Best lens anti-fog application, opinions please



My breath fogging up my scope on a past elk hunt cost me a shot at a awsome 6x6 and with another hunt comming up, I would like to avoid it ever happening again.

I would to use some type of after market anti-fogging on the lenses of my rifle scope, spotting scope, binos, and of cource my prescription glases, so anything suggested must be 100% safe for all types of lens serfases and coatings.

I have heard of Cat Crap and the new dry type Anti-fog wipes made by Nikon, but have zero experience with eithor.

Thanks for any and all help.

You may want to have a close look at your scope. I had that same thing happen to me acouple years ago (thank god is was only a cow elk hunt). I sent the scope back to have the factory look at it. Found out that one of the seals had went out and all the nitregon had leaked out allowing moisture/fog to get inside the scope.
As for lence cleaners/Anti-fogging stuff I have used both Scope Dope (I think it's the same thing as Cat Crap) and Ramshot Lense cleaner with fair to resonable results. The Scope Dope seems to work better then the Ramshot cleaner at preventing fogging. I'm hassitant to put it on my scope/Bino's because it recommends putting in on with your fingure in a small circulare mosition. I've been taught never to touch your lense's with your figure because of the oil deposits. Go figure!

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