Best Antelope Units in WY.


Active Member
Just wondering what some of your thoughts are on the best unit/units in WY for a chance at a book buck. My dad and I have been putting in for 58 the past couple years. We deer hunted that unit a few years ago and saw a ton of antelope, as you do anywhere in WY, but did see a few book bucks. The odds of drawing the unit aren't the greatest, and I've heard there are better units out there.

Any of you hunted lopes in WY recently, with any suggestions?


B/C antelope come from all over the state. If you saw a few in that area, seems to me a good place to hunt if you are looking for that caliber animal. The odds are not good in most high end areas in the state.
as far as record book antelope go. Area 57, 93, 60, 61, 58 all in southwest wyoming and all have terrible draw odds. Area 75 is good as well which is between casper and shoshoni. there are other good units that I didn't list but these are the best

Pick up the latest issue of Eastman's as he has his "Best" for Wyoming in it. That's if you want to follow his advice.

Idunno about the 'best', as HiMtn says, book bucks are in most areas. In my travels lately I've seen real nice bucks in 114, 115, 20 on the mountain, 27 and even 23 has bigguns on private.
I reckon 15"+ would be considered 'nice' up here.
For a non-res, it is a choice, it seems, between 'hard to draw' and 'is there accessible land to hunt there?' that makes the area to apply for a bit of a gut-choice. At least with 'lopes, any choice is capable of yielding a good one.
A 90" net goat came off public land near Casper in 05 and it isn't any of the area's mentioned. If the drought wasn't a factor, most area's in the state have book head potential. I'll let dickheads like Garth and Eastman ruin the odds for the rest of us...
IMO, remoteness and/or inaccessability have a lot to do with the quality of the antelope hunting. Draw a tag in a hard-to-draw area and do some searching in some out of the way spots that offer water and you are likely to see a good buck or two. Likewise, inaccessable country (private ground or land-locked public)can produce some big ones, too, even though the draw odds may be quite good. I have driven through areas like this, and have seen some monsters just off the highway, w/ not a care or worry in the world. Here, it may be a matter of forking over a few hundred for access.
My cuz hunted 58 last year. lots of lopers in the mid 70's and a few upper 70's. No monsters seen in 3 days. Shot a 80 incher with a broken prong finally. Tough odds for the best units unless you get lucky or have access to private.

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