Best Wyoming muley eyeguards


Very Active Member
Again, post a picture of any muley buck you have taken with great eyeguards. Here is a buck I took in Wyoming that had exceptional eyeguards. I am posting these photos in an attempt to get around the criticism and attacks that seem to exist in the Wyoming forum. If you have any other ideas for pictures post them up. Maybe your oldest muley buck or the most narrow muley buck. Who knows.
So much for needing to get an LQ tag for a big one. Was he taken a long time ago or do you think there are still some like him where you got him?
What a hog!!! I have found a set of sheds with 5 inch eyegaurds. I was pretty stoked. but haven't harvested a muley like that for I like my whiteys
That's a great buck. I am cursed when it comes to eye guards. I have killed very few bucks with them.

"Go hunt for meat at Walmart."
LAST EDITED ON Apr-12-13 AT 08:49AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-12-13 AT 08:46?AM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Apr-12-13 AT 08:40?AM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Apr-12-13 AT 08:37?AM (MST)

2002 General area. Took 3 yrs to kill this buck! Both brows over 4" and bladed.

That is a sweet buck! One like that is on almost every hunters bucket list. The thing is you actually did it, most of us are still dreaming! Wow, what a great buck!

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