Best of the West



I really enjoy the best of the west tv show and last night i saw one that was, in my opinion, excellent. They were horseback in the Shoshone National Forest and hunting elk in the Absoroka Range. They seem to do it up right and portray things in a realistic way. Anyone know anything about that country and the unit they were hunting? It looked like a great place to throw a leg over a horse and go explore. A PM would be most appreciated.
How far did they have to shoot their elk in that episode because there was no way to get any closer?
not far....maybe 300 if i remember correct....a teenage boy killed him, very excited kid, kinda nice to see....

How to start an argument online:
1. Express an opinion
2. Wait
Actually this episode involved 5 guys with 3 tags and they killed 2 bulls. Anyone seen it?
Wolfhunter---I think if we sat around a couple campfires together you would see that we're probably a lot closer on most things than you might think. Have a good weekend pardner---MIKE
all you need is the outfitter's name. The are only allowed in a few places. They'd most likely be out of the unit north, northeast of Dubois. I have a friend that guided up there last year. Not sure who he worked for though. The burn up around Double Cabin should be pulling in elk next year. There are a TON of grizzlies all around town there. I know some of the outfitters ask you not to shoot an elk close to dark due to it.

Pat C.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-02-12 AT 03:37PM (MST)[p]the name is morning creek outfitters. he seems to guide in all areas and i am not sure how he gets by with that. i know he can sheep hunt from what i understsand in most areas. i have meant them a few times in the hills.
LOL Topgun. I hate that show. I shoot some long range myself, but they drive me nuts. 'Here, buy this rifle and scope and you too can shoot 800+ yards!' Grrr.
I like the show because they usually aren't hunting whitetails from a box. I hate the show because of the long range stuff.

Outfitters can get spike camp permits for sheep hunts for any sheep unit. It doesn't have to be near their main base.
the show is kinda of a joke. they get customers with no long range practice and give them the gun to shoot.

they never have a shot less than 400 yards.

they are a bunch of jerks everytime i run into them.

and they stole the scope idea from john burns from the movie beyond belief. the battle is still in the court room.

i may sound negative but when i am in the hills dont tell me that i am in there mountain hunting range...thats where they pissed me off.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-03-12 AT 03:36PM (MST)[p]That's what really pisses me off when they have a person on a hunt that has never shot the gun or shot long range. All of those shows are the same and designed strictly to sell products they are pushing to people that see it and think they can go right out and do it. That video of John Burns really set me off and I'm sure it did to a lot of guys that are actually accomplished long range shooters when he took that young lady. She had never shot at an animal before or shot that .243 of his and he let her shoot a cow elk with it at over 600 yards! That, in my book, was a travesty and absolutely a ludicrous stunt. When a lot of guys jumped all over him for doing it he said it was her choice to take the shot and everyone was just jealous because it was a woman who did it. Give me a fuggin break! Yea, those BOTW types are real long range shooting authorities, LOL! The show I have really started to like is with Les Johnson where he actually takes a rifle and a shotgun on his coyote calling trips and shoots them long or short range depending on whether they hang up to a call or not. I just love to see those dogs drop!!!
i guess people dont like the challenge of trying to close into the game anymore. i like long range but i do it at the range. i love the thrill of getting into rutting elk and making sounds that drive the heart rate up.....
You and me both brother! I can't wait to get out to Wyoming to help my buddy again in September for his archery hunt and hear those bulls bugling!
The show that convices everyone they should range hunters. Nothing to it - animals always fall on their feet. No tracking wounded animals. Huskymaw scopes are the only way to get 're done. Like Loopy and Zeiss don't make turrets. They do shoot a few nice animals.
I think it is 95 percent money and selling product and 5 percent hunting.They do show some pretty scenery,but that type of hunting/shooting is just not for me.

Heck I do alot of my hunting with a black powder gun.150 yards is a long shot!
I ran into a Best of the West group from Utah a few years ago that were deer hunting in Wyoming's Region H. They had a young boy with them who had a broken arm. The boy had taken an average mule deer with a 900+ yard shot.They were all sitting around camp bragging about it. I thought it was a poor education for a young hunter.

At the same time in the same area, I had my nephew and his buddy out hunting "old school"(on foot, spot and stalk)in the same area with me. My nephew took a decent buck(his first)the day after the opener and his buddy got a 30" 4x3 the same day. We were in and out in 36 hours. I don't believe that the long range shooting will ever become as effective as "old school". I know it will never be as exciting.
It's an absolute shame that some hunters actually think killing a big game animal at a distance over 500 yards is cool. I think it's ONLY to make up for POOR HUNTING SKILLS!! This is not what hunting was suppose to be. Long range guy's are an embarrassment to the ethical hunting world.
I won't say they are an embarrassment, but it sure ain't hunting!!! When even the fastest bullet out there takes more time to get to an animal than what time it takes for the animal to move entirely out of the kill zone it really ups the chances for a poor shot. But hey, these BOTW guys are hunting in areas where there is just no way to get any closer! Just ask em!
Top you sound like a bit of a hypocrite to me. I see you posting on all the time. Why don't you throw your post over there and let's see what type of responses you get...
LAST EDITED ON Jul-07-12 AT 08:48AM (MST)[p]Jul-07-12, 06:35 AM (MST)
24. "RE: Best of the West"
Tripel_BB stated: "Top you sound like a bit of a hypocrite to me. I see you posting on all the time. Why don't you throw your post over there and let's see what type of responses you get..."

Since when do you have to shoot long range to be on that website? I'd suggest you shut your piehole because the only reason I'm on that site is to see what those guys are shooting, etc. and learn a few things as to how they do it! I've readily stated here and on that site that I've never shot at anything over 311 lasered yards and that was a mulie in Wyoming about 9 or 10 years ago because there was absolutely no way to get any closer with ony 6" grass in the open terrain he was in! That WAS long range for me and if I hadn't had a good solid tripod with no wind blowing that morning, I would have passed on the shot even though he's one of the best bucks I've had the opportunity to take out there.

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