Big antelope from Utah



This is the antelope that i shot in Utah with my bow this year.
I shot him at 59 yards, then at 82, and then again at 20.
You have to shoot them until they are dead.
He was 16" tall with 19 6/8" of mass a side. He scored 81 2/8 gross and netted 80 2/8. I really like my new X-force, it worked awsome.


I'll agree with you on shooting them until they are dead. I threaded a buck right through the vitals and he just stood there paralyzed from the pain. So I walked around him and grabbed the same arrow and threaded him again... Then he ran around in six circles and spun to a stop...
Beautiful buck , congrats. Did you shoot him from a blind or use a decoy? Fill us in on some of the hunt if you gwt a chance. Again congrats on your hunt , you dang sure shot a big son of a gun...
I shot the buck at a fence crossing on his scrape line. I
watched the buck for about a week and he made pretty much the
same route every day with his does. I set up in the trees
behind me in the second pic and shot him coming down the
fenceline. It is pretty tough to draw when you have 24 sets
of eyed on you. I shot him the first time at 59, the wind was
blowing hard and I hit him a little back in the liver, then he
ran out to 82 where i shot him again this time in the spine,
then i ran up and put one through his vitals at 20. It all
happened in about 30 seconds.

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