Best Hunting Magazine?


Very Active Member
I want to subscribe to another hunting mag, currently I subscribe to eastmans. I absolutley love it. I am going to let my hunting illustrated subscription die off. I have been dissapointed with how inconsistant they have been. Any suggestions?

That John Denver is full of $#!t man
LAST EDITED ON Aug-05-10 AT 01:59PM (MST)[p]As if there were any question....

"Kingterson's Monster Turtle Hunters Weekly"

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I agree on Hunting Illustrated. Never much of a fan there. I let my Eastman's lapse as well; tired of hearing "No Fences Here". I understand their point but it rubs me the wrong way after hearing it time and time and time again. I have always liked Trophy Hunter and renew my subscription each and every year. I do think the story quality has slipped the last year or so. Love Muley Crazy. A must for mule deer guys. Great magazine with great pics. My first choice; however, is the Huntin Fool. I like the magazine and think the stories are constantly getting better and their information is great. It is considerably more money than all of the others. I also get
SCI, Sheep, etc and they are more ads and political stuff than stories. Good luck.
Hunting Fool does the best job with a magazine even though they have not been doing it as long as the other guys. I already see the other western hunting magazines copying stuff off of the Hunting Fool.

I still get both Eastmans and Western Hunter. Last months Eastmans Bowhunting Mag had some really good articles. I especially like the article about the guy that got that desert mule deer outside of Tuscon.
Got the laptop up and going as i sit here in the condo in SW Colorado waiting for the big black cloud to move so I can get out for a hike.

I wish I had one of these fine magazines to read instead of this touristy crap they leave on the coffee table.....




Course there is some good stuff on TV right now...




but the action is heating up out in the hot tub, gotta go...
All classics F-er. I don't know how I missed Deadliest S-atch the first time around. LMAO.
Don't know who came down on AyA?
I'll admit he's a goofy sumbitch but never seen anything AyA posted that was NUKE worthy?
Maybe I didn't see it all though?

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Everyone should subscribe to The Utard by F-dude Productions. The second best mag out there is Huntin Fool. I wouldn't spend a buck on Muley Crazy.
F'dude, how much for a subscription?
I already have both eastmans, I am leaning towards either trophy hunter or muley crazy.
Thanks for the info

That John Denver is full of $#!t man

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