Best aftermarket bowstring?


Very Active Member
Im going to have to replace my fuse bowstring that came with my Hoyt Trykon and was wondering what kind of luck has been had with aftermarket bowstrings.
I have shot winners choice strings for quite a while and they have served me well. You do still have to wax them! (I know you know that but a lot of guys don't think they have to wax their strings.)
They don't stretch after you get about 50-100 shots through them and everything seats. Just put a twist or two on your string and cables as needed and your set for a long time.
You can also check on Vapor trails strings and Carters archery, both have excellent services. I have used Bucknasty strings and they were great. Check on for bucknasty strings. Vaportrails has a neat color chart that lets you see how different colors will look together.
Another vote for Weiners Choice.
the winners choice strings are good strings but not as good as they used to be. the original guy who made these strings took on some busness parters and they voted against him to make a cheaper and less quality of string so he sold the rest of his shares to the other partners and started his own company i cant remember the name right now but will get back to you tomarrow about it.

moseley middleton
I also shoot WinnersChoice. They are pre stretched , so no they will not stretch after 50-100 shots. I always wax my string, it only helps the longevity of lifespan in the string and wax does not hamper performance , i.e. , speed or stretch.
NMhuntnut1 so what you're telling us is that if you install your peep and shoot it right out of the bag you have never had a put a twist in it to align your peep? I think you'll find that what I'm telling you is right on, in fact WC recommends 15-20 shots before installing your peep just to let the string seat now why would they do that Hmmm. Now if you shoot the 20- 50 shots then put your peep on I can believe that you more than likely didn't have to make any adjustments. I can certainly tell you from experience that if you ask any archery shop owner that has installed them if they have had to repress a customers bow after installing one to align the peep you're going to find that it's way more common than you think. It's a GREAT product but the string loosens up in the bag as the fibers relax and shipping vibrates them, even though they have that trusty little paper clip holding them. If you picked one up right off the assembly line and put it on a bow, you'd more than likely be correct.
WC strings will stretch right out of the package. dont let anyone tell you otherwise. make sure you shoot about 20 shots before setting your peep, then set peep, then shoot 20-50 more before you leave your pro shop.

WC strings used to be the best, but Tom Neely has started his own company, and I assure you Tom is more consistently making a better string. I say more consistently, because WC has people making strings that don't even shoot a bow! With all that said, I ordered myself a WC string the other day. I certainly am not a good enough archer to notice the difference in my shot, so I went with the cheaper of the two.

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