best sports talk radio show


Very Active Member
who do you guys think has the best national sports talk radio show.i am going to give it to dan patrick very funny informative show. the rome show is funny but lacks great sports info.i know the worst is collin cowheards i can not stand it
Dan Patrick! Jim Rome and Colin Cowherd repeat themselves 100's of time a day. What about all talk shows. I listen to satelite radio and can't wait until 1:00 for Bubba The Love Sponge.
I can't stand Rome. errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Clones....... errrrrrrrrrrr........ I liked the show and the guy 5 years ago, but it is old hat. No originality. Every time I turn it one he is reading an email and then ripping the guy who wrote it for the rest of the segment. eeeerrrrrrr............. blah

I like Dan P, but not enough to try find him if the radio isn't already there. And Colin Cowherd can be good or really bad. I like Mike and Mike in the mornings. Also have listened to a guy named "Monte". The little I heard was good. I think he is one Sporting News Radio. Just give me some new blood.
I listen to Mike and Mike every single morning. I love to laugh but don't like the sports shows that try to be funny as much as informational shows...Mike and Mike are hands down the best at breaking down topics and have really good concepts and perspectives on most major sports!!



I miss all of the orenthal takes.

"If God didn't want us to eat animals, then why did He make them out of meat?"
~Ted Nugent
I'm a Mike and Mike fan even though they really pour on the East Coast Bias at times. Great show with lots of info and the chemistry between the brute and the nerd, adds further interest to the mix.

I used to be a huge Rome fan, but as stated above he repeats the same thing over and over. Also he tends to report the "facts" on different stories to be what he wants to have happened rather than what actually happened. I am very tired of his act.
About the time I burned out on Rome, our local radio dropped him (prob 4 years ago). I'm a huge Dan Patrick fan. Listen everyday. I'm usually disappointed when a guest host is on. His humor, humility, sarcasm, Adam Sandler references and buddies, super models and interviews are a perfect fit in my life.

>About the time I burned out
>on Rome, our local radio
>dropped him (prob 4 years
>ago). I'm a huge
>Dan Patrick fan. Listen everyday.
>I'm usually disappointed when a
>guest host is on.
>His humor, humility, sarcasm, Adam
>Sandler references and buddies, super
>models and interviews are a
>perfect fit in my life.

agree dan patrick is somewhat new in my area and is a great show to listen to while out scouting or hunting
Colin Cowherd and Dan Patrick are my top two. I used to hate Colin but I am and have been a fan of his for a while now. I have never liked Rome..
Andyman...... ah #####, you just made me spit pepsi on my 'puter screen. I'm sure that has something to do with the thread but that was funny as chit! Reminded me of a 60-somethin yr old guy I saw at the rack in a stripclub in OR one night, seriously.

Back on point, i cant stand Rome anymore too much of the same thing over and over. Dan Patrick is great tho.

BabaBooey BabaBooey!

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