Best cold carryable food for hunting


Active Member
What do you guys like to carry in your pack for meals. Not wanting to heat anything, but not wanting to go back to camp to eat I don't want to eat a sandwich for every meal and I am not wanting to snack on trail mix and jerky every meal either. Give me some more ideas other than a ham or PB&J sandwich. Thanks for the input.

Power bars, candy bars, salami, Ramen (eat it dry),.... use you're imagination


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Bagels (good pack food, light and won't get crushed), spam, fruit in a plastic cup, red bull, cheese, cream cheese, oysters, etc...
>What do you guys like to
>carry in your pack for
>meals. Not wanting to
>heat anything, but not wanting
>to go back to camp
>to eat I don't want
>to eat a sandwich for
>every meal and I am
>not wanting to snack on
>trail mix and jerky every
>meal either. Give me
>some more ideas other than
>a ham or PB&J sandwich.
> Thanks for the input.

wow that leaves out everything good.

Tuna and or salmon in the foil packs. Add a bagel or crackers. Good source of protein and carbs.

[Font][Font color = "green"]Here's my signature. It's green so no one will think I am actually saying something related to this post.
Vienna sausages. Buy the ones that are canned in bbq sauce. They taste mighty fine in the back country!
Spagettios, hard salami and crackers w/cheese, how about a mountain house?

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling
up anyway."
LAST EDITED ON Oct-16-11 AT 08:46PM (MST)[p]For life support, according to history and some logic. Boring but light and robust.

jerky for protein

crackers for carbs

dried fruit for Vit. C and sweets

Some say, not me, a human can do very well for months on this diet. I figure if you throw in some nuts you'd have it whipped.

What do I carry: Twinkies, Snickers, Diet Coke, M&Ms, and other bad things.

Anything rolled up in a tortilla...scrambled egg, cut up sausage and potatoes with peppers and onions...mmm mmmm good about 10 am.
Nothin' says a good time in the back country like a canned shell fish! Mmmm, Mmmm, gag! Talk about a recipe for disaster. I eat a lot of sea food. But when I'm hours from the nearest help, the last thing I want is a tummy ache. PB sammy, tato chips in platic butter containers, a can or three of DC, power bars/cliff bars, runners goo/blocks...but for extended stay dehydrated everything. Then, hope you can find some water to purify. Or go some bugs, grass, tree bark. Good luck.
A stream cold Beer after a good hunt can't be beat.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
>Baby wipes are better than

Ha Ha Kilo! You are right! I never leave home without them lol......
LAST EDITED ON Oct-17-11 AT 03:34PM (MST)[p]My wife gets after me every time I go. She says I don't take enough, but I give her the same answer every time...."i'm going to hunt, not to eat". I've hunted for days on bologna, granola bars and water. I usually lose weight too though.
Brain/woody: I've never tried TP or baby wipes. Do you eat them before or after you used them. They've just never have looked that tasty.

Hey Lumpy,

You eat and sooner or later you will be needing one of the items mentioned.....LOL

>Hey Lumpy,
>You eat and sooner or later
>you will be needing one
>of the items mentioned.....LOL

Just be certain to inspect his hands be greating him. Just in case...

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling
up anyway."

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