Best getting even or practical jokes stories?



A lot of us are serious,and a lot of us like to screw around.
Then again some of us seriously screw around, almost to an art/fault: that is if you're giving or receiving.
I thought of posting this from the hunt Expo thread on the small t-shirt post.
I have a couple recent stories:
(1) I went to a nursery/garden store and bought a package of 1000 ladybugs. They stay dormant if left in a fridge. When the time was right I placed the now opened package under the rear seat of a friends crew cab. After he got in the truck and the heater warmed up...well... you get the picture.
(2) Rerouted the windshield washer pump disharge with a small hose through the firewall to the right side of the steering wheel aiming at his nuts (not face, didn't want to cause a wreck).
BTW the 2 stories above are 2 different people and trucks.
Lets hear some of your best or worst.

A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.
Ladybugs, LMAO. I knew of a guy who took extreme pride in his yard. One day while he was a work I called Blue Stakes and had the property marked for digging.

red, blue and yellow looked awsome on his lawn and flower beds.
Way back in the early eighties my father was transferred to a small hick town in SE NM from Tucson. He worked in a warehouse well some redneck decided to play a joke on my dad. My dad was trying to make a name for himself as a hard worker etc and he would be busting his butt trying to get the warehouse clean and this guy would call and when my dad would answer the guy would make a fart sound and just hang up. This happened for over a month then somebody finally told him who it was. So my dad who could gag a maggot with his dumps ate a ton of pizza, jalapenos and drank a ton of beer until he mustarded up a nasty ol dump. He took taco shells and well filled up a dozen of them. Now it gets freaking hot in the summertime 110 to 115. He put the "tacos" in a box and left them out in the heat for a couple of days then he placed that box on the guys desk. That guy never did call up and make fart sounds again.
Here is one my brother in law pulled. A close friend of his father was at the ranch to hunt pheasants. drove his brand new lincoln to the ranch.
while they were in field hunting, my brother in law tied a dead jack rabbit onto the top of the muffler with bailing wire.
After a few days the stink drove Harvey nuts. He took the lincoln into the dealer. they raised it on the rack for a inspection, the mechanic saw the bailing wire wrapped around the muffler, he cut it and pulled, down comes stinking decomposed rabbit and mechanic upchucks his cookies.
My father in law was great for putting limburger cheese on the exhaust manifold under the hood. He would put a jack under the rearend and leave the wheels just touching the ground, but they would spin when you tried to drive off.
That damn small explosive device he wired to my spark plugs really got to me. I though I blew up my new high preformance engine.
I can not believe that I married that farmer's daughter and got into that family of jokers. My wife is as bad as her father was.
I ordered a Mojo Duck from one of the catalogs and had it sent to my work address. The girls that work the front counter decided to play a joke on me and did a little "dress-up" on my Mojo Duck. They made sure it was a "drake". Somehow they managed to fill a condom with padded packing material and attach it to the decoy. They then taped the box shut and placed it under their desk until I came in the next morning. When I arrived the following morning at 4am, I saw a box under the desk and noticed it was addressed to me. Well to my surprize, I surely didn't expect a "Porno-Mojo Drake". They got me... but I got them back.

They didn't come to work until 9am, so I took the duck and put it away in my office. When they showed for work, I acted as if nothing had happened. They finally asked me if I had gotten my package since they hadn't seen it anywhere. I told them that my brother had purchased two of them for me as a birthday gift the night before, so when I found my "unopened" box under the desk, I decided to return it just an hour before they arrived to the sporting goods store where my brother purchased his from. They freaked out. They asked if I had opened the box and I told them I hadn't. They told me what they had done to the decoy and begged me to go back to the store to retrieve the duck. My friend owns the store, so I told them I would call him to have him pull it from the shelf and fix it. I decided to carry it a little bit farther and told them that when I called the store, my friend informed me that he had already sold that duck just minutes before to a customer. The girls freaked out and never played a practical joke on me again.


I heard this story on the radio just a couple days ago, they were talking about getting even stories.

A high school girl was mad at another high school girl & fellow teammate so she took her shampoo bottle out of her locker emptied it and then re-filled it with hair remover! :eek:


i know a guy who put skunk pee cover scent into a neighbors air conditioning unit during the middle of summer after everybody left for work for the day.. :) they deserved it!!!!!
many years ago i remember a bar story or campfire story about a guy who didnt like his neighbor and shot a deer before or after season and hung it in his neighbors garage then called fish and game...i always thought that was a crazy get back or get even story. if its true or not i dont know. but that just takes the cake.
A old gentleman I knew years ago was a jokester and a story teller so I can't tell you if this story is true or not but in over 20 years I haven't forgotten it. He was in his early 20?s in the Navy out at sea. Back then their johns/toilet stalls had sea water pumped in one side of a row of stalls and dumped out the other end. He said he sat in the upstream lead stall for a long time reading an old newspaper, once all the stalls filled up sailors he waded the newspaper up and set it on fire. He could hear each sailor scream as the newspaper went under each of them. They way he told it had me crying on the floor.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-24-09 AT 07:37AM (MST)[p]GREAT THINKING BIGFLY! - Nothing like turning the tables on the joker! Funny

OK NMELK - that is the NASTIEST story I have ever heard - way more nasty than anything I have ever posted!


Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Call around to a plastic supply place and see if they have those tiny little styrofoam BBs. Buy some, most places will only sell you a 50 gallon drum or so at a minium.

I did that once and put some in the heater ducts of a coworkers car...she had been stealing my food. She told me that years later, after she sold it to her sister, that the BBs were still there.
I've posted this before.

A good friend sold a suburban to a coworker. I had sold the sub to my friend a year or so prior.

He allowed the guy to make 2 payments but the guy was a dirtbag druggie and refused to pay the last $500.

Some months go by and I find a key in my junk drawer.

We take 6 Emden geese, a case of cantalope, some squash, and watermellons.......and 3 packages of exlax.....and lock them in the suburban for 2 days and one night.

I got a ton of these revenge stories.....I LIKE IT!
My motto, for years, has been, "Don't get pissed, get even"....there is way less stress and a lot more giggles!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-24-09 AT 08:51AM (MST)[p]Take some tape and wrap it aroung the trigger on the sink sprayer next to your kitchen faucet. Next time the water gets turned on someone will get an surprise.

If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?
For our christmas party My brother-in-law killed one of his Hefer Bulls. I needed a good White Elephant gift so we cut the balls off and wrapped them up. A friends wife was the lucky winner and when she opened it she freaked out. About an hour later I got the crazy idea to put them under a friends seat. It took him about three weeks to find it but when he did there were alot of bad words flying my way.
Many years a far away galazy...

those that have been in the Navy and Sea Duty Marines will know what im talking about and the rest of you I may have to explain it to but...

Onboard some naval vessels the urinals are made out of brass ( make a pretty good conductor)and right below them there is a metal grate that you stand on...well if you hook up a + electrical wire to the urinal...and the - to the grate, when someone who has ever played a practical joke on you takes a piss they complete the circuit...

only do this to those people you want to bruise from nipples to knee's.

Not that I ever did this to any Chief's that irritated me mind you.
When I was on my mission, one of the other missionarys shut off all our celing fans and put flour on all the fins, when my companion and I walk in first thing we notice is how muggy it is(Australia), my comp looks over and says "hey the fans are off", and then proceeds to turn them all on needless to say it was like ten minutes before we could see each other across the room. My pay back was simple I went to there apartment sh/t on one of there cookie sheets and stuck it in there oven at 100 degrees, it was just like makin terd jerky. It simmered for a couple hours before they got back it was bringin the paint off the walls.
"When I was on my mission....."

That is good payback and very funny.....I like it.

The SERIOUSLY funny part is that you were a Missionary.......That is WAY funny.....I like it also.
We ran a wire from a guys low beam headlights to his horn. He took off with the lights on high beam. Every time a car was coming at him and he dimmed the lights, the horn blarred. He ended up driving home with his lights off.

Statute of limitations isn't up on the funniest ones...

That reminds me of another one. I asked a supervisor at work to give us some help with some tasks on a jobsite. He said he was to busy and didn't want to get dirty. He left for lunch. We were about 100 miles from the shop and I knew he was staying the night and the next day out of town. I wired the back-up beeper on his truck to his brake lights. It took him 2 days to notice it, when he was at a stop light in downtown Seattle.
I died laughing at him with him having fit he had back at the shop.

A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.
Since the statue of limitations has run out on this one, I will tell you one that happen in my rookie days as a deputy sheriff.
I was on graveyard patrol and my partner was a senior deputy that had served as a green beret in Viet Nam.
About 3:00 AM our patrol Sgt. called for us to meet him at the airport that was was located in BFE in the county.
We met up with him and was standing outside the patrol units talking. All of a sudden there was what appeared to be two muzzle flashes and two loud bangs about 25 yards distance in the dark area of some old storage buildings.
I drew my S&W model 57 in the time you take to blink an eye.
My partner looked at the Sgt. and stated, I told you he would react like a trooper and not freeze as most rookies do.
I knew I had been had when I heard that. I looked at the Sgt. and stated "watch this" as I took aim at the area where the flashes came from and sent two high velocity 41 mags down range about 10 feet high.
The Sgt. looked at me and asked why I did that. I replied that your partner down there is now eating dirt and cleaning his shorts after hearing those rounds buzz above his head.
Sgt. grins real big and tells me that he does not have a partner with him that night and he had placed the fuse of two large fire crackers in a lit ciggarette knowing they would go off in about 4-5 minutes after he saw us driving up.
Some how the word got around to not screw with me that I would shoot first and ask questions later. They left this rookie along after that. I also got even with that Sgt. about 3 months later.


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