Best question I've seen in a long time...


How can nearly 2 million folks make their way
INTO Washington DC in sub-zero temps, all
in just ONE day

when, on the other hand,

200,000 folks couldn't make their way OUT of
New Orleans with 85 degree temps and four
days notice?
But on the other hand:
There was 1.4 million people at the inauguration and only 14 missed work

Life member of: NRA
Duh!!! That's an easy one. All the busses were locked in a storage yard and they lost the key!

LAST EDITED ON Jan-28-09 AT 11:54PM (MST)[p]Edited...I dont think I have as many lives as JB


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
THAT is a question worth pondering.....for 15 seconds or so. Maybe there was all that "free Bubble Up and Rainbow Stew" in DC.
While all of those folks were in D.C., it would hasve been a good time for a lot of other folks to steal thier stuff back!

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