Best Tom Cruise Movies?


Long Time Member
yeah i know a lot of you guys think he's a closet homo but I think he's a good actor who's been in some great movies. A few of my favorites

Born on the 4th of July
A Few Good Men
Rain Man
Risky Business
Top Gun
The Firm
Jerry Maguire
Mission Impossible
Top Gun
Rain Man
The Firm
A Few Good Men
Mission Impossible
Jerry Maguire

in that order.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
In no particular order.

Top Gun
The Outsiders
A Few Good Men
The Last Samurai
Rain Man

After the man crush debacle I'm pretty sure it was not Tom Cruise's name associated with the closet homo rumors. :)

LAST EDITED ON Jan-27-09 AT 06:26PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jan-27-09 AT 06:24 PM (MST)

...I posted an answer, and then got to thinking how gay responding this question made me feel...wish I had the power to delete...
...I posted an answer, and then got to thinking how gay responding this question made me feel...wish I had the power to delete...


Last Samurai is my favorite......Vanilla Sky is completly retarded.

I wouldn't care to spend the day with the man.
Jumping up & down like a fag on Oprah's couch because he found a girl that didn't think he was a homo.

Jumping up & down like a fag on Oprah's couch. ahahahahahhahahahah. I haven't heard someone called a fag for awhile. LMAO!
wanna know how i know you're gay?

FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, please go back to posting pics of hot chicks and dead animals. crap, this is starting to turn into a long many days till hunting season?
Never watch a full movie yet of him, and they could have found someone better than him to play in Eyes Wide Open....soft core.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-27-09 AT 10:29PM (MST)[p]My favorite is Cleavland Steamer part 2. Followed by The Search for Rusty Trombone!

In no particular order.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-27-09 AT 11:47PM (MST)[p]Feleno I'm not sure, however I enjoyed the hell out of Richard Simmons "Sweatin to the oldies 3". Hips and abs is a close second. LOL
many of you not Cruise fans huh, i knew this topic would bring you out :). The guy sure is a big box office draw though. Since 1992 out of the 17 movies he's been in, he's only had THREE that DIDN?T make 100 million dollars plus. don't think any other actors can say that... Not even Eastwood :). pretty impressive... pillow biter or not
Ok Feleno here is my serious answer--
1- The outsiders
2- Rain Man
3- A Few Good Men
4- Top Gun

Ya you do have to give him his props. I just wonder how long Kate and him will last??? His X still looks pretty good.
Actually, now that I revisit this post, I think the best things he has ever been in are Nicole Kidman and Demi Moore. From that standpoint, the man has serious class.
never thought to much of Nicole's looks. kind of pasty and pale. Demi Moore is OK but I'd rather have a can of Dinty Moore
I'd have to say my favorite is "Collateral" with Jamie Foxx. The high point is watching him die at the end.
I've enjoyed many of his movies, Risky Business and Top Gun being two of his best. Anymore, he's such a whack job that I can't get interested in seeing anything he is in.

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