bucks from AZ and NM bucks.
WOW! Now that one there is just obscene pornography! Surprised someone didn't die of a heart attack the first time you spotted that one. Thanks for sharing.
You respond without arrogance and attitude. You seem like a guy that loves what he's doing and knows how to do it. I appreciate your responses and willingness to share some of what you've accomplished. It would be an honor to shake your hand someday. Thanks.
>You're definitely right about the way
>the bucks look.
>AZ and NM bucks have tiny
>heads and bodies compared to
>WY bucks. Combine this with
>longer horns and the bucks
>look larger.
>Here are the individual scores for
>those 8 bucks you mention
>- not all of them
>were over 86.
>91 2/8
>88 6/8
>85 6/8
>91 2/8
>89 2/8
>83 4/8
>80 4/8
>Here's our buddies 91 2/8 from
>last year.
Is there any way for you to post a side view of TOAD!!!PLEASE
Thanks! I can see a few reasons why guys would tend to underestimate the size of a buck like that. One, he hides a good amount of length in those hooks, and two, because he's so massive, the prongs appear short. I have a buck with similar length prongs, but he's not near as heavy, with the prongs appearing much more prominent. Mass goes a long way on antelope! Thanks again.
I am currently working in Western Wyoming and just saw an antelope with the biggest prongs I have ever seen. I've been in all the western states and this antelope has impressed me tremendously. It wasn't very tall, but man he was heavy. I also saw a nice tall one with smallish prongs. I will definitely be buying a preference point for antelope in July! Seen more elk than deer though which seems weird to me. If anyone is interested in the location of the bucks I found, send me a pm. I have 14 points in Oregon and will be drawing my tag next year. Besides I don't even know which Wyoming unit I am in."Never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience!"
I took a pronghorn in Arizona a few years back that scored 89 1/8 SCI & was only 15 3/8 on the long horn!
Do you have a picture of this buck with horns attached? I would like to see a picture to compare head/ears/body size.

Eli-part of the answer is weather. Much of 2000-2010 (with a couple years' exception) was warmer and drier than avg in WY. Starting with this winter, we're back to the old negative PDO cycle, like back in the 70s and 80s, lots of La Nina and only weak El Nino....colder, snowier WY winters; we'll see if this holds up. I hope it doesn't because I will have a tag this year.

We should also draw a pretty good unit this year. I keep hearing how spotty the weather is, so hopefully where I draw will be one of the places the snow skipped.

Last year was actually the first time ever in Arizona where we actually could see weather playing a role in horn development. We had a wetter winter than normal, but also much colder than normal, and the top mass of the bucks was way down - much like Wyoming usually is for top mass.

This year has been better so Arizona should be back to normal - fingers crossed.
I have spent years in Big Wild Wonderful Wyoming. Chased goats many times and seen some great goats in New Mexico a couple years ago. Last year the family and I ran into Pringles, yea like the chips. That is what we named him. Becouse it looked like two cans of Pringles chips sticking out of his head with great prongs. On a scouting trip a month before the season we ran into the tallest, heavyest and most impressive Buck I have ever laid eyes on. Even my bride who is not impressed with antelope at all could not believe her eyes. Just for refrence and refrence only as I am far from an expert. I would compare Pringles to the only antelope I have ever seen to have similar looks. That buck is JOE BOO. Sorry if I spelled him wrong. I get to see a replica at Cabelas in Lehi, utah close up and even the bride says that is what he looked like. So I know there are monsters out there and if anyone could find monster goats it would be the Grimmet's. I am hoping to get a look at him this year if he made the winter and a buddy hunting the same area believes he seen him also, after I told him where to go and get him. He just couldnt get anywhere near him for a shot. I was not fortunate enough to see him on the hunt, and it really wouldnt have mattered as I try my best to get the goat my girls tell dad to get. It is a family hunt and thats what we get, a fantastic family experience and a nice goat to boot. If I draw and get out scouting I will try hard to get a pic of Pringles and send it to you to give me your opinion of him if you would. I wish you and your party the best of luck again this year.


I know that Areas 60 & 61 in the Red Desert have a reputation as the best trophy Areas in the State. What have your years of experience taught you in this regard?

