"Beyond the Lodge"


Long Time Member
"Beyond the Lodge"

I've been wondering what others have thought of this programs female narrator...English i believe, good show old chap, all prim and proper, heavy on the biology accent...

Myself, The star of the show is a babe, H Harry posted her pick, it somehow got deleted on another thread, but that dog can hunt and is very fine indeed. But to listen to the narrator spoils the show altogether, i either use the mute button or change the channel. I really rather avoid that women's voice, especially on a hunting show. What say ye brotherin, arrr Matie!

RE: "Beyond the Lodge"

I saw one episode and my wife watched it with me, which she usually wont. They were green hunting a rhino, darted it for some scientists, my wife liked it because the rhino got to live, I liked it because, well nevermind why.
RE: "Beyond the Lodge"

I can't stand the narrator. The show on Caribou was horrible. There was lots of fake/stock footage added to the hunt. I mean, footage that was archived from somewhere and added to the mix. I would watch a woman show for sure but his one ain't any good. Pam looks real nice but I can't see how the show got on The Outdoor Channel. It is need of help.
cold dead hands
RE: "Beyond the Lodge"

I've watched all of the episodes. Some I have liked and others I have not. I understand that the show is not designed for, or targeted to, guys but I admire Pam Zaitz for doing the show and doing all she can to get more women in the sport of hunting. Like it or not, we need all of the support we can get from women. Has anyone ever stopped to think of the political clout that women carry in this country? My wife likes the show and I find her discussing hunting more with me than ever before.

As far as the narrator, I wish they had just let Pam or some over American person do it. The British accent is just a little too "proper" for an American woman hunting show.

Member: RMEF, SCI, and NRA
RE: "Beyond the Lodge"

LAST EDITED ON Mar-02-09 AT 01:25PM (MST)[p]All good points guys, thanks for the input.

Scott, i'm with you on Pam and the impact American female hunters and voters can have on the future of all our passion(no, not sex) hunting. Some day it may get down to votes and we'll need all we can get.

I'd much rather see a beautiful gal like pam get to travel on company funds, hunting all over the globe than some newbie wanna be eastern fake outdoors "pro". Like i said above, with Pam, that dog can hunt!

Along with a bunch of dudes, i've taken a few gals on their first successful hunts and so far, much fun and had no regrets. A person only gets so many tags. It's nice when you can share your sport, especially with a willing female. You end up hunting, just not for your own kill. It's all good!

It would just be way more enjoyable if the British narrator gal went down the road and got lost. :)

RE: "Beyond the Lodge"

"NO" is correct. :)

Jim Shockey is one very lucky man. Louise is a class act, lets her man go where ever and when ever his hearts content, even encourages him to seek his life's goals. I happen to think she's a "babe" and not that it's that big of a deal but HE has my total respect.

RE: "Beyond the Lodge"

Yup, I was wrong. I just watched the beggining of it and its not Shockeys wife, sorry.
RE: "Beyond the Lodge"

Shockey's wife should narrate the show. That would be better. Especially since they spondor Jim's show anyway.
cold dead hands

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