Beyond Stupid


Very Active Member
This morning was the worst I have ever seen for high concentration of stupidity. I saw over 6 cars that had drove away from thier home without scraping the frost off their windows. There are a ton of little things that people do while driving that bother me but this has got to be the dumbest thing. Just plain lazy! They should know that people die from that every year.

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
What bugs you most that people do while driving?

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-11 AT 07:19AM (MST)[p]Yup leave it to dumbasses to be dumbasses...

More than anything I hate being cut off!! I get even with their sorry asses every chance I get...I've got pretty good brakes ;-)

Oh and when you're going to make a left turn, I swear to everything holy, it's perfectly ok to get in the damn turn lane prior to slowing down 15 or 20 mph!! I get roadrage pretty frickin bad...good thing my horn works or stupid people wouldn't know they were stupid!!

Easy boys, ya'll are gonna hurt my feelings.

Aren't they Utards? This surprises you somehow??

I had a case last year like that. Driver scraped a tiny hole in front of her, ran right over a 70 year old in a crosswalk.

A jury found her not-guilty of negligent homicide because they had all done that once.... Z
What pisses me off is some azzhole in the passing lane going one mile faster than the person they are trying to pass. Than when they pass and move over you go to get by them and holy chit something in there arse sparks and they step on it. Pligs are the worst drivers for doing this, I was heading to kanab today and had a plig do this to me. Needless to say he got the one finger wave. They can't finish building there houses but damn they sure can afford 70,000 dollar diesel p/u. I hate pligs sorry if your a plig on here reading this but you suck at driving!!!!
I also hate when someone tailgates me. The last snow storm we had, I was spaced out well from other cars. Going about 45, when some jack hole came up behind me and rode my bumper. He was so close I could not see headlights. I was in the middle lane with openings on both sides of me. I proceeded to slow down a little at a time. By the time the tard went aroud me I was going 12mph. then he sped up to the pack of cars ahead of me and rode their bumpers.

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
I think it is hilarious that you could let other people get under your skin for such dumb chit as driving....they win, you lose....cracks me up!
I agree nickman, it is sad that other peoples stupidity can get to me like that. But it also greatly effects my life. One time I might be the unfortunate sucker that gets taken out by one of these tards. There have been a few occasions I have literally feared for my life as I tried to avoid an accident. Most times its someone going too fast, talking or texting on their dam phone.
I am also starting to see a lot of these idiots driving big rigs. And over 10 years ago that was rarely the case, but now it is very common to be run off the road by a trucker who is blabbing on a cell phone or something. I thought most truckers put pride in their driving ability, now its turning into another dunb job that pays the bills.

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!

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