Big Agnes ??


Very Active Member
Any of you guys got one of their
sleeping bags that the pad slip's
into the sleeve in the back ??

If so, how'ya like it ??

I once knew a girl called BIG AGNES and she sure cold keep you warm too. Sorry Larry, just had to comment. LOL

I knew a guy named Larry from texas that could never get a straight answer from a bunch of jackasses...........and I too knew an agnes that liked it slipped in the back pocket....

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

I have a Big Agnes bag and really like it, I also have the Seedhouse 3 tent and it is also a great peice of equipment. I am sure that there are some other brands that are as good but I am very pleased with the bag and the tent

Stay classy Utah!
RE: Big Angus

LAST EDITED ON Dec-27-08 AT 03:08PM (MST)[p]Here's the pic i have of Big Angus.....


You guys make me laugh! I need that now!


President Obama and Congress should leave gun rights alone. It's above their pay grade.
>Big Angus again-


Wow tag, can't believe you dug into the old family photo album for this one.

That's enough to send a man
on to,...say...Kelty, or something.

You guy's crack me up.

JB, thanks for shareing.
Did you get the scented candle
in the mail for Christmas ???

HSonora, I purchased a BA SL tent as
well a couple of months ago on the advise
of Mr. Slaughter. Hope he know's as much
about tents as he does MMA.

Think I'll go the BA sleeping bag route.


Had the BA slip in set-up with the pad(primaloft one) and used it on my first dall sheep hunt 3 years ago. Mid to late September in Glacier country. It was fine until it got cold at the end of the hunt 15-20 at night and then I froze my ass off. Got full credit upon return as the gal who sold it to me had the exact same experience in the Rockies in September.

Pad was so damn light and comfortable I ended up purchasing another one after I returned the first BA setup. I now use the BA primaloft pad and have a lightweight Mountain Hardware bag and am never cold.

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