best binos for spotting



I am looking to buy some new binos for spotting and was wondering what would be the best out there.
Depends on the terrain but I would recomend the 15x56 swarovski's. Best binos on the market I believe.
Swarovski's have better eye cups, are brighter during low light conditions and have alot better warranty than leica. Leica makes some good stuff but the duivoids do not have the same quality as the swarovskis.
LAST EDITED ON May-10-07 AT 08:45PM (MST)[p]hmmmm seems im not the only one who likes the Leicas. were not talking warranty or eye cups, were talking glass and my preference are the Leicas. i also prefer the eye cups on the Leics hence making them my choice.

yes swaros are a tiny bit brighter in low light, but not enough to make a difference in a hunting situtation. i have actually compared them side by side at low light = actual on hand experience.
When you talk about Leica, Swarovski and Zeiss it all comes down to personal preference. They are all great glass. Hell, I've had many people tell me that they can't tell a difference between my swaro's and thier Tasco's or Simmons or Nikon's or whatever they owne. What matters is that YOU are happy with your glass. fatrooster.

Moosie agreed with you on the leicas.

I have also glassed through the leica duivoid 10/15x50, swarovski 15x56, zeiss 15x45 and the older 15x60 zeiss. The zeiss do not stand up near the swarovksi and leica without a dought. Also the swarovskis have a much better warranty than the leica. Also you have a larger exit pupil with the swarovskis. Even though it does not seem like a major amount every little bit matters when it comes to glassing all day!
agreed, the zeiss are a little below what they need to be... but not too bad for being 20 or so years old. i have never looked through the Zeiss 15x45, but can imgine they cn be lil iffy with the 45mm obj. the swaros are brighter in low light then the Duovids, but not enough to make a difference in a hunting situtation unless the buck is glassed up within shooting distance, but with most scopes having 40 mm obj, i doubt you would be able to shoot the deer/elk/what ever anyways. also, when i looked through Tylers Swaros, i noticed a white "haze" at the bottom of the glass at low light that was not present in the Duovids. for the bang for my buck, i am going with the duovvids... at 10 year wrranty on a demo pair of binos that cost less than the swaros is good enough for me! hell, within 10 years im sure there will be something leaps and bounds better!
Im just looking for something that is light to pack all day and can see things really clearly.
If weight is a major concern then the Zeiss 15x45 is the way to go. Optically it is a great glass but at dawn and dusk it will fail against the brighter Swaro and Leica

If there is anything else that I can assist you with please let me know.
Camera Land
[email protected]
The liecas are nice but do not have the field of view the swaros do.

Better maybe to carry one set than a pair of 10's and a pair of 15's.......

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