LAST EDITED ON Jun-10-11 AT 12:50PM (MST)[p]here are pics of a antelope killed by a 17 yr old in the town of Midwest, Wyoming that scored GROSS=91 7/8 NET= 89 6/8



Colorado, U.S.A

WOW! That thing is a monster! Absolutely awesome buck.

Do you have any other photos or perhaps the measurements on the buck? A side view of the rack would be cool as I bet the mass is amazing.


This "Pringles" buck sounds like a giant buck. I'd love to see photos of him!
This one is from that same area - not near the height unfortunately but he had the mass down - bases are right at 7 3/8 on both sides. If he had a little more length would have been a pretty good buck especially for a rookie.

I got this one in 2009, there can be some good bucks around there:) Sorry about the poor pic quality I just don't take the best almost always forget!!


I have not spent much time in either of these areas just driving by. I am sure that these units have a great rep for a reason but I feel IMO that the chance of running into a monster can happen just about anywhere in the western part of Wyoming. Wyoming has a ton of country to hunt and a lot of places that dont have a road in every drainage, meaning that they can get away if they are smart enough to. I feel that most people will take the first good 14 incher when given the chance and that there are a lot less trophy hunters for goats than like muleys. Leaving some great bucks that just dont get chased much. I have seen great bucks in 107-95-93-91-92-90-96-84-89-57-58-59-112. I had to look at the map areas to see what areas we are in. Also by great bucks I mean 14-15-16 plus with good mass and prongs. I am in the hunt for the fun of it. I have taken some respectable bucks but no monsters. If I see pringles this year barring I draw, that is a diffrent story. They can be very tough to judge at times. I dont have max points for them so those units are out for me and since I love hunting them I just want to go, every year I see no reason to put in for them. I have never seen anything close to the Pringles buck and to be honest I probably never will again. But it was cool just seeing him when I did. Kinda gives you that feeling that anything can happen if you just wait. Good luck to you this year!

I will be scouting that area later and I will do my best at a pic for you to look over. I do like to get pics of some goats lately and hope to get a pic of him.


I think you are right. There are probably Boone & Crockett pronghorns all over the State of Wyoming. The hard part is finding them. Pronghorns are not held in high repute. I once met the old Wyoming outfitter Les Bowman. When I told him a non-resident antelope license cost $100 (this was a long time ago) he told me he would NEVER pay that much money for a goat. To him, Bighorns, Grizzly, and Elk, were the trophy animals of Wyoming. Deer were almost varmints. Pronghorn were just one step above Coyotes, as far as he was concerned.

I suffer from a serious malady. When I hunt by myself in Wyoming, after about 3 days alone, my judgement deteriorates. The horns on the bucks seem much, much bigger, like they're growing. After I can't stand it any longer and finally put a buck on the ground, I find the horns measure much smaller than they did through binoculars and spotting scope.

In my old age I am now seeking professional help and I am doing much better. If only I had not been so stubborn as a young man. Of course I didn't have the money for help back then.

Ah well. Like Forrest Gump's Mom said, "Life's a box of chocolates." I hope yours are the ones you like best.

Good hunting,

I know that if I wanted to bag myself a monster and I find myself loosing focus after a few days which many can understand including myself at times. I would find myself a guide or a buddy to be there with me. They always have a way of making you focus more. The Grimetts have a rep that IMO is second to none. I think if I had a oppertunity to use them and a great tag also great things will happen. I have never used a guide and I dont know if I ever will. Monster antelope are tough for sure and more importantly knowing what you are looking at is a huge benefit. The Grimetts have that knowlege. I just love being out in the desert. If you find yourself getting that itchy trigger finger. Find a rock out a ways and pretend that he is the buck of a lifetime and let one fly. Alot of pressure leaves when you turn one loose. It also helps you know what your range for that day really is. I always remember that there is another buck around the next bend and that there is no real pressure and just to enjoy the hunt. Best of luck to you in the future and if we meet out there you are welcome to hang with my group.


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Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, antelope and moose hunts and take B&C bucks most years.

J & J Outfitters

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