Best 10x42's under $400


Very Active Member
The title says it all.....Been hunting for years with a pretty crappy pair of BSA 10x42's and since I've updated and upgraded most of my other gear. Sold some other used gear and now I've got $400 burnin a whole in my pocket. I depend on my binos quite a bit as I dont carry a spotter but I do carry a monopod with a bino adapter. Any help would be great....Thanks, Ryan
Nikon Monarch ATBs

Eagle Ranger SRTs

for a few bucks more, you can look at Vortex Vipers (ED glass)
How about some of Pentax's mid range glass? I know alot of guys like their high end stuff. How do they compare to Nikon?
Another vote for NIKON Monarchs 10X42's. Can't beat the Nikon warranty.

Another quality optic would be the Zeiss Diafun's 10X30. They are clear, lighweight and just as bright as other 42mm's.

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