Best 4 point antelope unit?


Active Member
My son has 4 antelope points and is wanting to shoot one next year. Any suggestions on what unit would be the most fun hunt for him. The closer to Utah the better. Thanks
LAST EDITED ON Sep-26-13 AT 03:48PM (MST)[p]I've not hunted in WY yet, but I have been doing some homework on points and units to help me out when I am able to hunt a lope there. I could be totally off base, but according to my research, the closest 4 point units from the UT boarder would be 100, 93 and 90 (depending on type 1 or 2 hunt in 90). The closest 3 point units would be 99 and 88. If your son wants to wait one more year for that fifth point it would open up most of the units in the SW corner of WY including 94, 98, 89, 96, 92,91 and 107. Units 95, 59 and 112 take 6 points and 57, 58, 60, 61, 62 and 64 take 7 or better. All this is based on the current information on the WY GF website. The additional fee applications may provide an opportunity to be drawn in one of these units with less points, but not always.

Do some homework of your own on success rates, trophy or not bucks, Public vs. private land access, trespass fees, etc.

I plan on hunting WY next year or the year after depending on other hunt options I have or unless I get extreemly lucky and draw a rare lope tag in my home state.

Hope this helps or at least gets you started.


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