That is some funny stuff there why didn't anyone else ever think of that. LOL I can see hunters and a bear waiting for it to be done.....
But Think about it in all Seriousness!

Even You Blue!

I Know Indians Once Inhabited the Area!

Yes,I've Seen the Proof!

You Telling Me They Never Cooked Some Food With the Earth's Naturals now & Then a couple Hundred Years ago?
Hey, I think every waterhole should have a covey of stinky hippie chicas marinating in it. The All Knowing Uncle disagrees.
Last year when my daughter and I went through the park, we watched a China man get gored by a Buffalo right outside the restaurant window at Mammoth hot springs. I looked up at the waiter as he seemed unfazed by the whole event and said I bet you don’t get to see that evertday, his reply, I see this almost everyday.

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