Best GPS for Hunting

Ticks N Tines

Very Active Member
Anybody have any recommendations on a great GPS unit for hunting? I know most will work for all our hunting needs, I just need some help choosing a great unit.
I would HIGHLY recommend the Garmin Rino's... Not only are they a great GPS, you can do a lot of editing on the computer... But they are also a hogh powered radio. A regular motorola radio puts out 1/2 watt of power, the Rino's put out 5!!! I have been far down in a canyon and had a buddy in a canyon a couple of ridges over and we could still hear each other fine. You can also poll their position. Which means you can send a request to see where they are and it will show up on your GPS. They are a really great tool for scouting, I link mine to my computer when I get home and then I check it out in Google Earth...Its awesome!!!


It's all about the good times...
I'm not too technical but these things are as complex as you want to make them.. Very easy to use the basic functions and then if you are computer savy enought to use some of the other options it is that much better. I LOVE the option to see where your other party memebers are at. This feature had helped me many a time to try and push game to my partners based on their lacation on the Rhino.

Just learn how to turn the backlight on BEFORE you are lost in the Uintahs at 2 a.m.!!
Rinos are great. I have a 130 I bought several years ago. Best feature that they do not all have is the electronic compass worth the extra few dollars.

I have the Gamrin MAP60Cx. I think the MAP60 serise are the same as the Rinos with out the radio. I use my MAP60Cx for everything. I have even mark grave sights for Memorial day on my GPS. If you get Garmins Map source softwre to go with it you can download all your ways points into different catigories and keep it as a running history. It will amaze you just how much you can learn about animal movement by keeping a running histroy of where you see animals while scouting.

I just bought my second Garmin 12.
I like mine simple. 1 button waypoint mark. Goto button. I don't need maps. Waypoints upload and down load to any and all the software I use, UsaPhotomaps, Google earth, ArcGis.
Garmin Rino's.
120 if on a budget.
130 if you can afford it.
They have got to be one of the best things we have ever bought for hunting.
Then pitch in with your buddies and get the Map Source topo map program for the computer.
You wont regret these purchases

Rino 120 was $207 delivered when I bought mine a couple years ago
If you can, get the 530, it has a better range for the 2-ways, and puts out a lot more power when transmitting. And its in COLOR, it may not seem like that big of a deal, but when you have a few different tracks on your screen, it is nice to be able to tell them apart.
+1 on Map Source... Its worth it...

It's all about the good times...
I have a very simple GPS with no mapping function.

Question that will help me and maybe others. Do the maps you can upload on a rhino show land use (blm, private, nat forest, etc)?

If not I assume you can add your own boundaries to show private?

Sure would be handy in some of the blm country interspersed with little pockets of private.
I have the garmins, buddy has a delorme PN20 - maps are better - software is better - GPS acquires same time. PN 20 I would say.
I use an e-trex. For 99 bucks you cant beat it. alot of waypoints to store and I just need to get out of where i get myself into without trouble, it is inexpensive accurate and dependable it has never failed me. I dont know whay one would spend so much more on the rhino unless its the radio thing I do like that feature.
Its definetly the radio thing. The "peer to peer" function is awesome. I can keep track of my hunting buddies at all times without even talking to them (polling). Shows thier location on the map. You can tranfer waypoints back and forth at the push of a button. This works real good to get help to the gut pile. LOL

I always had a radio and a GPS, so why not have an all in one that has some really sweet features.
I have also used it a ton snowmobiling. Installed speakers and a mic in my helmet. Maps and communication. Cant beat that.

I have had Magellan and Garmins and Buddies have had others. I have yet to see any of them have maps that are any better than the topo's that you load into the Rino's
(my opinion)
Ok, I think i'm sold on the Rino.
Now which model should I get? Is the 530 worth the money? I can get it on for about $314 after rebate. What do you think?
I would go with the 530HCX or if you want to skimp a few bucks the 520HCX. Make sure whichever model you choose its an "HCX". If you hunt with friends try to convince them to buy one as well. You wont regret it. I orginally had a Rino 120, the newer model has a MUCH greater range and worth every dollar. Also you and your friends can split the cost of the mapping software. I paid 340 from, so that is a good price.
I have two rino 530 and love them. Its great that you know where your buddys are at all times and its easy to meet up without having to try and explain to your friend that your sitting next to a big rock with two trees on the right of it in the second canyon from the top.
I have a 520HCX and my buddy has a 530HCX (main difference is his has the digital compass) and I wouldn't be without them! Local Cabela's had a smoking deal on the Rhino 520 HCX's last year and Garmin offered a $50.00 rebate on top of it. Think I ended up paying $225.00 with tax and all.
They use 3 AA batteries.

It really depends on how you use it. If you talk alot on it and if you run the GPS all the time it cuts the life out of the batteries.
Anyway, with that said its not that bad.
I run mine from sun up til sunset with GPS running and keeping in touch with my buddies on the hour. I can get a whole day and sometimes into the next morning on the 3 AA's.
I made the investment in NiCd batteries with the 110v home and 12v car charger. 110v charging is always the best charge. I have 8 batteries that I rotate. They are a worthy investment if you have alot of gadgets that run on AA's. GPS, radios, camera, Mag lights etc.
WOW........You can get the Rhino 530 on Ebay right now for $274 and Free Shipping! That is less than WallyWorld even with a $50 Rebate ($325).

What a Steal!!

>WOW........You can get the Rhino 530
>on Ebay right now for
>$274 and Free Shipping!
>That is less than WallyWorld
>even with a $50 Rebate
>What a Steal!!

I'll bet they're not the Hcx version for that price....
I think that I'll stick with my MAP60CX. I have gone several days on a set of batteries before the battery meter on my GPS even starts to move. Throw in a set of Motorola two way radios and I can easaly get a weeks worth of use out of each of them on four AA batteries (2 in the GPS and 2 in the radio). Like someone else has already said I bought a set of Nicad batteries for each and throw them on the charger over night when they start running low.

>I'll bet they're not the Hcx
>version for that price....

Nearest I can tell from my search and Garmin's Website, there is only one type of Rino 530 and it is the HCx.

The listing on Ebay does say that it is a Factory Refurbrished model though with same Warranty. Might be worth checkin out. There are also a couple more for about ten bucks more from other listers.

I was mistaken, I found the Rino 530 on the Garmin Website and it is discontinued. So what is the difference between the 530 and the 530HCx? Is it just that one has removeable memory?

Also, I found it for $289 at a WallyWorld search. so if removeable memory is the only difference and it doesn't mean that much to you...there you go.

Sorry about any misinformation..

I bought the original 530 a couple of years ago and it looks like they came out with the HCX now. I couldn't tell you the difference but I really like mine. It'll hold topo mapping for the whole state of UT plus a couple of units in CO and NM. I would recommend it.
Rino 120. My buddy has a only regret is that i didn't buy the highest end model. Having radio and GPS in one unit is efficient...being able to know where your buddies are all the time is also an awesome feature.

You can't go wrong with any Rino model, but if you can afford it buy the best one out there.

Miles (AZ)
6A AZ Bull Muzzy Tag this year :)

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