Beware of CRKP


Long Time Member
Working in the health care field, I have dealt with MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphyloccocus areus) and VRE (vancomycin-resistant enteroccocus) on a daily basis and now comes word that an even nastier MDRO (multi-drug resistant organism) has surfaced.
CRKP (carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae) is known to cause a host of debilitating and even lethal infections in the chronically ill that often do not if at all respond to conventional antibiotic treatment.
CRKP has a high mortality rate if uncontrolled and is extremely lethal in the elderly with chronic health problems.
Like MRSA and VRE, the spread of CRKP is predominantly through contact with an infected individual or by contaminated items used daily in the home or hospital.
The spread of CRKP like MRSA and VRE, can be effectively checked through good hygiene and proper sterile techniques.
To my fellow health care providers, please take care and always be careful in the performance of your duties.

Holy Smokes there was a bunch of big words in that post . Seriously though you folks in the health care field have enough to worry about . Thanks for all you folks do .

I did see a different side of you though . I thought you only knew how to pick out the eye candy , but now I see you have a serious side .

Be careful with all the blood borne an air borne disease out there .
We wouldnt have nearly these problems if doctors didnt prescibe antibiotics for every stupid thing out there. Definatley bad stuff though.
Maybe your right msy, but we also wouldn't have these problems if people would man up and not go to the doctor for every friggin sniffle and ache. Bunch of puzzies in the world now.

Eldo, you guys certainly run risks in your business. A friend was telling me about how they don't hardly worry about HIV, it's Hepatitis that runs rampant.

Now stop being so serious and post up some girly pics.
Nice post..........where's the boobies?


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
The advancement in AIDS prevention, research, and treatment has been phenomenal. AIDS patients are now living longer and fuller lives.

Dr's aren't the only ones to blame....The majority of the antibiotics used in this country are used on animals that are sick, or to prevent sickness. That chit gets passed on to us in all animal food products!

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