Beulah Mule Deer


Active Member
Went ahead and burned my points on the beulah. I plan to go down and scout the unit in August. And I also plan on being there 3 days before the season for some more scouting. I have never been in the unit but have been talking to a guy that has. He said to stay away from Cottonwood and Juniper Mountains, because they get hunted really hard. He gave me some other places to go and look at. Does anyone else have some places that I should go check out and some places that I should stay away from? I would like to hunt where there isn't a lot of roads so I can get away from people. I have some maps ordered and on the way. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I am also interested in hunting some private land for a trespass fee. If anyone has any information on that kind of a hunt send me a message.
Its been years since I was down in that country. I dont remember names, sorry. I would look into hunting the top or backside of Ironside tho. But you better know your boundaries, or they will try and buffalo you and tell you to get lost! Or they WILL prosecute you IF you are for sure on their lands.....Good luck!
Lots of Californias bought up property around ironside and unity. Go the the F&G office out side of Ontario and talk to them, they can help you out.
We hunted on private property near ironside last year and got a real nice buck and saw countless others. Word of caution and ditto what was said above, the landowners around where we hunted were borderline crazy about protecting there property. Good luck....Aaron
Thanks for the help guys. I just bought a card for my gps off of that shows all private and public land for oregon so hopefully that will help us out and keep us off the private land. I have a buddy that has the Montana card and he really likes it.

Other than Ironside, does anyone have anyother places to check out. I'll be heading over for a scouting trip in 2 weeks. And plan on checking out Ironside and a couple other places.

Again thanks for the help.
sweet deal on the oregon maps.. Did you get the SD card or the downloadable version? I like the idea of downloadable for scouting trips - easy viewing on the computer. I have the topo u.s. 24k for oregon "Garmin" product already.

Curious how it works... let me know if you can!

I got the SD card. My buddy that has one for montana loves it. He hunts down in SE Montana where the blm land is mixed with the private land. He said it was tuff hunting down there the first two years he hunted it trying to figure out what was public and private. Last year he bought the card and said it made it really easy to tell if you are on private or public land. When I get my card I let you know how I like it.
We have a friend that owns a ranch near Bonita. The bow shot buck was a 5x7 187 non typical. We were about 15 or so miles from Unity. We would see 20-30 bucks a day. I have to guess that if you got yourself 5 miles off the nearest road in any public area you could shoot a quality buck.
hey BLUE MT.

seems to be your favorite line latly, you haven't been down there in years but watch out you might trip over a fence...I'm just saying yah no...I mean just because your a guide doesn't make everyone else incompittant. I'm just saying...

try calling a biologist bud that's what they're there for make 'em earn their money we pay 'em....

ya i no i mispelled some words....
LAST EDITED ON Aug-03-10 AT 10:13PM (MST)[p]Miz spelt whut werds? :)

Actually, I'd like any info available for 2011 on trespass fees for deer or elk!

Sorry! not trying to hijack the thread! I'm familiar with the area north and east of Malheur Reservoir, from chasing birds, but I've got points that I HAVE to burn next year.

I was curious how your 2010 hunt ended up for you?

My wife & I drew Beulah Deer this year and I am trying to get as much info on the area as I can before I head over. I also have the GPS Maps SD Card and love it. Let me know if you scored big on Ironside.

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