Big 12 ????


Very Active Member
Well I guess the big 12 is about to disperse. Texas Tech, Texas, Texas A&M and Nebraska are sticking together. Why the hell do they want to make it so difficult for us to go to games? Money talks I guess. Now I have to go to Oregon, AZ, Cali and so on to watch my alma mater? WTF Im pissed!
Well I'm not sure about them following Nebraska cj. (Specifically Chip Brown of the Dallas Morning News) originially broke this story and has been 100% right the whole time. They are the only outlet I am following. There are way too many innuendos and in the dark guesses going around. Here is the latest:

A&M in the SEC?? What? Do they want to become another Missisipi State?? Who are they kidding?

My bet is for UT, A&M, OU, OSU, and Tech to follow CU to the PAC-10.

Interesting times for sure and it definitely is the end of the Big 12.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
You would only have to travel as far west as ASU and UA. My understanding is that Texas, Tech, A&M, Colorado, Oky, and Oky St would join with ASU and UA to form east? or south? conference of Pac 16. Don't know where conference championship would be but if you make it to Oregon, bring you fishing pole or your bow:) Not as bad as you think.
Boz, You know you have a place to stay here in Phoenix while you watch the Pac 16.

We have plenty of Coyotes as well.
I'm with you CJ, this will make it a pain to follow Tech. Not to mention that any night games on the West Coast will be over about midnight.
That's more of a "Hey I'm a badger but I really like ponies and rainbows too" smile. - mtnmayhem
OK I'm a UT alum about to tick some Aggies off-but I hope and pray A&M goes to the SEC.Really. I'm sick and tired of their venom and hatred of UT.A rivalry is one thing-their constant crap is something else.

Their whole reason to exist is to hate UT-it's in their school song for heaven's sake! Broken-horn bumper-stickers,outhouses on bonfires-Roy you know what I'm talking about. As a UT guy I would hardly think about A&M except when Thanksgiving rolls around-if I didn't have to hear them bit#h and moan all the time about how much they hate UT.

The straw that broke the camel's back was back when the bonfire tragedy occurred a few years ago.UT could not have been more gracious-the UT band spelled out "A&M" at Kyle field,UT students descended on College Station to help, and generally UT did everything humanly possible to support the A&M nation.I really thought this might change some attitudes.Did it? Not that I can tell.

A&M going it's own way would be wonderful for them too IMO.They are a great university in their own right-even though as an outsider I think many of their traditions are hokey there is no question their loyalty to their school is second to none.But a university that literally defines itself by how much it hates another school cannot ever be truly world class.Again,IMO.

Sometimes change is good for all involved.....

P.S.I don't see it happening though.A&M would literally have to reinvent itself if big brother UT weren't around.

(Steps down from soap box.)
LAST EDITED ON Jun-11-10 AT 09:51AM (MST)[p]I really think Texas, Tech and A&M will stick together because of how "true" Texas is to Texas schools and the so called family rivalries. Any kid that makes it to college in Texas gos to one of these three schools it seems like. Well see? Thanks for the invite Tag, I may show up anyway as long as you have all those monster elk, lope and bucks hanging in my bedroom:)
I really doubt that they break up TT, UT and A&M. But, if I was going to get rid of one, A&M would be the school to go. A&M might should consider go Division 1-AA and they might be competitive in sports again. I spent two years at A&M before transferring to Tech and that is definitely two years of my life that I will never get back.

That's more of a "Hey I'm a badger but I really like ponies and rainbows too" smile. - mtnmayhem
"I spent two years at A&M before transferring to Tech and that is definitely two years of my life that I will never get back."

lmao Boykin!! I have passed through there only!!! I swear I heard banjos playing throughout all of college station, One guy even said I had a purdy mouf, I was freaked out!! LMFAO Glad you made it to Tech!!
UT is so in control in this deal it is not even funny!

The latest is that the Big 12 is offering a bigger TV payout/deal (in line with the SEC's) if the remaining members will stay together.UT will also have the right to have its own network-a right it would not have in the PAC 16.So they are leaning to trying to preserve the conference.

SOOO now it is up to A&M whether the BIG 12 conference lives or dies depending on whether they go to the SEC or not.

Either way UT comes out smelling like a rose. Brilliant!

What's funny is that if the Big 12 remains it will have 10 teams and the Big 10 will have 12 teams. the irony is thicker than pea soup...
Its looking pretty official that UT will stay in the Big 12, as will OU, Ok St., etc. It will be interesting to see if they stay at 10 teams or go back to 12 and keep their championship game. The latter makes more sense to me.
before long it will be the big 2 instead of the Big 12

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
It's official - the Big 12 stays together!

Just got this official e-mail this evening:

Dear Colleagues,

I know many of you have been following discussions about our conference affiliation. I want to let you know that we're announcing that UT will stay in the Big 12 Conference.

There will be a press conference with more information tomorrow at 10 a.m. Coverage of the press conference will be available at:

Sincerely, Bill Powers

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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