Between Iraq and a hard place.

RE: Between Iraq and a hard place.

Large numbers of troops we can't supply and large deposits of cash we don't have, that's a pretty picture.

Bush is just counting the days until he can pass this mess to his successor, who ever that may be has been pre screwed by 'lil George already.
RE: Between Iraq and a hard place.

Is your life so pathetic that is all you have to bi#ch about.
RE: Between Iraq and a hard place.

Blue I suppose your cartoons being reruns is a bigger problem for you? if this stuff doesn't interest you or you don't understand don't read it. not all hunters are ignorant Bubba's, the nation is debating this stuff theres no reason we shouldn't.
RE: Between Iraq and a hard place.

I am wondering if you guys are reading the same article posted?

-"The sharp drop in violence that has accompanied the U.S. troop buildup in Iraq has given the war-torn country a rare opportunity for stability, analysts said on Wednesday."

-" We may have an opportunity in Iraq that has not been available since 2003 to stabilize the country and avert the downside risks of failure," Stephen Biddle of the Council on Foreign relations told the House Armed Services hearing."

-"Lawmakers were told that the 60 percent drop in violence last year was due largely to Sunni tribal leaders' backing of the U.S. military against al Qaeda in Iraq and radical Shi'ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr's call for loyal Shi'ite militiamen to stand down.

Those developments, combined with an apparent reduction of Iranian support for violent Shi'ite militias, have altered the calculus of sectarian differences in the country and cast the U.S. mission in a more positive light, they said."

-""While the U.S. presence may have stoked insurgent violence in Iraq between 2003 and 2006, the U.S. is, for now, a force for stability," said Michael Eisenstadt of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy."

RE: Between Iraq and a hard place.

Nemont you know these doom and gloomers on the left like to cherry pick anything they can to bash Bush over the head with. Its called Bush Derangement Syndrome.

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
RE: Between Iraq and a hard place.

I'll tell you those reruns suck. If you are going to discuss these types of topics why don't you discuss both sides insted of always bring up your liberal anti American side.
RE: Between Iraq and a hard place.

If we didn't discuss the liberal side their would be no discussion, just kissy faces to Bush posted here. the far right opinion is VERY well covered, give me a break.
RE: Between Iraq and a hard place.

We know the liberal side though, Bush sucks, America sucks, there is no problem with illegal imigraton,abortions for everyone, any thing else? I dont claim to be the biggest Bush supporter sure he has made mistakes, but to blame everything that is going wrong on him that is narrow minded. What about our lovely congress, and senate any blame their?
RE: Between Iraq and a hard place.

NeMont, I caught some of those as well and was wondering why FTW would post it. Maybe in his haste to post something negative, he scanned the few caveats therin, not seeing your pastes that you've illuminated here.

Blue, I can see that you haven't posted here much. Pretty soon, you too will view h-dudes "its Bush's fault" rantings as the norm. Daily, actually. Once in awhile you'll get something lucid that you can both agree on, but more often than not, he is a "glass half empty" kind of guy.

If you keep that info fore-front, lucid discussion is often times available here.
RE: Between Iraq and a hard place.

I am sure huntindude is a good guy, and this stuff is important,but to blame every little thing on Bush. Come on.
RE: Between Iraq and a hard place.

I thought our Congress was a Democratic Congress? How can ALL of it be Bush's fault?

RE: Between Iraq and a hard place.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-24-08 AT 04:20PM (MST)[p] Who said everything is Bush's fault? you guys have a chip on your shoulder because you know he sucks and you're just waiting for someone to say it. Bush has lots to regret but in no way is he responsible for everything going on in the world, he's only human not a god as some here may revere him . I don't hold him responsible for what's beyond his control like 9/11 but I don't cut him a free pass for screw ups like Iraq either. I want you Bush guys to remember this conversation as we all know there's a 99% chance your next president will be Hillary or Obama, I want the same respect and unconditional support for them as you expect of me. think you can do that? I doubt I can because I'm affraid they're going to do some stuff I'm not going to like and I'll kabich about it. but you great Americans would never sink to that level I'm confident.

Our congress was under republican control since Bush took office up until until a year ago, nice try though.
RE: Between Iraq and a hard place.

SO they need more then a year to actually do something?
RE: Between Iraq and a hard place.

Oops one more. It is only a two year term for congress so they had better hurry and do something.
RE: Between Iraq and a hard place.

huntindude- Sorry for the mis-information. 202 Democrats, 1 Independent, 232 Republicans. My bad!

I hope neither Obama or Clinton get in office. Last thing we need is a Representative who was at one time a Muslim or a Representative who has a menstrual cycle. Anyone who doesn't agree with the menstrual cycle issue has never been married or had a girlfriend!! I've got an idea...on our ballot lets all write the name BOBCATBESS!

RE: Between Iraq and a hard place.

Well JimNV I guess we will have to take this to the CHATROOM OCTAGON OF WHINERS. Jim are you sure that sweet bow tie wasn't your neighbors? I'm starting to get the feeling you drive the Cheryl Ladd Edition Mustang II! That's right buddy I'm calling you a Ford owner and don't you forget it.

Look, I'm not 202 I tell like it is good or bad. I don't just throw things on here to see if they'll stick. I've stated on more than 1 occassion that I hope George has a great meal and gets plenty of rest everyday. To wish bad things on a president isn't really in any citizen's best interest. I thought the article was fair and balanced, a catch phrase you are probably familiar with.

NOTE: The title says it all! Whether it's 202, HuntFX4, PRO, or Nemont, they all know I am a middle of road kind of guy. Been in both parties, voted for Reagan twice and Bush Sr. I voted for Clinton twice and then became an Independent due to my disgust with both parties. Let that Briggs and Stratton brain of yours combust on that for awhile.

With Dummy Rummy gone and Petraeus leading the troops we are finally making some security head way. I think Gates has done a fantastic job given the mess that was handed off to him.

But as the article pointed out, for all of our recent accomplishments we may simply run out of funds.

It is upsetting that it took 3 years of Rummy bloopers with a revolving door of Generals until we got the right guys in there to run the show.

JimNV you got anger problems..I dunno maybe you weren't held enough as should really take close look into your inner self. I thought your comment about Edwards (the fag) is about as un-american as it gets. He's married with kids, was an elected public servant, and had a good rating amongst his constituents.
RE: Between Iraq and a hard place.

" Let that Briggs and Stratton brain of yours combust on that for awhile."

LOL! Wow. Must've hit a nugget o'truth somewhere eh, FTW?

"JimNV you got anger problems..I dunno maybe you weren't held enough as should really take close look into your inner self."

I am ROTFLMAO! I got this vision in my mind of you hammering at your keyboard, hitting the backspace key so much because your spittle-caked keys are slipping under your fingertips. Why, I may have to believe you have some anger management problems there yourself, bud.

"I thought your comment about Edwards (the fag) is about as un-american as it gets. He's married with kids, was an elected public servant, and had a good rating amongst his constituents."

FTW, you shouldn't be calling Edwards a fag. He's married with kids and made his millions suing doctors and lawyers whilst channeling the spirits of dead children. If I had to have a socialist in the whitehouse, it would be the guy who presents well to the TV.

Thanks for the chucks, Chief. You've proved my case about the leftists in this country. Even amongst our so called "outdoorsmen."

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