Best NFL uniform/logo?


Long Time Member
OK, its actually the wife's question. i kind like the Bucs and Jags logos/colors, she the Texans and Redskins. don't tell me the Browns


Is there any question?

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I like the Steelers helmet. All black on one side..the logo on the other. Pretty simple and clean!

LAST EDITED ON Jan-27-09 AT 09:35PM (MST)[p]Nothing beats the old skull and cross-bones. Just win baby! I wonder if Jim Plunkett and Marcus Allen would consider coming out of retirement? We need some help.

Actually, when does Vick get outta jail. He'd be perfect.
Gotta be the Broncos!

"You only live once,but if you work it right, once is enough" -Joe E. Lewis
The Bucs went from the uglest uniform/logo to the coolest looking ones in the leage. All you Denver Donkys lovers just like it cause its your team. (Lame):)

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
I think Vick gets out soon. ESPN was talking about him possibly playing this year and who would be interested in taking a chance on him. I say he hasn't got a dog's chance.....

He may fill some seats though. It seems that is better than winning to Davis. He's a freak!!

New no-name running back? Ever notice how Shanahan brought in these guys who nobody had heard of and they run all over people. I liked that about him. He SAW talent. Too bad he got canned.

I totally agree Wiz, lets just cross our fingers the new staff will bring good things and get us back in a super bowl.

That kid's been taking too many vitamins!!

You may eat your word, No,Ieatchalk! Here's how this game goes....Card's try to run the ball to establish the passing game...can't run ball against #1 defense....have to throw the ball regularly....have to throw the ball deep....QB hold onto the ball too long gets sacked/fumbles....OR...DB's know passing game is all Card's have and sits back and don't allow any big plays down the field.

Fitzy may have 150 yards and may have a big play or two but I'm thinking that is it. Good luck Card's....don't let all those that have jumped on your bandwagon down!!

Hines Ward blows knee out on 3rd play..
Willy parker only gets 3 yards a play
Big Ben gets a concussion again after the his 4th sack in the first 5 min of play.

Cards 35
Steelers 10

Im only going with the Cards to PO my a pretty good rivalry going on the last couple years.
Hey blowcawk- If all of those things happen to the Steelers players, the Card's just might have a chance!! Haha.

Steelers 24
Cardinals 17

Tell that kid to ease up on the vitamin C!! Geeeezzzz


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