Best 4-wheeler for Wilderness?


Long Time Member
Hey everyone, I have access to the Yolla Bolly Wilderness (here in Kali) through a private ranch.

No chance the forest ranger will catch me because there is no other access.

Should I use a 4-wheeler or a motorcycle to get around in the Wilderness?

It seems a motorcycle would work better on the trails.

But a 4-wheeler would be best to pack out that big buck when I get it.

Your thoughts?


P.S. It's a secret, don't get mad at me, I'm just trying to see if BOBCATBESS is still lurking around here. Shhhhhh!
Oh c'mon eel. Everyone knows that with the proper suspension and tires no wilderness is more than the belcher can handle. :) Why leave the climate controlled cabin behind? You're gonna have to do better than that to get the cat back I'm afraid.

I think for that type of terrain your gonna want a 6x6 minimum so you can really bite in. Also, I'd look around for one with the Chute Plane option.
Eel, the best thing I ever used was a mini one man blimp. They are quiet stealthy and you just shoot your buck from the air. Perfect. Jim
My bud got his backhoe in there last year. They not only made a great spot to camp, they diverted a small summer steelhead stream, filled a garbage bag with all the smoked fish, and hauled out 5 yds of killer pay dirt gravels.

As far as which wheeler? If you used the road he built, you could take in a 18 wheeler j/k

Bess uses a ATV to haul his chute plane and 50 BMG around in. The chute plane is used to run the game off the private land and he uses the BMG to take all his shots over 1,000 yards..........Hopefully he doesn't see this.
yes BOBCATBESS has a garage FULL of quads!
had everyone fooled good!!
anyway back to your wilderness means of transportation....
Cat D11!


Bess makes REAL tune ups on all ATVs he finds,he can't stand them not running perfectly.It takes away hunting time but it leaves him with that warm fuzzy feeling.....
Bess proof version, with built in security system and the ability to call in air strikes...Tune this ya old cat...

LOL! If you guys can't flush him out I don't think there is much hope.

My bud went up the other day, in preperation for our hunt.

don't worry about the cat he busy looking for minimoosie and slam...(he found out he's a gay lion, maybe! sorta!)


Just take some spare parts in case Bobcat shows up for a high mountain tune-up.
I like the road option then I can take my trailer too.

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