Best Utah Antelope Unit



I have been putting my daughter in for "points" the last 7 years. This year she should have enough to draw whatever she puts in for. My original plan was to go for Deseret CWMU, however, I have heard that they are limiting the areas that you can hunt, and that it isn't the same quality hunt as it once was.
What area would be your choice??? She wants to harvest an antelope that will beat the one I shot (78 b&c points).

I absolutely would not put in for Deseret. I am not saying I am an expert, but I live in this area and personally, I don't think there are that many B&C bucks. Again, I am not saying this for fact, I am letting you know what I have seen in this area.

If you are looking for a lot of opportunities at bucks in the 15" range, put in for the Rich county unit. I am not sure of the hunt number but it is the unit North of the Monte highway.

My dad had this tag a year ago and we saw many decent size animals.

On any given day you will usually see 20-30 bucks. If you decide to put in for the Rich county unit, I will be happy to help you out. I know several BLM areas that don't see a lot of pressure. Sorry I couldn't help more.
I would absolutely put in for Deseret. This is a great hunt. There are tons of goats and there is no question she can shoot a nice goat. Will she shoot an 80"+ goat, I doubt it. But I don't know of any place in Utah where that is a guarantee. There are not tons of B&C goats in Utah that I know of. I believe she could shoot a 75"+ goat on Deseret with the chance at a bigger goat. If you have questions about what they will or won't let you do. Call Rick and ask him and you will know for sure.
DO NOT PUT IN FOR DESERET, THERE IS NO ANTELOPE AT ALL!!!! Thats why I am putting in for Deseret, and I only have 6 points.....Well, if you do, maybe I will see ya there!!!!
I am not saying there "aren't" any antelope on deseret. There are a lot there. I just don't think there are many in the range you are looking for. Funny how people turn these posts around.
Woodruff Hunter,
Thank you for the information, and for the offer concerning the North Rich unit. Your input on Deseret is exactly what I have seen.........lots of 13" - 14" animals, but the trophys are hard to come by. Even though I love Deseret, I think I will put in for a different area, on Antelope. Now if we were talking Elk...........that's a whole different story.
By the must be the tough SOB, if you live around Woodruff. It is the coldest place I have ever seen. Hunted cow elk around there several years ago....30 below zero, everything we had with us froze, including our radiator. Even in early October, when I hunt ducks up that way, it is a cold cold place.
Thanks again, for your help

Yeah, it is a little cold up here. It was 4 degrees yesterday. However it is still a great place to live.

I have seen a few antelope that would possibly meet your requirements in the Rich North Unit. Most hunters up here hunt
near the Randolph resevoir. However, I have seen the bigger ones in a different location. Just PM me and I will tell you a more specific area. It may be worth looking into.

I agree with the N. San Rafael. I believe the last state record was off that unit......I personally like Bonanza. Big area, tons of bucks. I've taken 3 that go 78, and there are bigguns if you do some scouting.
I saw a monster out by the Lakeside mountains north of I-80 last year. I am no good a guessing scores, but he was tall and had a ton of mass.

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